Has a movie ever made you cry Sup Forums?

Has a movie ever made you cry Sup Forums?

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lol dude

what if andy's toys met his mom's toys

I didn't cry for about 5 years straight. Then my dog died last year. Now I cry at fucking everything. I cried at fucking Wonder Woman. Annoying honestly.


Happened like 20 years ago.

Tree of Life

An 18 year old being that attached to childhood toys is not healthy.

Holy fuck. I miss Newgrounds.

omg I love toy story 3 op I cried the feels!!

The scene in Up where the old guy finds his dead wife's Adventure Book and he expects it to be empty but it's their entire life together.

The final scene in Field of Dreams where Ray asks his dead father to play catch with him one last time. And also the scene where Shoeless Joe tells Moonlight that he was good gets me teary-eyed.

When Littlefoot's mom dies in The Land Before Time and she tells him to follow his heart, but that it whispers so he needs to listen closely and that she'll always be there even if he can't see her.

The scene in the Sixth Sense where Haley Joel Osment tells his mom that Grandma talks to him and that she is proud of her.

>*picks up Woody*
>"this will do"

fuck you m8

No but I felt extremely sad twice during Toy Story 3.

When the toys are headed for the trash compactor, the way they look around at each other, realize there's nothing they can do, and just join hands.

And then at the end when Andy gives up all his toys, the way he hesitates with Woody.


>I got teary-eyed from this

Doesn't Toy Story 2 already set up that it's much more likely that a girl will grow out of toys faster and abandon them? Despite being a gross fatty, even the chicken man appreciated toys well into his adulthood.

Not yet, but I got teary eyed in Inception. It was the scene in the dream when the dad was dying. I thought it was all fabricated so he could open the safe, but he also could have self conciously realized the truth too. I dont know, still got to me.

my moms dead and i was definitely not ready for this

>Oh, I like true crime stuff. I hope this awful woman gets sent down, she's obviously guilty.

Son of the Mask made me cry because of how completely awful it is in every aspect

It broke my spirit

The ending of Jurrasic World when T-Rex roars in triumph from the helipad.

I am literally watching this right wtf?

Lol me too