RISK Thread cont
hola senor
im done here OP, thanks for hosting :^)
i tried to fix the gambia thing... sorry bro
Take green and red Spain defend northern Italy
Take Moroccan Spain, then attack light green
Take Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Spills reinforce all my north Europe lands.
Fill caucus and northern russia
defend, fill north central russia and fill neutral, reinforce if more
ill take over
attack The Christendom
take 1 t in egypt, libya, morrocco and algeria
rest into pushing through Egypt into Israel
so the way that worked out... well i guess you know what happen...
We're allies, if you need to split it and take my spills to africa instead.
Take Brittany next round
do you attack cleon?
This... Just divide the lands... Georgia wich is +1 for me and Azer wich is +1 for him.
Spills reinforce my lands. Armenia for wathever, doesn't have any bonus
Double 77s wew
God is with me in my next conquest
And Portugal? I mean, come on you have most of North Africa
Digits prove God hates isolationists
I need Portugal to spread Christianity
you are both in portugal and center north spain... worth this out i guess in the next round and let me know
The representative of Rome isn't spreading it enough?
I just need access to Portugal to invade Iceland
Eat my pudding bin laden
remove nigs while filling for bonuses there at the same time.
Attack Christendom
Retake holy land
are cool with me having removed you from central north russia?
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
defend>fill neutral and reinforce
just gunna throw this out there OP but theres a "cannot invade more than 3 countries" rule.
A rule that Gambia and Aryans are both breaking here...
especially the new Gambia
Fill that French region in currently in
reinforce Rome region
Take the Iberian island through Sicily
What do you mean?
You can take Portugal since I got those islands.
Oh nevermind I see, that's alright OP.
fair point.... christendom will recieve the bonus for eguypt and the holy land this round
we are nap and you were in some of that top center russia and i was 1T in the east... you took east and i took center... that was how we rolled anyway
Invade Poland and Germany.
What kind of Christian is the Christiendom? You revere Jerusalem as holy land so I assume Catholic
You should attack orange in France btw.
Also requesting my allied to break his nap and join the war in Europe... European lands are better than Africans.
welp I'm going to have to end our NAP Vikings.
break alliance and ally with me?
2v1 in Africa and 2v1 in Europe sounds fair to me
>attack orange with a bonus like that
Is it possible?
yes, we will end NAP, and start a new glorious Alliance!
im attacking noone
Yeah... If we don't stop him now, he will BTFO all of us with the bonus later.
Welcome to Gambia, my friend.
Oh... Why did I trust the eternal anglo again?
I never learn :(
Before Gambia and Blue say anything
The rule says you cant attack but 3 regions, and gambia was in 5 or 6 so i fixed this in the bonuses for this round and then reapplied so the rules are being more closely followed in that regard
Byzantine failed invasion of Germany.
Iceland and Vikings yet to attack anyone.
>it was just a prank bros hehehee
Invade turkey, syria, egypt.
Rip me the Aryans are too strong
Take over Egypt
Defend the attack of Aryans.
Invade Iran & Iraq
Israel instead of egypt
defend>attack Cleon in France, then northern Italy, spill into unreinforced byz or more cleon
The future is orange and blue.
Fill Portugal
Reinforce Italy
Forgot to change my alliance status.
Pali, spill into Normandy
Does anyone have the not dumbed down version of this map?
Retake the rest of Algeria and Libya then Attack Mali
>This is the dumbed down version
How complex do you want it F A M
We must try and fight off the vikings
you had to fill egypt first is the reason bro... 3 region rule
defend, attack byzantium without attacking aryan through turkey and into europe
Push back Byzantines. Slaughter every single one of them. They shall forgotten in the new age.
Defend Aryans attack, spills invade Poland
Take back Italy
Defend Italy
Retake Israel, attack Egypt.
5D Pali!
Does the new age involve Christians?
No, Vikings are pagans and the Aryans (Persians) are either pagans or Muslims
2 minute warning for iceland and gambia
also if anyone want lime
take Israel
defend egypt
If that is your desire then yes it can!
spill libya
The three christian nations can take the regions around the Mediterranean, Aryans and Vikings can have everything else.
shit is going down
>Implying they will agreed to that.
game is coming to a close.
take over Libya and jordan
fill turkmenistan, defend and reinforce
it closes with turkmenistan
Conquer the arabian peninsula, spill into egypt.
Defend >Retake Turkey.
ok will allow this
I will penetrate you from every direction.
Invade Israel from Lebanon. Invade Gambia in West africa