I saw the new episode of Awesome Show at Tim and Eric's show last night. It's pretty good...

I saw the new episode of Awesome Show at Tim and Eric's show last night. It's pretty good. I can answer any questions people have about it. Tim and Eric asked that it be kept a secret but a bunch of sites have already made its existence public so I guess no point it keeping it secret now.

Holy shit, was it good enough for a poke?

Yeah. It was a good episode. Sort of a "greatest hits" episode with a lot of favorite characters/sketches/actors returning.

Is there a whole new season?

No just a special. A new season of Bedtime Stories is coming though. They played half an episode split up between costume changes. That was also good. They said they didn't care if that was kept secret. The whole show is a good time if you're a T&E fan.

Neat. Thanks for sharing, user. I'm stoked to see it.

They said it'll air on adult swim once the tour is done so keep an eye out.

whats it like back in the year 2008?

Feels good. Investing heavily in the housing market. Hoping that works out.

IndieWire words it like there may be an entire Season 6. Did they explicitly say it was a one-off special?


Specifically they said it was a "Season 6 special". No indication of more episodes.

I understand that. Just weird it isn't "reunion special" or "one-off". Season 6 special implies there is a season 6

do they have health insurance?

Sam Hyde was a faggot that couldn't play well with others and is responsible for his own career failing by posting racist shit on Twitter. And that's coming from a guy who is isn't liberal.

Well they never indicated any other episodes were coming. Perhaps they're using this to gauge interest in a season 6.

was it 15 mins? did it have the same intro song? was it a bunch of unrelated bits together, or was there an overarching story? Was it funny?

Im seeing T&E live in seattle augest and im really fucking excited, i saw them with john c reilly in 2015 and it was fucking hilarious. they really make a great live show


Do they add in any Decker?

>was it 15 mins?
I wasn't timing it. It felt like the normal length of an Awesome Show episode.

>did it have the same intro song?

>was it a bunch of unrelated bits together, or was there an overarching story?
There was a story throughout about Tim and Eric both having a martial arts belt ceremony on the same day at the same time at different places and they were competing to get friends to come to their ceremony. There were also unrelated bits in between featuring Spagett, Steve Mahanahan, a Cinco product, B.M. Fahrtz, David Leibe Hart, a karaoke song, Richard Dunn's son, Pierre and maybe some other stuff I forgot about. Flowed like all their other episodes.

>Was it funny?
Yeah. Definitely fan service at times but funny.

No but I think they were selling Decker shirts at the show.

Oh yeah there's a Morning Meditation as well.

Any big guest stars?

Not that I remember.

Tim pls go, nobody cares about tim and eric cuck show


I like it.

user you took the pledge to not post about this on any message boards or facebooks!

13 posters

>28 posts

That ratio makes sense if different posters coming in and ask a question and the same person keeps answering.

Yeah but then other people spilled the beans so I just thought I'd try to help out other fans who were curious. I wouldn't have started this thread if the news hadn't gotten out.

Go back to bed, Tim and Eric. You're washed up.

>I can answer any questions
Why Tim became obsessed with the word 'KEK' (which no one actually uses outside the internet) to the point to get swallowed by the meme and become completely irrelevant?

How is he going to recover from his downfall?

>the word 'KEK' (which no one actually uses outside the internet)
I seriously thought "kek" was supposed to a representation of that small laughing noise that some people make.

Sorry, I don't know why I typed that, I meant KEK

it's the korean "lol" in starcraft. They go "kekekek", and people use it as a substitute for lol like jej or top lel. Kek is also an egyptian frog god that resembles pepe. This led to a stupid meme on Sup Forums about how it's all some prophecy being fulfilled, and that we should all praise kek to get his meme energy.

Is there a word filter in Sup Forums? I meant to fucking type C U C K
Jesus Christ