Jews did 9/11

jews did 9/11

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this was really disrespectful of raimi

We did not.

Is this real or a shoop? If real how did the director get away with it?

>The Holocaust, Parker? More like the hollercaust because they don't stop hollering about it!

It was a different time user.

It's real.

About 1:28. But Rami knew what was going to happen and did it anyway.

what did raimi mean by this?

>with white power comes white responsibility

I miss working there.

Anybody wanna rub my feet?

>the death of freedom
>the birth of capeshit


those other jews

The other jews don't told you about of the plan because you're a loser, they don't like you user.

Yeah, and responsible for all your personal failures to boot.

That is fucking stupid.

Just to put in perspective, at one point only two people knew that Monica sucked Bill's dick. In the modern day, it is nearly impossible for our Gov to keep it a secret.

It was a different time

>he doesnt know about private entities that gov hires to do the dirty work so they have ''''plausible deniability''''

>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes I know these things you do. I learn many secrets in the old country. You will no pay rent? That is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I...we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl...they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And then when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than will know the rent is paid
>for this month

Prequel in Bosnia when?

Anyone got the nazi version?

His daughter gave him cake with laxatives

>he doesn't know that PMCs are larger loud-mouths than most government employees.

Tell me, what would the world's top journalism papers pay for such a definitive story, w/ evidence?

My thoughts? Almost anything. Though I still believe that any yahoo that would be hypothetically involved in such an act, would sell the story for a few grand.

I'm a vet, and secrecy is a huge myth. The most classified shit I ever knew, was mostly known to the open web more around a month-two years after I knew it.

This was the best foreshadowing

>I'm a vet, and secrecy is a huge myth.
Oh yeah?You're what?General?Colonel?Major?Or fucking low rank soldier with near 0 acess to anything?

Real but the movie was obviously shot before 9/11. The towers were later digitally removed from the movie.

>over one million soldiers
>the gov will give them all REAL classified shit

No, I was a lowly joe.

You kind of learn a lot of sensitive shit, if you are the party acting on it. Like I said, most of what I experienced is public knowledge to those who look for it. Can also say that about 5-10% of my experience is either unknown, or otherwise discounted as theory or misinformation by some parties.



Wasn't there a trailer for the original Spiderman movie that showed a web between the twin towers?

I was thinking, if the towers hadn't come down in a way it would have been worse. They would have just sat there smoking for days and then they would have had to demolish them over the next weeks while everyone watched on TV. Just as well that they fell.

Also 9-11 truthers kys

Spider-Man did 9/11?

Yeah, he trapped a helicopter in a web between the towers.

I miss movie music videos.

Soundgarden did Avengers but that was the last one.

sup goldstein


