redpill me on Napoleon pol
Tried to play with the big boys and got BTFO.
he was 5'7", average height back in his day
Shot the pyramids with canon balls, causing there to never be another French "man" born again.
He brought hash to France after his expedition to Egypt. He is France's weed man.
Also helped setup the cucked system France is suffering under today.
How did he set up a system like that, or help to set that up?
He took away the revolution from the freemasons and their controllers. He stabilized France, brought order back, made the concordat with the Vatican and shook the foundations of Europe.
Unfortunately, the British had enough cash to fund Austria, Prussia and Russia's war efforts until France was worn down by attrition.
His conquests rapidly spread liberalism which toppled European monarchies, to put it shortly.
He was Italian not French
Even though this is quite common knowledge even during the period people still for some reason called him French
>Hold wave under wave of eternal anglo slaves. >Raised generation of free people.
Defeat at war was just a matter of time.
He kicked your shit in along with the rest of Europe
If it wasn't for the ruskies being kikes you would have been crushed
>He was Italian not French
>Even though this is quite common knowledge even during the period people still for some reason called him French
Because Corsica was a part of France at the time.
Were his conquests in the name of Italy? Which country did he rule?
This is like saying Hitler wasn't german at all but rather austrian.
Genoa sold Corsica to before his birth France. Thus he was french.
Hopefully, no-one else replies to this poorly thought-up bait after this.
So he was kinda the good in the bad?
>Because Corsica was a part of France at the time.
He was literally born six years before the Italians gave it to the French
Both his parents were Italian
Fucker was about as French as Donald Trump is Japanese
u wot m8, we stomped his navy and his allies navies, and the navies of people who might have allied with him, Britain was untouchable after Trafalgar. We only fought in the peninsula because Portugal are our homies.
Literally none of France's great leaders have been French at all
The French are the ants of the European world, they are good followers and nothing else
Greatest Italian general there ever was, conquered France by himself
>He was literally born six years before the Italians gave it to the French
No he wasn't. He was born a year after it became French.
He tried to outjew the Jew and failed.
They pretty much gave it to him I dunno if you would call it conquest
late 18th and early 19th century Liberalism was more "maybe extreme feudalism and oppression ISN'T good?" compared to "cuck your country to death" like it is now
>he kicked your shit in
>navy got btfo
>gave us the silent treatment
>we send the hobbit to an island
>he comes back
>we send him to an island again
>he dies
Not even worth a reply. Burger education at work.
A traitor to the French-Spanish historical alliance. Made us ally with britbongs. Unforgetable.
>Yeah I know, we where allied to the french you are free to laugh.
bad: tried to ally the ottomans
good: killed some brits and did conquests in europe
overall i have a neutral opinion of the guy
"Yeah I know, we where allied to the french you are free to laugh."
>implying you're a valuable ally anyway.
Ok so from what I have gathered he was the good in the bad. He took the revolution from the freemasons but he killed many Europeans.
You've been ruled by frenchmen for the longest time, Diego. It wasn't a spanish-franco alliance but more an alliance between the properties of two frenchmen originating from central France.
Wrong. He crushed liberalism and molded a modern monarchy.
You know nothing frog
Fuck off back to your frozen pond and let the beavers suck your dick
Hitler was a reincarnation of Napoleon. The British realized this and that's why they turned the world against him.
>>we send the hobbit to an island
You didn't do shit.
He considered himself French and was insulted when others suggested he was not.
>le medieval houses name matter xd
he was an Italian who kiked up Europe with freemasonry
>Le being height meme
He was 5'7 faggot
Literally the averagee height of your country until a decade or two ago
Pretty good game but Medieval II is the eternal GOAT.
*credible citation needed*
Average height != not a manlet
5'7 is objectively short lmoa
Well one thing leads to another. It starts with "Let's end feudalism" and next thing you know it is "Let's let infinite niggers and mudslimes fuck us in the ass".
>Wrong. He crushed liberalism and molded a modern monarchy.
If you're gonna say I'm wrong, please post something valid in return.
Yes, he created a monarchy but take a look at his actual policies. Abolishment of slavery, emancipation of jews, etc.
What's that, Juan? Can't handle the fact even your current king is from the House of Bourbon? Where do you think that comes from?
>being ruled by a foreign king
Confirmed for completely and utterly cucked.
">le medieval houses name matter xd
At the time it had a great importance.
Why are you even arguing if you don't take in count the way diplomacy worked at the time ?
fucking retarded spaniard.
Even today in my country that would be considered just normally short nothing special, hell I myself am only barely taller
yeah short but nothing special. If he was 5'5 that would kinda be really short
>Getting this mad about height.
When will they learn??
buddy I'm going to let you in on a secret: 5'7 is really short
The British army was meme tier in the Napoleonic wars
nah, I don't think so.
Medieval diplomacy didn't take into account "nationalities" because that whole concept was invented in the french revolution. You should know this. The titles are just properties. And european monarchies are all interbred.
found the french whaler
Vive la France
This book
Found the anglo loving cuck
“I saw the crown of France laying on the ground, so I picked it up with my sword.”
"Soldiers, your general, called to the throne by the choice of the people, and raised on your shields, has come back to you. Come and join him! I am sprung from the Revolution. I am come to save the people from the slavery into which priests and nobles would plunge them."
Seemed like a pretty cool guy to me.
it literally doesn't fucking matter what you think nigger.
women and management positions are closed by and large to 5'7 people. you look like little kids.
Anglos are literally the master race
"because that whole concept was invented in the french revolution."
Holy jesus, are you now saying that the french revolution invented nationalism ?
what the fuck are you 12 ?
>le french revolution is liberal cancer xd
>le french revolution is nationalist cancer xd
He brought order to France, but started a stupid war.
Deserve respect, but he also deserve to be hated. If he didnt spread the revolutionary ideas the world would be much more traditional today
but it really was, only their fleet was worth something.
Him being short was a meme
A really strong meme that stuck throughout history
lol, Americans
Napoleon did nothing wrong
haha of course dude. Tell that Dave Franco, Kit Harington or Mark Wahlberg
It is short today.
Average height has increased with better nutrition and living conditions in general.
The moment he crowned himself emperor France became an absolute monarchy once again, I don't know where you see any liberalism in this.
he's only fault was being french that's all you need to know
Then by the laws of meme magic, he is indeed short.
He tried to restore some good lost to masons and Jews after the revolution by repackaging kingship.
Remember to take the red pill fully.
Dave Franco is irrelevant and possibly homosexual
Kit Harington and Mark Wahlberg get roasted for being short literally anytime their name gets mentioned and no one respects them.
Being short isn't in relation to average height.
He wasn't French and he spoke French with a bad accent
Not the same guy, but since they lost the French Throne and the only important throne left for them was the Spanish one, they stopped calling themselves dû Bourbon and pickd up the De Borbón name instead. They stopped being foreigners long ago, and, in fact, they have been one of the capital amusement rides of the Spanish Sociopolitical Circus.
he cucked your country incredibly hard
mine aswell
it don't matter
How comes that you hate short people so much? I myself am 5'9 so also not that tall.
They never learn!!!
If you actually studied napoleonic wars you would know that the only reason napoleon was defeated in Waterloo was because of the prussian army and some of his generals
for the second battle, Joseph Bonaparte was a diplomat, not a soldier in any way, and Jean-Baptiste Jourdan was pretty mediocre.
Feudalism in XVIII century?
Even in Russia the serfdom was being slowly dismantled.
Some european countries never had feudalism as well.
It was against monarchism and traditionalism that the french were fighting.
Liberty, equality and fraternity were not traditional ideas.
>example of anglo victory
Yeah. Wellington's army was actually 1/3 british (and I don't mean just english), the rest were germans. Their whole prussian rescue was led by germans. It'd be safer to say germans won that battle.
>Battle of Talavera
>Strategic French victory
He went too far east, should have sticked to western Europe and consolidated our empire there. Austerlitz was our greatest victory, though.
Muh height
Muh wendys frycook job
Muh 160k salary
Muh Dick
Perharps if France didnt had a rightfull monarch
You are little boy
watch this op
If yu arent French you arent a man
>The British army was meme tier in the Napoleonic wars
The British Army isn't the British Navy which was top of it's class in pretty much every respect
Short people are ugly and pollute the gene pool.
>claims the British army was bad
>gets shown numerous examples of the British army effortlessly wiping out the French army
>b-but Napoleon wasn't there so it doesn't count
Feudalism still existed in Hungary in the early 20th century (not in the same way of course) and until 1860 in Russia
>Being short isn't in relation to average height.
The fuck?
Everything is relative.
Someone who was considered rich 1000 years ago didn't have half the material comfort an average American has today, or even better someone who was 5'5 when most people were under lets say 5 would have been considered very tall.
thank you user
It's a woman's nature to reject sub 6ft men. There are even cave paintings depicting this before measurements had been invented.
"""""""numerous examples""""""
yeah, the first one isn't won because of the british army
the second is merely a victory.
stop trolling son.
If Louis was so rightful why did his head get cut off hmmm?
Doesn't seem like rightful rulers lose their heads very often.
He's baiting. You took it.
He was opportunist, but the hearth of his empire was revolutionary/liberal
If he was a traditionalist he would give the crown back to the King.
>Anglos are literally the master race
That is why France has continuously btfo them from centuries?
>Norman conquest of England - Norman/French victory
>Anglo-French War (1213–14) - French victory
>Saintonge War - French Victory
>Anglo-French War (1294–1303) - French victory
>Hundred Years War - French Victory
>Anglo-French War (1496–98) - Anglo allied victory
>Anglo-French War (1512–14) - French victory
>Italian War of 1521–26 - Anglo - Anglo allied victory
>Anglo-French War (1627–29) - French victory
>Anglo-French War (1666–67) - French victory
>Seven Years War - Anglo allied victory
>Anglo-French War (1778–83) - French victory
>War of the First Coalition - French victory
>War of the Second Coalition - French victory
>War of the Third Coalition - French victory
>Peninsular war - Anglo allied victory
>War of the Fourth Coalition - French victory
>War of the Fifth Coalition - French victory
>Hundred days - Anglo allied victory
Anglos are only capable of beating the French, or any army on land if they have a huge coalition at their back to do all of the heavy lifting.