I work at a bar in Milwaukee called Bar Louie. It's a chain so it's pretty shitty, but Mike shows up from time to time. He always gets really hammered and normally we have to 86 him, but the other night he was acting particularly strange. He came in and was buying everybody rounds. Now, I have to say, this is very much not like him. If anything he's normally trying to scam free drinks off of people. On top of that, he took out some cigars and gave them to a bunch of people. I asked him a couple of times what was up with him that night, but it's kind of loud in there so all I heard was something about "patron." Like he kept saying something like "This is a patron's money," or something. I'm not sure who gave him all that cash, but by the end of the night he was literally, I shit you not, lighting his cigar with a burnt $100 bill. To top it all off, before he left, he literally made it rain. Just to show off. Needless to say, whoever this "patron" is has made Mike very rich!
I work at a bar in Milwaukee called Bar Louie. It's a chain so it's pretty shitty, but Mike shows up from time to time...
Other urls found in this thread:
Source? That's fucked up but it doesn't surprise me
I told you the source was my eyes and ears. If you're ever in the area come to Bar Louie sometime, you're likely to see Mike either very drunk at the bar or passed out in the alley out back.
Patreonfags confirmed BTFO
Somebody post the links!
>only Bar Louie in Milwaukee is right downtown
>implying a seasoned alcoholic like Mike drives 40 minutes from Oak Creek and fumble around trying to find parking in the middle of downtown to get drunk at some shitty chain bar
Write a better story, user.
I'm just telling you what occurs. Maybe other places have banned him. Hell, we almost have.
>being this gullible
This story wasn't even made to be believed it was supposed to be funny
I guess this is a good thread to tell my story.
I'm a student studying film at UWM here in Milwaukee. I started my Freshman year recently and I'm currently in a class on digital media where one of my projects is to research and do a write-up on a particular online film maker. Well somebody in my class mentioned this local YouTube group called Red Letter Media, but he decided to do the project on something else, so I decided to do it on RLM. I had actually never heard of them before, but I really liked their work, and I got lucky enough to meet Mike to give an interview. That student later on told me about this website and mentioned that you guys like RLM, so I figured I'd lurk and give you the details.
Well it was pretty interesting. I shot RLM an E-Mail pretty late at night, like 2:30 in the morning or so. I had been up studying, but I figured I should shoot them an E-Mail since I had just been thinking about it and didn't want to forget. Well lo-and-behold, I get a message back from Mike himself, who said he would love to meet me and gave me an address, which I would later learn was his home address. The weird part about it was that I got the reply only 2 minutes after I sent the original E-Mail, almost like he was just sitting there waiting for me or something.
Anyway, when I got there it was a pretty nice house, I guess. The cool part about it was, and I don't think many fans know this, but Mike is a HUGE history buff, and I mean he is REALLY into it. Especially WWII-era German stuff. He had WWII-era German flags and photos of figures from the time hanging up all over his walls. I even noticed when I went to the bathroom and peeked into his closet (I know it was wrong of me, but I just couldn't stop myself,) that there was a WWII-era German uniform! It was so interesting. The odd part about it was that it smelled really damp and sweaty, like somebody had worn it very recently, but I figured it had just been stored improperly at some point.
Actually, something else interesting. Mike is SUPER religious, which is weird since he doesn't seem the type. In his closet next to that uniform, he also had a lot of long white robes, so I know for sure he wants to be a member of the clergy, or is already. He also had a huge cross laying around. I could tell it was old because it was made from wood and looked like it had been burned or something.
I wish I had more to say about our conversation, but it was actually pretty uninteresting and really unhelpful. I wanted to record our conversation but he said he couldn't. When I asked him why he said because then THEY'LL hear it, and he really emphasized that word. I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Oh you know, the ones with the," and he pointed to his nose. I still have no fucking clue what he meant. I asked him a lot of questions about the history of RLM, how they all work together, what kind of cameras and equipment they use, etc. The problem is he would keep giving me half-answers, and it kept seeming like all he wanted to talk about were crime statistics and the changing of demographics all the time. He also kept mentioning something called "The Bell Curve," I figured it must be a book or something.
At one point during our conversation something happened that really startled me. The whole time we had been talking I had heard Bob Marley music faintly in the background, but I thought his neighbor was having a party. Well, it turns out that somebody else was in the house with us. At first I thought she was crying because she had red eyes, but then I noticed that she was laughing and getting bags of snacks out of the pantry. I also saw smoke coming from the room she was in, which scared me at first because I thought there was a fire, but then I noticed that one of the bags of snacks she was carrying were marshmallows, so I figured she was just making s'mores inside and the fumes irritated her eyes. I don't know how she manages to keep a flame safely in there when the room is so dark except for the blacklights, but I digress.
So after not much help, I finally had to leave. I shook Mike's hand and thanked him, even though he told me practically no new information, and left. He stared at me going to my car and driving away the whole time, which I thought was weird, but hey, I guess he was being polite.
I ended up getting a C.
this is some pretty good pasta, i like it
Mike>Rich>Jay>The Canadians>Jessie>The Wizard>Jack>Gillian
Do NOT post the Patreon links. Those are for Patron eyes only. I won't ask again.
Who? I don't remember this one.
Holy fuck!
This is ultimate betrayal by RLM to their paying audience.
We need to bring this to the attention of the appropriate authorities. This scam must not be allowed to continue.
The only reason I care about new movies coming out is so that Redlettermedia has something to work with. Online criticism is the future of film making.
she's gonna get the goofballs, jay
>trying to find parking in the middle of downtown
you obviously have never been to Milwaukee
imagine expending your time and thought creating gay internet celebrity gossip memes when you could get more internet points by mindlessly shitposting
Weak, man. You could have so easily made this more believable. For example, leave out the repeated 86ing and the passed out behind bar parts.
I gave them $10, why aren't they making more Star Wars videos?
Why aren't they reviewing my Rey actions figures?
They're literally drinking away my savings, oh My GOOOOOOOOOO-
Patreon money can be spent however the fucking artist wants, you creepy lonely loser. Please sign off this page post haste.
I saw Mike Stoklasa at a grocery store in Milwaukee a few weeks ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Neither has OP who wrote the pasta.
saving this thread from page 7 tbqh
Nerd Crew
Best of the Worst
Half in the Bag
all the lies and roleplaying in this thread is bull, but this story right here has an air of truth to it.
i believe this one.
Please delete this comment.
the "electrical infetterence" copypasta is old as balls and applied/modified to all sorts of celebrities, Reddit
I want to caress jays goofballs tbqh
No :^)
i know it's pasta. it's the only noticeable pasta in the thread. my attempt at ironic humor was unsuccessful.
Last time I ran into Mike I nearly lost my life. I swore I would get revenge and train 12 hours every day in preparation for our next encounter. Mike if you're reading this, I'm coming for you.
>I heard was something about "patron." Like he kept saying something like "This is a patron's money," or something. I'm not sure who gave him all that cash
On Sup Forums.
Not knowing what patron is.
Ban e-celeb threads
>doesn't know what patron is
>comes immediately to Sup Forums where rlm is regularly discussed
>yeah wat are patrins xD mike was raping homeless people xD
bump 1
thanks m8
i can confirm that this has just enough details about milwaukee to be true
What? Why would they withhold content? I thought they were my friends, Mike especially.