Are there more pics, videos of reviewbrahs mom? asking for a friend...
Are there more pics, videos of reviewbrahs mom? asking for a friend
stop it, he and his family are pure
yea leave him alone you bully
leave reviewbrah alone faggot
his Mother seems to be a nice person.
I'm glad reviewbrah has a nice mom.
Gas yourself, degenerate.
God he is so fucking wonder you all identify with this bozo
And you know she's proud of him for what he's accomplished already. Just by being himself.
yea he accomplished to be able to live on his own with his own income that he himself created.
If only I could also achieve that and make my mother proud.
This fat fuck at my job kept calling people bozo and he got jumped for it boyo
Maybe instead of bitching about it on the internet, you should actually try bettering yourself.
I'm a fuckup and a mess, not sure how to overcome it.
Jokes on you i don't leave my house
Well shit you've gotta start somewhere. I'll tell you what I did to at least get myself going again. I was a 29 year old NEET still living with my parents, and I started by writing a list of all the shit I wanted to change in life. I know it's not reasonable to think that anybody would be able to accomplish what they want in life, but to an extent you can still make yourself happier in more fullfilled by at least taking the first step. I was a khv until I was 31, but I actually managed to get a gf for the first time a few years ago. It's not easy, but you've got to start sometime. Don't wait as long as me.
its all so tedious man, I already have trouble planning my day and doing eveything that is needed like chores and stuff.
I don't find the energy to entertain a woman so long that she becomes my gf.
even rejected girls because I knew I couldn't give them long term what they need and it would result in failure anyway.
still a virgin (27) because of that but I don't see anything ever changing. I wish I could get my shit on track for once like you did or reviewbrah but I fear that not everyone has the chance to get out of that hole and that I am this someone.
take solace in posting Sup Forums memes
I do man, I do
its all I have left anyway
I'd give him some siblings.
see you in the next kinoplex thread brother
you don't overcome it, you accept it
>3 hours
Nice one Sup Forumsanny
the simpsons is depressionkino
What's his sister look like now
She just gave the camera guy a once-over and the "I want to tear your clothes off and just pounce you like a cat in heat" look.
Jeuss how Polish is that family
looks like she isn't wearing anything under that coat and is about to flash some complete strangers for an amateur porno
Goddamnit, I just had a wank 5 minutes ago and now you go and post this?
anyone have the pic of reviewbrah at church with his family and the pastor that probably touched him?
guys leave review brahs mom alone im serious
i'm jerking off to the thought of reviewbrah's mom doing lewd things in public and there's nothing you can do to stop me
What if this thread was actually posted by his mom to read while masturbating at the thought of all these dirty NEETs jerking off over her
i'm jerking off to the scene you described
i'm jerking off to this post
You just know that reviewbruh's mom will give the kid his first handjob.
And bruh will review it.
Don't try to change everything at once. You will just overwhelmed and more depressed. Focus on changing one thing at a time.
didn't she throw him out and he had to live in a car?
doesn't seem very nice to me
You know he's fantasized about it. He's too pure to go through with it though. Lord knows I would love to have a mother like her.
Forget that. Someone get pics of reviewbrah's sister. What a cutie!
it's just for him