Whats next in the career of this up-and-coming young actress?
Gal Gadot
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Casting Couch if we're lucky (and she isnt)
praise kek
Wrong side of 30 and has the body of a ferret. Nice face though.
>Whats next in the career of this up-and-coming young actress?
Circus work
She was young ten years ago user
The concentration camp, hopefully.
Although it already looks like she's been in one.
oh please, if Gal fucked you with no strings attached sex, you would already fall in love and try to introduce her to your single mom after the first pump.
More Meet the Joneses bullshit.
dumb wax whore
my dick
What's really funny is that if he's really the internet stereotype you're pretending he is then both would be true.
Is this the daily Gal appreciation station?
slutty neck
slutty toes
Shes a big girl
Scarjo can eat shit. Gadot is our queen Marvel cuck.
ffs user GAL. She's a big GAL.
How is this difficult.
For you
Its hourly motherfucker. Shes /ourqueen/
Its NOT ok, Marlelcucks. This will only hurt ALOT
wow, she even has to wear lifts like hardy, kek
also I love that attempt at making it look like they're in the same plane to make her look taller
Marvelpajeets ITT right now.
>Although it already looks like she's been in one.
>chaim pushing the "you're a marvelcuck if you don't agree with the JIDF" meme this hard
>implying Based Margot would make such a racist anti-Semtiic statement
this is now a Best Margot thread
giv jew gf
This whole "30 is not young" deal is probably the most retarded and juvenile thing ongoing on Sup Forums. Especially when it's in regards to a professional actress or model. Gal Gadot will probably be healthy and outgoing while our fat asses with be dead in the cold ground even if you're 10 years younger than her.
>some bitch with bow legs and Margot
your point?
>he thinks his frumpy whore can compete with our Goddess
>the absolute state of marvelcucks
>tell me more about this "Gal Gadot" and "Scarlett Johansson" that are supposed to be more attractive than me user
Hopefully sitting on my face
>DCuckolds post this picture because they think comparing ScarJo's 9/10 goddess figure to a frumpy 12 year old wearing boyshorts was actually making their case for them
Well Gal for one doesn't have a face that looks like marble. She looks like an actual person and as such comes off as more approachable and attractive.
>being less attractive makes you more attractive
lel kike logic
>marvelcuck's sad attempt at damage control after his pic backfired
ass is for niggers
kikes come from niggers
Margot's DFA is a treat for patrician aryan men
kys potato nigger
None of those statements are true and they all make you look stupid
>This is my first post in the thread
>Ass is not for niggers, white women have always had hourglass figures, ask a Renaissance painter
>Everyone comes from niggers, and kikes aren't any more recent than other whites, it's apparent in historical gene mapping
>DFA probably means Diaper Full Ass in your diseased little social circle, you sad little man
>MCU-IDF think DChads will fall for their subversion
Guys, Gal and Margot are one, dont losten to this guy
>"You'll be hearing from my lawyer about that $60 you owe me"
Looking fake isn't attractive.
>Everyone comes from niggers, and kikes aren't any more recent than other whites, it's apparent in historical gene mapping
that's fucking wrong though
The jews are the descendants of the edomites. Cain laid with the mud people and that's where jews originated. It's in the bible.
>t. chaim
>Aryan beauty looks fake to a Jew
we can all agree that cara is the ugliest capeshit girl though right?
Renaissance paintings were exagerated...
not the one of your mother
>mfw she only made $300,000 from WW while Pine probably made 4 times that.
Not so smart for a jew.
>and kikes aren't any more recent than other whites
>than other whites
Kikes aren't white dumbass
Shorter stubbier and hairier producer/executive cock?
Is Gal Gadot a MTF?
My mother is old, sedentary and fat
"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
What did you think Ashkenazi means?
Dude young kids often got nothing to brag about nowadays other than their youth, like it's some kind of accomplishment or something cuz LOL YOU'RE OLD!!!!!!!!
really, anyone that "ageist" in such an outwardly public fashion is 99%+ likely to have nothing of merit to contribute to the great zeitgeist of..... this place?
>Fucking "existence precedes essence" fanboys, amirite?!
Seriously having a gander at Sartre's cookbook with a tiner of booger sugar might actually do them some good... Key word = might!
Wonder Kinotrilogy of movies, couple of JL movies, probably followed by strong woman typecasting.
Maybe Vin will raise her from the dead in Fast 9 or 10.
>t. jewish mother
Do we ever see her die? I thought she just falls off the plane?
Really makes you think
23 Actors who look absolutely hideous today
Jew nazis or something
just ask a nazi, he'll tell you they're not white
But did they shoot her before throwing her out of the plane?
>Ashkenazi Jew
>Ash Nazi
>Nazi Ash
>Nazi Ash Jew
jesus christ that's a little far even for raimi
it means they'd become nazi collaborators and turn other kikes in, like Soros did for example
milking wonder woman until she's a grandma
I thought you people were convinced the Holocaust never happened, though? Hmm...
The systematic killing nope, the starvation of prisoners of labor camps due to the allies bombing railways yes.
You people?
I'm not following those links, thanks JIDF but you can keep your worms to yourselves
Empty headed fucknut confirmed.
I'll debunk one of those dumb questions:
>Why did the Jews inflate the number of victims when the reparation money paid out by West Germany only account for survivors?
Because inflating the number of deaths granted Jews more political and social capital by making the Holocaust seem worse than it was.
I really wanted her to play Princess Jasmine and Ryan Gosling play Aladdin, just to watch the absolute butthurt.
Why say something so hateful and hurtful such as this?
What is the purpose? Is it chaos you seek? Why?
>The jews are the descendants of the edomites. Cain laid with the mud people and that's where jews originated. It's in the bible.
Try googling the name you're rambling about. The Edomite nation was founded by Edau, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Abraham was a descendant of Adam and was born long after him.
fuck off moralfag
it hurts no one except the retards that deny concentration camps were a thing when the only forgery is the killing
>on Sup Forums
>not getting a Sup Forums meme
>"The Joker wanted to be caught. He wanted me to lock him up in the MCU"
Even the Joker wants to leave the DC universe, he knew kikes would take control of it eventually.
She's genuinely an unattractive ugly ratfaced kike stick insect
Being a DYEL.
Hateful, rat-faced kike.
what are you, gay? i literally thought she's super attractive from that pic. And i think DC is shit and all. But she's cute as fuck when she's not in skelleton mode
post that gif where she dances like a mongoloid
Nobody likes your kin when it's so obvious. She is no Bar Refali who passes as white to the untrained eye.