2020 is coming...and so is the Dawg to take down the Drumpf
2020 is coming...and so is the Dawg to take down the Drumpf
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Why would democrats back someone who couldn't defeat Trump the first time?
You're idiots. Dawg and Drumpf are friends and there are no political parties. Only cocaine parties.
do you guys think the site will make it 2020?
>posting this on every board
>being a cross poster
Facebook will buy Sup Forums in 2019.
Shills working for the Clinton camp are desperately trying to salvage her reputation
I will legit an hero if this happens. You fucking faggots are the only thing keeping me ftom throwing myself off a bridge.
Jeb will win in 2020.
Save this post.
it's like Star Wars when Luke fights Vader again and this time wins instead of losing like in ESB
or when Harry Potter was given for dead but came back and won
Dolan Drumpf will already be impeached by then.
more like anti intellectual shills pushing chaos
She's already said she's never running again
Bwahahahahaha!!!! You laughable fucking idiot
>Sup Forums television and film
I know Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums jr, but seriously
>playing checkers while Hilldawg plays chess
You've been outmaneuvered son
Hopefully she runs and tears the Democratic party apart. This will ensure Pence/Ivanka 2024 and eventually Ivanka/Donald JR 2028
>Democrats start announcing their runners
>all of a sudden lights go dark
>The Rock announces his campaign
She'll probably die before then
Implying every TV show doesn't have a political agenda and referencing Trump nonstop
>>playing checkers while Hilldawg plays chess
>my mfw i'm playing go against googles ai
Yes, President Clinton will be running for reelection in 2020 after the Trump administration is rendered illegitimate due to collusion with a foreign country
>The Rock v Trump in a banter war
Make it happen
So is Blompf going to resign like Nixon, or will he actually stay and get removed from office?
Trump's ego won't let him resign unless he can spin it as a positive
np user.
tfw you were a Rand guy but knew there was no way
Neither, he has yet to commit a crime.
>Plumfkins are THIS deluded
>"Listen here you pansy ass President. You actually think the millions of people in the United States like you?"
>"I think-"
I look forward to the memes
Is the Rock any good at Banter?
Trump's banter skills are unmatched.
All I hear is the rock saying things like "litty" and "raunchy", he can only call Trump a Jabrone so many times.
>he voted for dorpfy
lol what the fuck happened there
Nixon illegally violated the 4th amendment of people in one office building and was removed
Obama illegally violated the 4th amendment of everyone in the USA with an internet connection and nothing happened
Impeachments are literally impossible now
t. reddit
Trump can't actually do banter, his campaign was just a series of him screeching over opponents and saying one liners for retards to clap at. If you pitted him against someone who was versed in bantz, he'd either not show up to the debate (which he did before) or switch gears mid-bantz after he got btfo. He's never actually debated anyone in his style, he knows this.
He will follow precident and resign about 2 weeks before he would have been forcibly removed
t. reddit
Hilldawg 2020
Hillary Clinton was being extremely healthy there is nothing wrong at all and she certainly isn't unhealthy in any way
t. bimpftard
>yet if this was Trump, Breitbart would have a headline the next day reading "Brave President faces scorching heat admist mockery by liberal hooligans".
t. reddit
Hopefully her health will fail before then.
>and nothing happened
Because both parties wanted it to happen.
This is why neither party won in the 2016 election, they're both faggots and we wanted to see them crash and burn,
Bernie would have won if the Dem primary wasn't rigged.
It would have been a non-democrat as a democrat candidate vs a non-republican as the republican candidate.
Good one. That post really enhanced the discussion.
>blorf gets impeached & removed from office
>milo commits suicide
>sam hyde goes on an actual shooting spree
Is 2018 going to be /ouryear/?
Nigger that senile cunt just had a stroke right in front of you and all you can think about is Breitbart and Trump. You're obsessed son. Hit the weights. Have sex.
Calm down bud, it was just a joke. Sorry I made fun of daddy.
t. reddit
You done yet?
Nigger don't project your father issues on me. He not love you enough? Or he love you way too much if you know what I mean?
t. reddit
Someone is triggered
Boy, you are hotheaded...
Lel what a pathetic attempt at a comeback. Daddy fuck you or ignore you son which is it?
Omg that Harry Potter reference hit me so hard. :'( why did fucking Drumpf have to win?! wtf!!!!! God I hate it!!!! God I should just kill myself. God wtf I don't even believe in God!!! Why do we say it? Freedom from religion I mean right? wtf Fuck Drumpf btw and fuck conservashits. Don't say conservatards because retards have feelings even if they're too retarded to feel them.
Just look at this #triggered #snowflake
Lel ok I get it now you're the reddit tranny. Fuck son mix your posting style up you're too obvious. And stop fucking samefagging. Now I know why you think father is a swear word he must be devestated by you.
t. reddit
>autistic screeching
Calm down bro
Get the op bro.
>american elections
That's PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin to you
Can a Trumpfag explain to me, using facts, why they dislike the concept of a single-payer healthcare system when their own President literally said he was in favor of it during the campaign?
hello is this the house of cards thresd? how about that frak undewood eh? he sure is evil!
>still being this hotheaded
why is america so retarded bros
>literally subsidizing nonwhites
socialist cuck care
>i'm not a trannie i swear
Cut your dick off and go outside you are fucking cancerous.
>pay taxes for a single-payer system that is cost effective and something most of the first world already has.
>calls this socialist.
So, you can't?
>six months after the election and the left is still crying
I love this timeline
I'm gonna push you down some stairs and make it seem like an accident.
Once Bloopf gets arrested, I'm almost certain we'll have a case of life imitating art.
rapid change in demographics
surely she wouldn't run again.
humiliated against Obama and Trump. the hag needs to give it up
You sure sound calm and collected, all because of a joke. Jeez, you take daddy and his cummies pretty seriously.
theres no point arguing user
>paying taxes so nogs get free medical care from my work
Fixed that statement
We spend more money on prisons than we do education.
>oy vey, why don't you want to pay for shaneequa's 20 children like the civilized world? america is so backwards, fuck white people and fuck trump!
Enjoy your anti-white communism, cuck
Really pisses you off people know who you are doesn't it?
Or, high costs on education deterring enrollments coupled with instant gratification information via the internet, brewed in with bad parenting and a slow economic recovery.
*blocks your nomination*
Literally anybody.
Don't you guys have a shitload of for-profit prisons. what the fuck is that all about
Funny how neither of these are arguments. Really rattles the ol' brain box.
>oy vey! profits are a literal holocaust when the goyim do it! you should just let these feral nogs enrich your racist suburbs instead, don't you believe in (((reform)))?
People think absolutely unfettered capitalism is a good thing, despite this meaning that education, medicine and our prison systems are all profit-based...you know, since that's doing well...
>Sup Forums ''arguments''
Let me tell you about my father. It was in South Carolina. My dad died. He was a worthless piece of shit but he was the greatest man alive because he taught me the value of not shooting myself in the face.
So listen here, Jackie. I am the one who knocks. I am Francisco Delaware Underwood. I am the God Emperor of this Earth. And you dare to serve this burger to me uncooked? I will SMASH your face in. I will destroy everything you stand for. I will LITERALLY SHIT ON YOUR GRAVE because I'm this edgy.
*turns to the camera*
Sometimes, you need to try a little for democracy. Spit in somebody's face, and then they'll suck your dick for a living.
Meechum, show this piece of cow feces out. Then join me and Clare for our afternoon orgy.