Hi Sup Forums! I just came form Reddit!

I've heard great things about this place from some redditors about the quality of the posts here. I've heard they are quite funny and sometimes insightful. So now that Reddit is down, I'm wondering if you guys would be willing to take in Redfugees - Or Reddit Refugees!

haha So you guys should show me around. This seems like the most popular forum. So please leave your replies in the comments section. Hope you enjoy the newbies & are very caring of the newcomers to this website!

Fuck off, nigger.

Gas the kikes race war now.
welcome to Sup Forums

Welcome to Sup Forums friend! Sup Forums is a board of peace, please don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.

>I've heard great things about this place from some redditors about the quality of the posts here
Definitive proof redditors are retarded niggers.

Haha hey dude/dudette!
Seems like we're in the same boat :p
This place seems fun so far

Fuck off faggot


You'll have to convert or go back

So reddit got hacked or what

Do you like CTR shitposts?

We got a lot of those.


H*ck off plebbitor, we're full

Glad to have you


Reddit's down atm. Emergency maintenance for something.

Naturally they decide to come and shit up our board.

Hello kind stranger.

babbys first troll

You need to leave.

Fake and gay.

Gas the kikes.

Sup Forums is satire.

wtf i hate trump now

Here's a beginners guide to Sup Forums, all in infograph from!

Obvious b8 but here's a (you) in case you're dumb enough to make a thread like this, just lurk and read statistics

Get the fuck off cunt.
Go watch Leafy or whatever stupid fucking shit you do when your circle-jerking shithole is down.

I'm also from Reddit, and I'm bringing a few more of my friends who have been on this planet for over 35 years, with a penis, and still claim to not be male.

Yeah, you ain't fooling me with your bait

As for the rest of you c'mon, this is clearly bait, Sup Forums is better than this.

Hello fellow redditor I'm /u/Kira

I come from /r/politics movies video games and football

I came to discuss what other sides think of the presidential race and though I think that Donald J Trump is not qualified to be POTUS I think he is being treated unfairly in news sources like CNN

Also Hillary R Clinton may have some good ideas but she is a horrible candidate

I would love to gain knowledge of the matter and discuss politics with everyone here!



Reddit goes down right as Sup Forums gets the confirmation Obama created ISIS... Total coincidence, guys

I don't care what anyone says, I fucking love this picture desu


If if if if if if if if we, if we fall for, you know, a bunch of...
just because it it, you know it it uh...
it it it sounds funny, or the posts are...
then we're not gonna build on the threads we have started


We are a board of PEACE!


Leave. This place is a total echochamber for Trumpfags who excessively call anyone a shill for disagreeing with their retarded clown candidate.

Hey. Can you please tell me how do I buy a Gold account? Is it the "Sup Forums pass" ?

you are clearly trolling.

you are female.

You obviously fell for it.

yes we love reddit and share their same libertarian anarcho-socialist ideals. Welcome!

Lol, ha ha. Dude. That is the funniest image I have seen all day. Have an upboat my friend. And some jew gold

Fresh off the boat from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It’s survival of the fittest and you ain’t gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don’t upboat. You don’t downboat. This ain’t reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don’t think you’re all that familiar with. You don’t like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don’t tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I’m a judge.. this place…. this place has a lot to offer… heh you’ll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it..

This isn't just bait any longer is it. These fuckers are serious. Time go find my gore folder


You wont have fun without a Sup Forums gold account. Pm me for information on how to get Sup Forums gold.

obviously troll post

but pretty good one OP

> you are clearly trolling

um.... how?


>All these people replying to a fake newfag

Check out the Archive and take a good look at any Syria General (easily the best thing to come out of this era), Book Thread, or Movie Thread.
Sometimes there are good international comparisons where anons show what breakfast is like in their country or something.

I literally posted that OP's post was bait, how could I have fallen for it?

You're an hero.

The maples powers of deduction are spot on again I see.

>all these people replying about people replying to a fake newfag.

>implying Reddit isn't down

You've come to the right place m8.

>dat flag

You still posted in the thread. Bait threads like these are just meant to get you to post. I do it all the time. By posting, even if you call it bait, you still did what the OP wanted.

you should kick rocks too you lisping faggot.

>post yfw the newfags aren't using tor and are gonna get v&


Isn't that Germany's flag?

>refugee is


Kys Nigger

Faggoty shill detected.

this forum is fun i just haven't figured out yet how to make an account or upvote comments xD

enjoy fag

This board is so overrun with Summerfags and shills we should just take it out back and put it out of its misery like Ol' Yeller.



Kill yourself



Aren't these redditfuggees wonderful enriching our culture!

hahah ebin post :DDD

Yeah but at least I can warn everyone else this is a bait thread

Not that it fucking matters since people are gonna reply anyways, dammit why am I on this thread in the first place, I'm literally wasting my time.

Here you will learn the truth, my friend.

>you log on directly via CIA m8


Me too!

EDIT: Thanks for the gold xDD

If you believe in the Holocaust or race equality then you should fuck off immediately

Hi Quebec! When did you get your own flag on Sup Forums?


[This post requires a Sup Forums Gold™ account to view.]

You're on Sup Forums. Your time wasn't that important to begin with.



You should have listened. Guards! Help! Trespasser!"

Welcome brother

Thanks for correcting le record!


I went from PC to a mac though

3rd times the charm ?

>1 id by this post

[This post requires a Sup Forums Gold™ account to view.]

Fucking normies go home REEEEEE

I think the lack of that arrow will eventually make you sperg out.

hows bernie lately?

Since canadians entered the Great Shitposting War

hahahaha hey /u/Shadow01!!! welcome to Sup Forums hahaha its a really funny place!!1 with a lot of dank memes

upboat for you my fellow critical thinking human being!!

Well hi everyone, this place seems pretty neat but a lot of your are really rude and seem kind of racist. Bet you're all a bunch of Donald Trump supporters too, right? LOL! This is so silly here.