What did I miss?

I just came back from a trip from another country, 10 days without Internet, 10 days without you faggots. So what did I miss?

Trump saying Obama started ISIS is a good start.

Trump general too, I guess

Trump said someone should shoot Hillary, he ordered a crying baby out of his rally, he took a purple heart of veteran, insulted the family of a dead soldiers, apologized for saying we were sending money to Iran, but later said the same thing, advocated trickle down economics, has a team of economic advisors who are all billionaire oligarchs, and advocated using nuclear weapons three times.

To summarize:
He lost the election.

Again, I had no internet so can I see the sources? If it's true, I'd like to see for myself.

No he was talking about Sup Forums. Some shills came and invaded, people praised Kek in response, funny memes were posted and unfunny one were created, and people complained about blacks.

>I had no internet so can I see the sources?

It's called google. Literally all information is at the tip of your fingers.

Why are cannadians chilling so hard?

google it you lazy fuck

John Oliver and the other establishment comedians have accurately covered the events fairly well.

As you should be able to tell from these responses, Sup Forums's being invaded by shills.

That's what you missed.