No riverdale thread? Let's fix that

No riverdale thread? Let's fix that.

why do people watch this show? I droppped it in the first episode when some gay black dude was fawning over archie
regular degenerate trash to poison teen minds. grow up and get some taste cucks

Because of pic related.

whats so hot about her face? it makes me instantly hard

so this show is basically just ecchi?

For me its the big eyes and lips.

official ranking:


marry fuck kill

giv betty gf


Ignore fuck marry

>White Woman's burden.jpg

Get in line, bucko.

If I was able to create my perfect woman, it would basically come out looking like Cheryl's actress. Blue eyes, but that's it.

That's why I watch.

Betty & Veronica are top tier too.




fuck,kill,marry(and breed)

Best girl coming through!

a mexican, a botoxed redhead and poor man's sarah gadon (walk into a bar)??

for soap opera? fuck me, are you lot married 40 year old women now?

why is this allowed

Picture was taken in Canada.