Stay on your containment board and stop posting your MAGA rubbish on our board. It's not entertaining.
Go Away!
Which board?
Make me, fuckboi
get out you pathetic weeaboo
>posting that literal ponyfag redditor
If it's /u/ or Sup Forums, then I don't know where you're seeing any of it.
Also please don't post worst girl like that.
>literally the worst girl
Kill yourself nigger.
>He doesn't like the purest form of love
Does your family know how much a disappointment you are?
/c/ you're lousing up our threads.
And Nico best girl.
I see pol stuff on r9k constantly, and if anyone points this out the pol defence force come out straight away and you get about 100 replies.
Pol is funny but I don't want to see nigger hate thread 12778778 wherever I go.
>Implying their containment board isn't being raided right now
Holy shit. You posted literally the worst girl.
I don't know why maki loves that disgusting trogladite.
anime was a mistake
how about no
ps. nya is worst girl
>I don't know why maki loves that disgusting trogladite.
Well apparently Maki doesn't have shit taste, like you.
I know this is a poorly disguised request, so here.
>He likes a girl with a trash personality, voice, and hairstyle
At least Rin is cute. Nico is literally an annoying little flat cunt again. Probably doesn't even believe in santa.
I prefer this to the shoddy hat edit.
You're nuts. Twintails are the best hairstyle. Nico's got a fun personality and would playfully tease you.
Do you even Trumpwave?
Posting superior girl
Twin tails are the worst hairstyle. Best hair is beautiful umi hair. Best personality and hair color and voice belongs to maki.
Such a pure, sweet girl.
I still can't help but to love nikomaki.
moar superior
Fuck off back to Israel, shill.
There is no need to be upset
nico-nii is kinda shit
Luckily all Sup Forumsshit gets banned within minutes on /jp/, one of the only times I'm grateful for its nazi moderation
You can't ask them to stop because they don't understand why what they are doing is bad
Fucking weeabos
Stop posting your weeb shit on non weeb bopards
You're lucky. Our moderation blows. Several have been lousing up perfectly good threads with these silly edits. They're not cute, they don't belong on our board. It's basically defacing
perfectly good pics with your candidate who will never win.
Then grand me a boon and stay off our board.
Shut up faggot
Found the nigger
Fuck off. This is a website made for chinese cartoons. Dont complain about seeing weebshit.
Evr1 post ur weeb shit XD Anime otaku sushi bento box amirite??
>Stay on your containment board
Speak for yourself, Takeshi.
Fuck off you gay nigger. Nigger hate is older than this iteration of Sup Forums
Are you talking about
Because those grills are pretty qt, doesn't look like it's inappropriate for the board
That doesn't justify polluting weeb boards with your unfunny MAGA hat shit
mhhhh senpai
I like your repeating digits... ~
Hey if its pics of anime chicks it actually does fuckwit
Umi best love live. She wont marry you gaijin because traditional.
You're spamming our boards with your politically motivated edited images. It does not add anything to /c/, which is a board exclusively for sharing cute images. Nobody wants those edits, nobody saves them. You're taking space that could be used to post relevant images.
Maki a best. Umi a close second.
>On a website made for weaboos by a weaboo
They aren't a contribution in any way
You just take an existing image and photoshop a hat into it, using up part of the image limit
Most of the time the fags doing it don't even know the name of the character they are posting
You're spamming our boards with your weeb shit filled images. It does not add anything to Sup Forums, which is a board exclusively for discussing politics. Nobody wants that shit, nobody saves them. You're taking space that could be used to post relevant images.
Its more relevent to /c/ than it is to Sup Forums. The hat is just a fucking hat and theres tons of swastika edits, whats the difference? That you dont like it? Fuck off with your self entitled sensabilities.
like what, beady anglo eyes or bbc?
>th-they did it so we can do it!
What kind of logic is this
Be the bigger man
>Doesnt get the irony of the logic hes mocking
God you weebs are retards.
being the bigger man leads to your death, one has to be MORE ruthless than enemy to survive.
stupid burgers i swear to god.
Nice argument