>Marijuana remains a schedule 1 drug, because it has NO medicinal value
>Marijuana remains a schedule 1 drug, because it has NO medicinal value
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eating lego has no medicinal value
Let's make it a schedule 1 drug
Do you see how this works?
Id prefer weed stays illegal but that's a flat out lie.
Why does marijuana upset you? Because people who smoke it annoy you?
Eating legos doesn't make you retarded.
Smoking weed does.
Do you see how... woah the back of my hand has a new line man.
Good, its a nice default way to keep the niggers going to prison where they belong
Kike DEA just want to continue to cash in on arresting potheads and weed dealers instead of having to take down the more difficult targets.
>fail troll
you don't see how this works
I am disappoint
L o L
But I'm pretty sure it does have medical value
It's going to be glorious when the recreational and medical distributors are convicted and executed under federal law.
Stoners btfo
Grow up you fucking children
It should be legalized to be quite honest with you gentlemen. I've never smoked it, just doesn't seem right to prohibit it
Its low hanging fruit busting pot smokers. Easy to pad the stats that way.
you're a fool. this is literally the only way to get niggers before they do something violent.
Fuck off statist pigs. The drug war is immoral
Fuckng degenerates BLOW THE FUCK OUT.
Don't you guys see?
Weed is already so easily available, the fact that it's illegal obviously doesn't cure the degenerate stoner meme. Why not make it legal, so that we can just ruin these faggots by giving them as much as they want, while the rest of us can dabble once in a blue moon for a bit of fun?
Why do you hate freedom?
This will never happen.
Haha Reddit fucking blown the fuck out. Get fucked potheads
But it doesn't have medicinal value. At least nothing that can't be extracted
But you guys told me the wacky tabacky cures death
Federal gubment being as useless as ever.
Because they're aspie basement dwellers.
And yet killing the unborn is legal
> Why do you hate degeneracy ?
science is dead
Based. Potheads are the most obnixious disgusting "people" in the world even worse than niggers
>Eating legos doesn't make you retarded.
stop and think about that sentence again.
Abortion is next. Fuck these dumb sluts they can go to Canada and get abortions and we'll build a HUGE WALL before they get back.
>Don't you guys see?
>Assault rifles are already so easily available, the fact that they're scary obviously doesn't cure the Second Amendment meme. Why not make it not illegal, so that we can just let these faggots enjoy and protect themselves by giving them as much as they want, while the rest of us can dabble once in a blue moon for a bit of fun?
Question: How sensible would it be to legalize it after the wall is built, taxing the living fuck out it and locking up anyone that tries to get weed from other countries in?
Gonna have to annex Canada then
It DOES have a medicinal use. It works wonders as an anti seizure medication. Particularly the chemical CBD, which can be taken in a gel tab. "Medically Accepted Use" is a fucking scam. Once upon a time it was medically acceptable to classify gays and transgenders as mentally ill.
Point being this shit grows from the ground and should be regulated about as much as a fucking tomato plant.
Anybody else in Colorado? Marijuana is literally the least of our concerns, in fact we pull in a shitload of tax revenue from it. Fuck the Feds.
Kind of like alcoholics right? You have once in a blue moon drinkers than you have your nightly/daily drinkers. Applies same to weed.
There will be a big happening next year in Canada.....a big WEED happening LMAOOO
We want to keep gun prices down.
Got any more "arguments"?
Yeah let's keep propping up the heroin trade by handing out oxy like they're M&Ms
Fuck off statist.
Just because you don't like people who do it doesn't mean it should be illegal.
I hate me a stoner hippie but he has a right to be a stoner hippie.
Crime is higher among individuals who smoke pot it's literally that simple
OMG what Sup Forums has become
a haven for tight assed omega christian conservatives
kill yourselves authoritarians mongrels
>Once upon a time it was medically acceptable to classify gays and transgenders as mentally ill
SOON once upon a time will be once upon AGAIN
>Implying the DEA has no vested interest in keeping laws vilifying a plant that people use regardless of their laws.
>Implying that whatever alcohols medical use isnt completely offset by deaths from, and crimes committed under the influence.
>Implying pot is equal to methamphetamine as far as danger goes.
Christ, im not pot shill, but this is a business plan, not a plan based on the right thing to do.
>browsing Sup Forums in any state of sobriety
ok, kid
>Prosecutors: Colorado sees increase in homicides motivated by marijuana
>In Colorado, about 20 percent of 2014 traffic fatalities involved drivers who tested positive for cannabis
>.At Monfort Elementary School, four 10-year-olds were caught buying and selling edible candy bars they stole from their grandparents in April 2014
>In just one year when Colorado legalized marijuana (2013), past month marijuana use among those ages 12 to 17 years increased 6.6 percent
>Pot-Positive Traffic Fatalities Up 100% in Colorado
>you retards never realize that banning assault rifles isn't going to solve anything, criminals will still get them on the black market
>weed? That stuff needs to be prohibited, nothing good about it we need to keep pounding on it
Power order > freedoms liberties
burn in hell disgusting degenerate. may you and the drug addled masses forever live in poverty and misery
My mom has PTSD and weed helps her out a lot
Good thing most states don't give a fuck about federal laws, am i rite?
Subtle bait.
I feel like weed gets a bad rap on here due to the high number of kids that probably weren't very cool, so they took out their anger on the cool kids.
B-but WEEEEEEED lmao
Who said anything about M&Ms?
I for one would rather not buy a pack of pre-rolled schwag joints for $100+ because taxes
It's worth it brah. Safety < Freedom. This is America like it or get out etc.
>teenagers being retarded as usual
>it must be weed
Although I believe it should be legalized, I fucking hate those fags that say there has been zero deaths attributed to marijuana. No shit, it's the after effects that people go through and they go drive or something.
who said i used weed? just saying a fact about freedoms
Yes send us your single mom sluts
>Since 2012, marijuana related emergency room visits and hospitalizations have increased 83 percent in Colorado and are largely due to over consumption of marijuana edibles
>Legal marijuana drawing homeless to Colorado
Weed legalisation has been an unmitigated disaster. Weed must be criminalised again and laws must be strictly enforced
I want Trump to come out as DUDE WEED LMAO to get votes. It would be glorious.
Alcoholics cause far more crime. In ten yeaars of LE i have never seen anyone causing trouble on weed alone. Liquor should remain illegal but you fucking baby boomers had to break the law until it became legal
>Muh freedumbs
Not an argument
Are you sure you didn't digest any Lego recently?
Why did I even bother responding to you?
Yeah man, it totally doesn't cause a bunch of subjective effects (because of the fact it's natural and not man-made and directly effects our whole mind, rather than physically altering chemicals) that are totally hard to document, so let's just say there is absolutely no medical benefit from it and keep ruining 20% of all youth's life when they get caught for spending their money, how they want, in a victimless crime. That's totally sound and reasonable and not a police state at all. I mean, the War on Drugs (tm) totally isn't a A WAR ON FUCKING DRUGS AS IF THAT MAKES MOTHERFUCKING SENSE. VICTIM
Why aren't users criminals again?
Oh right, that would ruin drug dealing market.
It's because a bunch of retards moved to Colorado for weed. It would be okay if this happened nationally.
I'm moving to canada to get closer to trudeau
Their livelihood depend on catching people using or selling illegal substances. And weed is a big part of illegal drug market they police.
What would happen to DEA funding If weed is legalized?
They'll make fine harem for your future Syrian friends.
>Once upon a time it was medically acceptable to classify gays and transgenders as mentally ill.
I still think transgingers should be classified as mentally ill.
I'm sure glad we still have the benefits tobacco gives us.
>no medicinal value
>already being used as medicine
>The 1# thing that keeps niggers behind bars where they belong
>Some Sup Forumsacks are against this
He already has.
>tfw you realize you share Sup Forums with literal degenerate druggies
fuck off to your fucking burning shipwreck of a country Gyronigger
Not exactly. He just said he's okay with medical marijuana.
Yet another unless agency doing all it can to justify its existance
>used as medicine
Yeah bro don't forget THC kills cancer cells!!!!!11111111 but THEY are hiding the truth it's all a huge conspiracy bro!!!
>>ITT fatshit neckbeards who are dumber than stoners think weed should be illegal
top kek
Normal people dont eat lego.
Ban it
Snail eater here has the right idea. And some pleasant matching digits to boot.
Get fucked druggies
In other news Hillary Clinton is planning to take away even more rights!
Aren't you excited, OP?
As an authoritarian you should have a boner due to the fact that she's going to outlaw guns and take away your right to free speech.
What came first: The retard, or the lego?
Pot stays in your system for a month. Those drivers could have been sober for a week and still tested positive. It means nothing.
*tips fedora*
I guess if you enjoy feeding negroes while they go to crime school...
>smoke 3 weeks ago
>get t boned by drunk driver
>get blamed cause weed in system
Went to a beach house party a bussy invited me to, was supposed to be a real rager. He invited about 40 people, including some Koreaan students from his college whom were studying abroad.
Well when the party got started, we ended up setting the smoke alarms off with how much we were smoking - yet the Koreans wouldnt smoke at all. They said they were drug tested for the study program but I dont buy it...
Why are Asians so turned off by pot? I believe itd do them a great deal of good, and they traditionally dont have any opposition to it, only when USA started influencing your political landscape...
I highly recommend you try cannabis, my Kim-chi fueled nigga
>Eating legos doesn't make you retarded.
America is retarded so nobody gives a shit. It does have medicinal value, deal w/ it
I'll smoke a fat blunt, then blow you the fuck out on any standardized test. Maybe do some bong rips during the test for effect? Yeah, that sounds like fun.
>said the Greek
I love these pathetic LEO shill threads and the mindless groveling cucks that post in them. The pseudomasculine tough-guy posturing and authoritarian language never manages to mask their underlying desire to be dominated by the government bull. They need the government to coddle and protect them because they're either too weak to compete in the animated contest of liberty, or are psychotic enough that they can't image good-natured people, or are too incompetent to imagine others being able to manage their own affairs without the histrionic hover-mother of big government to shelter them from the beautiful storm that is freedom.
These types aren't cucked by misfortune, they beg and plead for it -- and then they have the gall to go on a Transylvania carpet weaving forum and call the kettle a nigger. Pathetic.