When will the systemic extermination of whites in South Africa officially start?
When will the systemic extermination of whites in South Africa officially start?
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What the fuck did the niggers do to these people?!
probably nig nogs trying to rob them, even if they are defenseless they feel the need to almost murder them.
I guess machete and metal bars.
All white mercenary army when?
Our people need protection.
People with common sense have been leaving South Africa with every opportunity they can get - that place is a shithole now.
Many of the whites who are staying there suffer from a crippling case of white guilt. They think they're responsible for atoning their ancestors actions.
Unless its a dedicated, fanatical army to purge and then colonize, it won't do any good
>those people
I'm all for stopping it and all but honestly what did they expect deciding to live in a continent full of niggers.
The irony for the whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe is that:
The closer you are to danger the further you are from harm.
The problem is not that they are being attacked the problem is they are not defending themselves.
They could be using this to their advantage something wicked but, alas, because of how cucked we've become as a people they aren't.
Why would you move to Europe where you are monitored and there is increasing Sharia Law, terrorism, rapefugees etc whereas you could stay in Africa and fly under the radar a bit? There's a number of things that could be being done which aren't.
Here's a start. GTFO out their country! GTFO out of their continent! It's called AFRICA. You are in niggerville. They don't like you there as much as we don't like them here.
If South africa is so horrible why don't they go back to europe?
I thought Sup Forums supported racial nationalism
This tbfh
whites aren't allowed in Europe anymore
Is there anyway to help white Africans?
if those whites come to america does that make them african americans?
>white Africans
discretion is the better part of valor. leave, then invade en masse, divvy up the continent into spheres of influence (US, China, Russia maybe some others). Kill 95% of the natives and use the remaining 5% for resource extraction. Ideally Africa would be a giant bio-preserve mostly undeveloped with some mining of rare material here and there. Unfortunately the natives will just eat everything locust like and then fan out (already happening in Europe)
>it won't do any good
It will if the price is right
Many of them don't want to flee a country that their ancestors have lived in for four centuries. Also many Afrikaaners in particular are in such poverty (thanks to "positive" discrimination in hiring and social safety net access, confiscations of property, and destruction of the economy) that they can't even afford to leave the shithole.
South Africa belongs to Kaffirs in the same way that the United States belongs to Amerindians and Mexicans
There is no such thing as genocide against whites. Genocide is murder + power, and people of color lack the power to commit an act of genocide towards whites.
>she actually believes this