Sup Forums when the fuck are we going to secede from these retarded countries?

Sup Forums when the fuck are we going to secede from these retarded countries?





Have fun when Alaska secedes from liberal lala land and you're left with nothing but gooks, faggots and A FUCKING TREE. it would be like canada, but worse

Build a wall

This would probably be the biggest leftist shithole on earth

Yes it would be, it would be the worst idea ever. It would give birth to hyper liberal mouth pieces, worse than what we have already. No thank you.

from Oregon to alaska

There's already a significant nonwhite population(especially in the youth) In Washington/Oregon. That part of Canada is basically new China.

Oregon fag here, this would be a socialist shithole no way.

>Mfw when Portland is the whitest city in the U.S

Drop this shit you fucking nerds. Ain't never gonna happen nor should it.

The big cities are liberal as fuck here, I'll give you that - but everyone outside the city is redpilled. I see hillary for prison signs all over the place. Anyone who doesnt like it could go back to shitty USA or shitty Canada, we don't want them anyway

C-can Marin county join?

We can keep our guns while shillary ruins the rest of America

Oh in the US I would not doubt it for a second that places outside of big cities are redpilled. Canada not so much, it is tough to find a location where one can openly express conservative values without being labeled the big three "Sexist, Racist, Homophobic" I would not want noble families from the US have to put up with that kind of BS.

Alaska is also pretty freaking based.

New England is the whitest area overall, and it's on the side that faces Europe.

yeah Alaska is awesome. there's a reason I'm okay with bringing them along

In Cascadia, Trump could rule for as long as we want

Going there was one of the best trips of my life. I recommend all conservatives have a look at Alaska, it has huge gun possession, but extremely low crime. I always use it as an example when people argue that guns are the cause of gun crime. It doesn't explain Alaska's situation one bit.

>mfw trump leads the cascadian secession movement after his 8 years as president