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To some degree, this is true.
does this mean I can pull the race card?
Nigger in this comment section on this picture has to be trolling
Successful in passing her genes down, yes.
If you have a very wide definition of every words, any sentence can be true to some degree.
Here is another example : you just need to redefine "successful" to suit your narrative.
where is the dad?
Where some degree is a degree in community college.
Passing your memes down is what matters.
>some nigger anthropologist group somewhere literally believes this
Oh ... MY
Has anyone ever called these retards out, or do yall just take screenshots and post them on Ukrainian belly-dancing forums?
My troll Instagram account. Slowly growing it with more pictures of "oh my" guy
No one really takes these people seriously but themselves.
Can someone please prove me to me i'm not related to these monkeys at all? It's extremely depressing if true
Same can be said for the amoeba. Nice try.
too bad moors arent black. I hate when niggers claim north africans like Hannibal as there own.
That guy does the best weird faces.
Yes, but they don't care about the facts. They have their own "facts"
What? Women don't carry Y chromosomes....
This makes me want to murder blacks.
>Leading statistic in crime
That literally makes no sense.
>The 1936 Olympics
>There's a man who (((THESE PEOPLE))) convinced us was a Madman!
damn this is like therapy for my autism
thank you
"leading stastic in crime"
>implying blacks wouldn't die that far north due to vitamin deficiencies.
>Iberians were Black
I couldn't help but chuckle at the retardation of these people.
You do know like 90% of them are made up to troll Sup Forums right?
I wouldn't be so sure about that
keksimus maximus. this cannot be real gtfo
what the fuck i can't even
Triumph of internationalism
Jap, kraut, leaf and burgers working together
Makes me warm inside
Something that strikes me with these "X was black" claims, even the less crazy ones, that aren't troll pics is the complete lack of any sort of "evidence".
Even the most whacked-out hollow-earth, 9/11 or chemtrails conspiracy theorist (some of which actual have some sort of higher education) present some form of chart, statistic or calculation, flawed as they may be, when they present their idea, but blacks just make a statement and that's it. I suppose it just shows how their community any sort of academic traditions.
Facts are rayciss
Die in ignorance.
White superiority. Is that why the Jews own you? Why are you debt slaves in your own country oh superior ones? This is hilarious.....
it must suck to be black and be angry all the time. It's like being Jamarcus Russell while everyone else is tom Brady. Even the Mexicans.
She's just angry because black men don't want black women.
In fact, no one wants black women.
no its not the only way this this is true is if you think neantherthales are black
The Niggers are Nazis too? Is there anything they *aren't*?
Who's next?
>yall even rape animals
the only reason we have aids is because black people fucked chimps
They are literally too stupid to have evolved this far
Why are they so obsessed with how white people smell when they're wet? Especially when niggers smell pretty much all the time. I've never heard this before this thread.
They aren't white cis gendered middle class Americans......
>This fucking thread
There is a common ancestor for all races, the nigger line just devolved while the rest evolved.
The only people who smell worse than them are Indians who literally shit in the street.
>What is mutation and how do I gibmedat
And Jesus was tanned. What does it matter?
a black woman interbred with neanderthals to create the european race
that means neanderthals have have the same claim to the civilized world as black, but can take no claim to the sub saharans
whats so advanced about them again?
As a Molecular Biologist, I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that there are no subgroups or subspecies among humans.
Race is collection of superficial traits prescribed by society.
This is basic scientific fact, people.
I sincerely hope you're all just trolling for lulz.
Then tell us why blacks are stupider than all other races and why they have higher crime than anyone else.
It matters because people are taught blacks have never done anything, but the fact is they're responsible for most great achievements
Anyone else stoked when they see black men in real pictures with kids over the age of 5?
memes aside i am given faith in humanity when people break the negative molds of their people
Why do we have different skulls
Why are we susceptible to different diseases
why am I biting this bait ?
>but the fact is they're responsible for most great achievements
obviously intelligence and predisposition to crime are just superficial traits, and that because society tells roodies they are stupid and commit crime, that is what they do.
This is basic scientific fact, as that user stated.
Where do you guys find this shit
social medias?
Shut up Monsoon.
"Wacismann"? Holy shit. I never even knew.
why does they always make smelly niggers then
Since dark and and brown eyes is dominant, a black woman may have DNA from all over the world hidden, an when foreign genes are introduced it may activate some of those bits of DNA, hence give birth to a white baby.
This one fucking killed me
Australia with a desperate attempt to win back the shitposting throne from Canada
"Spiritually woke" Instagram accounts are a treasure trove of WE WUZ [practically everything of historical significance]
These are the results of social, political, and cultural pretexts. You cannot measure human behavior with the same acuity and precision that you can the speed of light in a vacuum or the amount of energy it takes to heat a cubic centimeter of water by 1 degree centigrade.
You also can't predict human behavior under laboratory conditions in a way that can be readily duplicated by any experimenter.
Lastly, some behavioral scientists have found evidence that IQ may be linked to the motivation of the subject.
One could argue that a population that has suffered such historic oppression might not do so well on standardized tests. One could also argue that various cultures learn DIFFERENTLY than others. So what motivates YOU to ponder might not motivate an sub-Saharan bushman.
Moreover, who's to say that IQ is such a desirable trait among humans? What about immune response? Fertility? Reproductive success? The latter three are far more desirable traits, biologically speaking, than learning aptitude.
What good is your precious IQ when you can be outbred and out-populated?
These are entirely superficial traits. If two humans mate, you get another human.
>CAPTCHA: Pasta and noodles
>One could argue that a population that has suffered such historic oppression might not do so well on standardized tests
Irish do fine on tests. Its just blacks.
Thank god for human evolution then.
no neander in there, so no
>Irish do fine on tests. Its just blacks.
>"These are the results of social, political, and cultural pretexts."
Its so sad and so funny.
And? Irish were abused and enslaved to about the same extent as blacks.
You fail to understand that IQ tests are not absolute measurements of human behavior. They're not. Just ask any behavioral scientist.
Real evolution doesn't give two shits about what you learned on Star Trek.
If your genes aren't there five hundred years later, then you failed.
And what about the rampant crime statistics?
And the fact that Africa is nothing but mud huts and war?
This is entirely correct. However white is not a race. Caucasian is.
Caucasians and Caucasian mixes are about half the worlds population and control far more than half the land mass. Its a Caucasian planet that we live on.