>Kino for the Planet of the Apes
Kino for the Planet of the Apes
>literally watch an apes entire life through 3 films
>it's all a masterpiece tied together
absolute kino
I just saw it today. Have any of you actually seen it? I'm convinced the shills making these threads aren't human.
I just got back from seeing it a couple hours ago.
Rise is a good movie
Dawn is one of my favorite movies of all time and the best in this trilogy.
War is an amazing movie in terms of story.
I'm guessing they called it War though because essentially it is a war happening in ceasers innerself, between doing the right thing and following his hate.
The posters were and title were still misleading as no actual war happens. Not with apes anyway.
>a CG heavy dark reboot of a classic series is tallying 1 good film and 2 great ones
I don't understand what happened my bros
You know that they're making a fourth movie and that war wasn't the last right.
Do you think we could have 4 good movies in a row because that would be unbelievable.
Yeah but without Caesar I don't see it holding up
That's how i feel and it makes me really really sad.
Why does rise feel so fucking different and out of place when compared to dawn and war?
Like the way it was filmed feels and looks weird.
Is it because you have people like James Franco and Tyler Labine in it?
I agree Dawn was fantastic. War just felt weird to me. Half of it was the one crew walking around finding random characters. The other half was anti American propaganda, such as playing the national anthem while the apes were being whipped.
Caesar didn't really overcome his inner fight of becoming Cuba. He just kinda accepted it even after seeing all of his fellow apes suffer as a result of his ignorance.
The ending was gay. Are all the humans dead? Does that little girl die from the virus she clearly has? Do the apes just roam free and do nothing more? You'd think they'd develop the drive to do more since they're obviously not regular apes. But the movie ends as if being in the wild away from humans is enough for them.
Different director. One dude directed the first one then Matt Reeves directed "Dawn" and "War"
The ending kinda reveals that the movie is a prequel trilogy to the classics unless they decided to reboot those as sequels. Read up about it, it's kind of interesting. But no Nova doesn't die.
Caesar is Moses leading the jew apes to the promised land
I disagree. Not killing the Colonel was a huge moment for Caesar, even if he knew the Colonel was gonna anhero a few moments later. The guy had murdered his wife and son and was willing to kill his own son, which is an affront in the eyes of a Chimpanzee, who are naturally communautarian. Caesar was able to control his hate AKA animal side and accept that the Colonel was not necessarily worth killing AKA the human/religious/higher morality side. This ties into him being a Moses-like figure.
As to your point about the apes roaming free, Caesar's job was never to think about how an ape society would actually work, he was simply the man to emancipate his people. He freed them from cages, fought long and hard and was willing to ho to dark places while never giving up his "ape-manity". He is an emancipator, not a governor
I haven't seen most of the classics so maybe I will look into it. And we are lead to believe Nova dies. She has the virus because she can't talk. We've seen the effects it has on the Colonel. Sure it makes her primitive but that doesn't mean she can just live with apes like it's nothing. Does the virus only make people primitive and not actually cause physical harm? Is Nova a character in the classics?
Good thing he didn't make the sequel. Dude was gonna have it to where the apes couldn't live in the woods due to overpopulation and weather and would go back to the city for refuge and encounter humans. Also that the mute would be only in the offspring of humans affected by the virus
Yeah shes a character in the classics.
>I haven't seen most of the classics
>Is Nova a character in the classics?
Apparently you haven't seen any of them
>Interesting read. I'm definitely glad Matt Reeves handled the sequels since he is an amazing director, but Rise was definitely a good film. The John Lithgow storyline was especially great.
I mean, this is the best Hollywood trilogy since LotR (I'm excluding Nolan Batman because of the CIA movie) but it does seem like an accident success, almost?
Does anyone ever root against the humans when watching these movies
I agree with your second point about being an emancipator but I still don't think he overcame anything by not killing the Colonel. He abandoned everyone in the beginning to seek vengeance. He saw the effects that had on everyone. Then when everyone is escaping, he once again abandons them to seek vengeance. He even says Maurice was right about calling him Cuban. He only doesn't kill the Colonel because he has reached a primitive state. He figured the guy would either suffer or kill himself. I'm convinced he still would have killed the Colonel if nothing happened to him when he got there. But because something did happen, Caesar figured there's no point.
Everyone does
Rise was the most entertaining one, kind of wish they have a james franco reference in war though, would have made ceasers death more heartfelt and show his rise to power
I guess you're right. I've seen parts of it a long time ago but definitely not enough for me to have knowledge about it. I just remember the apes wearing suits and the humans don't speak.
* Koba, maybe its your auto correct but his name was koba
I know it was Koba. I was doing a funny.
What's the significance of the bad ape, his he the next evolution of human talking only apes
Can't tell if you're trolling, but the one-eyed bonobo is named Koba. No relation to Fidel Castro's island.
Anyways, I think the scene where Woody Harrelson tells Caesar that, had Caesar killed him, his men would have killed all the apes is important. Caesar realizes in the last scene w/ the Colonel that his quest for revenge is only going to hurt his people in the long run. He knows the Colonel will probably kill himself but the gesture of putting down the gun is symbolic of putting the interests of his people above his own emotional validation for revenge.
Kinda shitty comic relief. The scene where he sticks his head out of the hole is funny because he's a monkey but the verbal attempts at comedy were my one axe to grind with the film
>the scene where Nova gives Caesar food and water
Wew I actually had a mistype that fucked up my whole point
My only complaints
1. I almost wish there was another 30mins before they get to the base. I was really enjoying the road trip part. The beginning and the end felt rushed. I almost wish it were two 2hr movies
>Woody Harrelson's character gives speech to Caesar about the new Simian Flu and how it caused him to have to kill his son
>Never has his guards touch the apes at all partially for this reason
>Goes ahead and picks up a toy he find in the cage of an Ape who is new to his facility with his bare hands and doesn't decontaminate himself
Like you can say that he knew the other army was on his doorstep so he was careless, but it was the only thing in the entire film that stood out as not making complete sense
Okay i thought he was a reference to what the apes might become, a human hybrid that loses their basic instinct and become more human and follow in their footsteps
While that does make sense, I feel that point is long past him. Sure him putting the gun down shows he put aside his quest for revenge. But I don't think it shows he is putting his people first. The humans are fighting the other humans so they aren't concerned about Ape Escape. And the fact that Caesar went back to kill Colonel in the first place while also leaving with his goal technically accomplished shows he is now putting his people first only because he has finished what he sought out to do. Not because he overcame anything. If the Colonel wasn't in a primitive state when he arrived, whether Caesar decided to kill him or not, he would've went back to help the apes regardless.
I'm pretty sure apes can't transfer that specific mutation of the virus and he knows. He just didn't know that doll belonged to an infected human
The first half is fucking godly, the second half drops a few points due to bad pacing. I wish the whole film was like the first half of them tracking down the Colonel.
you are honestly really dumb. stay out of KinĂ³ threads in the future, please.
If the Colonel went into the cave hideout specifically to kill Caesar, why didn't he kill him right away after he captured him at the base?
Also, how did none of the soldiers notice any of the monkeys escaping when they are caged and have spotlights on them?
Because Ceasar was needed to keep the other apes working. Killing him would have resulted in rebellion.
>Also, how did none of the soldiers notice any of the monkeys escaping when they are caged and have spotlights on them?
Dumbest scene in the film. It makes no sense.
>when the gorilla charges at the mounted police in Rise
Fucking terrifying, yo
How is it antiAmerican propaganda?
The colonel was a traitor to the American army
Of course we do
I hate most humans, and would be glad for a massive depopulation of them
I really liked that music that played when they were planning the escape or what not
This was one of my favorites. The music in this movie is so good/fun
I really liked it but boy did the obvious heavy handed political angle took me out of the movie.
>right wing fascist villian with consant nazi like behavior needs to build the wall on the california border
WHy couldn't they just keep Trump out of my apes movie
I believe it's your need to constantly look for politics in anything and everything. I voted for Trump and am not as sick as you
>people started clapping before the movie even finished
I haven't watched a movie in a theater in over a decade, and while this was a great film, that was fucking annoying.
I didn't vote for trump and I don't even support him. But you're gonna tell me that was all a coincidence? The nazi imagery I'm ok with. But he was literally building a fucking wall at the california border. "We gotta build that wall"
Maybe cause of the huge human aspect, but I still love Rise
He's also a white skinhead.
The scene where he comes out in his beanie and jacket was funny
I wish that gorilla went ham on all those soldiers instead of just standing there
Nah, he took it like an ape
Ceasar told him there was nothing left to save. That hit him deep.
same happened at my theater. where were you?
>hey guys what if we steal from half a dozen war movies like Platoon and The Great Escape and make it with monkeys?
>Sounds great!!! We'll even have Ape-ocalypse Now spraypainted on the wall
An AMC theater right next to Ontario Mills.
>bad pacing
pleb buzzwords
I liked the film. I thought the first half was probably Apes cinema at its best. But the character moments are nowhere as powerful in the second half and most time is spent on a breakout attempt. If the first half wasn't so good, I wouldn't be making this complaint really.
How in the fuck did they do it?
I don't consider RT legitimate considering how every Marvel gets a 90% despite being shit.
These films are good though.
>Caesars death
You really couldn't have put that in spoilers? Fuck sake user, it's not even out in my country yet.
Yep that's great too.
>california border
Wait seriously? Doesn't it take place near San Fran/ New York?
Nova wasn't really a character in the first. She was literally a forced romantic interest who was there for breeding humans with the main character. Based on that it does feel a bit weird seeing her as a little girl who basically saves the apes.
In the second she was there to lead the other main character to Taylor... and then she was gone.
But he's right. Everything was moving fast leading up to the revenge story and once they met that former Zoo Ape it sort of slowed. I felt they could've at least taken the whipping scene out and had Woody just go "Oh. You lead these apes. Fine let's crucify him"
I had no idea it was supposed to be her.
When does Charlton Heston appear?
Anyone have a youtube video of the chant?
The only time I hear "APES. TOGETHER. STRONG." Is one time in one of the trailers. I wanna listen to that shit over and over again
So how the fuck do the time traveling shenigans of the originals fit in?
Okay serious discussion?
>it's a birth to earth story
>Caesar loses his family and is determined for revenge
>"'""villain"""" is right and wins in the end if you count the original movie as canon
>Movie with a character named Caesar ends like the Shakesperean play
>the "war" is an internal conflict
>amazing motion capture manipulated to be better than human acting
If no one thinks this is trying to hard for an oscar then yes. This is Ape Kino.
They mentioned the launch of the original in the end credits of Rise
worst in the trilogy t b h
So it's been removed entirely?
So Taylor is going to be in the next one, right?
He's not a monkey
The next one is going to be the apes setting up a new society. Hopefully it's a musical like 1776
there wont be a next one
>He's literally a traitor to the main army.
Hollywood plans a million films all the time. But going into production and into planning are two different things.
this is retarded
it's a perfect trilogy, it'll just feel like a shitty spin off with maurice.
The launch of the original or the launch of the Icarus?
Why do people like dawn and war better than the first one?
The first one had the most emotion
The second one was literally apes with infinitely firing guns
and the third one is good, but with fucked pacing.
I agree that Rise is the best of the new ones.I still hate Dawn because it's so fucking bland. It's basically a Walking Dead episode.
>not killing the Colonel was a big moment for Caesar
Yeah. But he did kill Winter (his own kind) for being sort of related to his family's death. Think of it in two ways.
>the guy invented the gun! I'll kill him even though he didn't pull the trigger!
>this white guy voted for Obama! Obama ruined the country! It's this single white guys fault!
I agreed when Caesar said "I am Koba". It felt like he accepted his animalistic ways and that was how it would lead up to Apes enslaving Humans in the Original. And then he ruined it by having the gall to go "I'm not an animal. I won't kill my son's murderer."
It hints at the characters from the original being fired into space in Dawn
that user should be using spoilers
but if you haven't seen it then get out of this thread you dumb shit
I agree. It makes no sense for him to stop there when they've already killed so many already.
I think a more fitting thing would be if Ceasar entered the room, heard Colonel go mute and then just give him the gun. Like, I won't even even dignify you with me pulling the trigger. Here. Do it it yourself you fucking waste of a human.
Don't you mean
>it'll just feel like a shitty spin off with Bad Ape
You know it to be true.
Winter's death was so heavy handed that I'm surprised that they didn't show him selling single cigarettes
I must be the only one who thought that the film suffered from a lack of human charachters, I got fed up with the apes halfway through and by the end I was rooting for the Colonel to wipe them all out.
yeah, you're definitely the only one who thought that
> heard Colonel go mute
But yeah. I was jokingly thinking that was what the implication was. But then you see the emotion on Caesar's face and you know it was more out of clearing his own concious rather than doing it out of spite.
I would've even accepted him moving the gun slightly out of reach as if it was a "No. Now we will both be animals." message.
>Doesn't it take place near San Fran/ New York?
San Fran and New York are on opposite coasts.
Nah, I saw that too. I think it just went over the heads of most people, especially as he was able to contrast Nova.
Oh yea. I just remember the first movie ended with a battle on the golden gate bridge. But then this movie ebds with the dessert near where the Statue of Liberty was found in the original.
It wasn't, unless you think the virus mutation also causes humans to turn immortal.
Fuck off
I never usually describe things as "slow" (i absolutley love mad men which plebs always deacribe as slow) but fuck me was this film slow.
And that fucking ending, its like they were stuck for a way to kill all the humans so they though "em... avalanche"
Those notes remind me of something from Revenge of the Sith.
Guys. C'mon.
Clearly it would be about adult Cornelius and teen/adult Nova.