>work for dnc
Work for dnc
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Still waiting on name and validation. Looks like just bullshit right now.
Dont know how I only found this today. Granted, I havent been coming here lately due to sickening Hill shills.
People keep dropping dead. It's an epidemic.
I'm really having a hard time handling this level of happening and staying deactivated.
>hello to the ASA if deactivated was today's secret word
Where's the DNC connection?
I know, just trying to plant the seed in the shills brains
Just rumors at this point, the id of the two dead haven't been released yet, but this is definitely something to keep tabs on.
The ATF doesn't usually show up to residential 'natural gas explosions'
Perhaps terrorists failing chemistry?
Perhaps meth-heads had a workplace accident?
what the fuck is going on
bump for interest.
The fuck is ATF doing there?
>explosives and fire investigation
It was an explosion and fire, Jim.
Man you are such a retard.
Explosions in DC, I wonder
>meth heads
Dea also shows up
t. Drugstaffel
So there will be no leaks...
wtf i hate natural gas now
Nvm lads, I chimped out, turns out they're just overfunded and nosey in everything.
I wonder how CTR shills feel about this, it seems the younger people, Bernie supporters most likely, are dropping like flies. If Hillary doesn't know exactly who is the leaker she's going to target anyone under 30 who supported Sanders or O'Malley, those will be the first people she'd suspect of having a motive.
This is gettin slid hard
That site does not look very reliable and when I search up Sean Lucas bernie sanders no previous record of this guy comes up
I can confidently tell you the ASA would not use a polysyllabic word as their secret word.
Maybe you should think twice about what you post on Sup Forums.
Bad year to be a lefty
wtf gas is alright now
I look forward to seeing no coverage anywhere of this event which once again shows massive instability within the Democratic party.
Gotta make Hillary look good AT ALL COSTS. Who gives a shit how shamelessly fucked up her whole operation is?
Make sure you put a cover sheet on that TPS report about the downtrend in kek worship, Mr. FBI
Probably just a coincidence
>Work for Hillary
>Accidental death
Doesn't add up lads.
Leave it to the trusted leaf poster to sort shit out
You in pic
Her closet is practically overflowing with skeletons at this point.
It's only a matter of time before they all come crashing down.
Bump. It's real. USA today reporting on it. This is why Reddit is down.
Hillary suicide when?
alcohol. tobaco. firearms.
wow you tools, which one of those three sounds like
keep sucking that authority dick, kiddos
>theres a skeleton inside you right now
>CTR is in co tril of social media
>R3ddit is down right now
>Coincidentally a DNC staffer gets blown the fuck up
>Coincidentally this news will not be heard
You guys seeing the connection? (Reddit = Hillary controlled)
Or am I tinfoil?
From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
FBI officials asked Justice Department to investigate Clinton Foundation’s relationship with State Department, but agency declined: report
Report: Democratic party hack was wider than believed
>Or am I tinfoil?
You're definitely tinfoil. But that doesn't mean you can't be right.
don't let it know about the horrors of comnunism
what's this retards problem?
really makes you think
your ass is grass shills, you should already know this
This is very unsettling. The fact that there's been little media coverage of this makes me even more suspicious.
>tfw you're a DNC staffer
>yfw you realize she's purging the democratic party of bernouts
you guys are crazy paranoid. IF there was some conspiracy to kill people who knew to much or were going rogue or whatever, they wouldn't be doing it this openly. How can you guys believe there is some conspiracy here? If even you retards can see it going on then everyone else could see it too, for fucks sake these are pretty horrific deaths that even warrant news articles. If there really was organized killings going on, they'd be done in secret with all details accounted for. The victims would have gone on "vacation" and left notices to their families. Their bodies would never be recovered. These are literally all accidents, any idiot can see that.
There is no conspiracy to take these people out, you're all paranoid fucks with no lives. Give it up already, Trump isn't going to win. Making this seem like a crazy conspiracy makes you all look weak and pathetic.
are you dead
Why have Trumpucks resorted to making fake news stories like this?
Not sure if you're being serious or not but it's the ATFE now.
you do realize that we are the only ones who know right?
>The victims would have gone on "vacation" and left notices to their families. Their bodies would never be recovered
thats what they want u to think
>tfw DNC hitman
>tfw dont get Saturdays off, only Sundays, and then sometimes only
>shit benefits
>brutal hours
>constantly get told how i have it better than a female hitwoman
making your internet shill fund go from $6m to $50m and making the news become even more biased to the point of unwatchability at all times when you're supposedly winning seems weak and pathetic
Their official name is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
wow you tool, which one of those sounds like
keep sucking that black dick, mohammed
Ted looks good with a beard.
Are these actually confirmed or is everybody just copypasting without looking for sources
Of course they are checked. Now we have to add 2 new guys to the picture.
Anyone know the name of the apartment complex? Trying to figure out where exactly this happened.
>The victims would have gone on "vacation" and left notices to their families. Their bodies would never be recovered
That would have been even more suspicious. At least when they call it a "suicide" or "robbery gone wrong" people will buy it. The suspicion comes from a whole bunch of people connected to one prominent individual dying over decades.
Well atleast you own a gun to protect yourself ;^)
Plenty of brown people outside of such after the explosion, if that helps.
Which he protects himself with by shooting himself in the back of the head 5 times, after getting blown up in a gas explosion, which happened moments after getting stabbed by a thief in the street 200 times that didn't take steal anything from him
Do you realize that 99% of people believe the "accident" or "robbery" story put out in the news and we are some of the very few people that actually think otherwise? Even when many people die in very strange and questionable manners?
They don't need to overthink their murders. They rely on the apathy and gullability of the average American. They don't need to book tickets to Burma and have some elaborate back story and all that nonsense you just said. They just need a hitman and 4 bullets to the back and to the head.
At what point to they become the enemy?
Somebody needs to stop this cunt.
arstechnia, also owned by Conde Nast has gotten so bad I started getting my tech news elsewhere.
A reasonable comment that doesn't support the Hildebeast gets lots of downvotes, While shitty posts that are anti-Trump or pro-Hillary gets lots of upvotes.
Could just be shills, but they seem to jump on the Russian boogyman thing even though it's a tech site.
Related?: Discussion on ribbit was shut down after the gay nightclub shootings so the narrative could be controlled.
When it gets hung out on the clothesline with all the other dirty laundry.
whole thoroughfares of social contact and mainstream communication have been completely compromised, hell, when are we up on the chopping block of privatized publicism?
This isn't Hollywood. The good guy doesn't always win and the bad guy (girl) doesn't always get caught.
Most of these sources are shit. Trumpfags create fake happenings so much I literally don't give a shit anymore.
It almost seems like a shill tactic. The kid of cried wolf tier shit.
Moloch needed more sacrifices
If you faggots don't do anything when Hillary takes office you're going to surpass Canada as Sup Forums's laughing stock.
(((natural gas explosion)))
Ever read Plato's Republic?
>Postal Inspectors
Can some american explain all these redundant agencies if the FBI also investigates gun trafficking, drug dealers and mail crimes?
Police have identified who they believe to be the bomber as "Samuel Hyde"
He just... keeps getting away with it.
It literally says explosive investigation on the truck
>Trumpfags create fake happenings
I doubt it's actually Trumpfags.
>Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'
>Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.
He can't keep getting away with it!
vvyou guys are crazy paranoid. IF there was some conspiracy to kill people who knew to much or were going rogue or whatever, they wouldn't be doing it this openly. How can you guys believe there is some conspiracy here? If even you retards can see it going on then everyone else could see it too, for fucks sake these are pretty horrific deaths that even warrant news articles. If there really was organized killings going on, they'd be done in secret with all details accounted for. The victims would have gone on "vacation" and left notices to their families. Their bodies would never be recovered. These are literally all accidents, any idiot can see that.
There is no conspiracy to take these people out, you're all paranoid fucks with no lives. Give it up already, Trump isn't going to win. Making this seem like a crazy conspiracy makes you all look weak and pathetic.
You have seen too many movies son.
The FBI has too many duties and can't do everything. Although the ATF is objectively useless.
How do you shoot and kill an explosion?
Guess Hillary has an explosive personality after all.
Not an argument.