Why won't they make a proper live action Dragon Ball Z?
Why won't they make a proper live action Dragon Ball Z?
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Becaus DBZ is shit
Like Jesus Christ I've never gotten the whole anime thing, but DBZ is just screaming and filler
Because Hollywood hates weebs.
Anime generally is gay, but if you don't like DBZ then you're a fucking cuck.
Why do you need one?
Anime looks fucking stupid in real life, without any exceptions.
Why can't they just wear masks like this?
>t. 90's babies who can't take off their nostalgia goggles
dragon ball was great. dbz was shit
Is that the VIP from the half life multiplayer
I think I just saw the trailer for it actually. Odd to cast Oprah as Goku, but whatever...
because the west doesn't give a fuck about anime, beyond a minority who cling to certain series (sailor moon, DBZ, pokemon) out of pure nostalgia.
Even with with a fucking media empire like Pokemon, they only managed to have one animated film get to wide theatrical release.
because it doesn't work as a live action
Man of Steel is the closest you are gonna get
Because it would be nothing but 90 min montage.
There's no way to tell any DBZ saga in a film format that would have any kind of wide appeal.
>This is an asian chick
If memory serves there's very little dialogue in DBZ. It's mostly internal monologue where a character laments the challenge he finds himself in. I remember whole episodes where literally NOTHING happened.
Impossible until they find a way to properly portray the hairstyles, SSJ included.
Live action couldn't give the source material justice.
ITT: plebs who haven't read the manga
They also talk really, really slowly.
>Yes... I understand, now.
>cut to all the other characters present making the anime despair noise for at least five seconds each
Dragon Ball Z is from 1992.
It is too chinky for Hollywood. Even NGE is still too chinky.
Ghost in the Shell wasn't Chinky.
why are you talking about dbz with a pic of Meruem in the OP?
Attack on Titan is not chinky and it might have a Hollywood adaption with shitskin actors in it.
>Goku is now a girl
>Vegeta is black
>Frieza is a blue eye white man
Can't wait for it
Berserk is not Chinky.
>he thought it was funny and it would get him (You)s
Because Dragon Ball Z has a lot of really out-there/ridiculous things and over-the top humor that would be incredibly difficult to pull off with live actors.
At some point down the road, by the time of Super, you have a flying baby.
They could try to make it serious, but it's not really Dragon Ball at that point anymore.
Only Asians could be able to do it and they won't do it as they only like crime dramas, transformers or films about teen girls/suicide.
Rip dragon ball z film
It wouldn't be too hard.
Can't start in DB because most westerners don't like DB.
If you just start with Z then its too much info that the audience wouldn't understand. You'd have to unnaturally explain all the powers and characters in the middle of getting ready for the saiyans, etc.
So if it were up to me I'd make a History of Trunks movie. People like post-apocalyptic settings, it could even be a tad-neo-80's because thats in right now. Gohan could explain to the audience the powers via Trunks' training. Gohan could tease the other characters when Trunks' asks about them.
Movie starts with Goku and Frieza fighting when he arrives on earth after namek in the main universe.
Movie ends with Trunks killing frieza in the alt.
>Frieza is a blue eye white man
Dr. Frieza
>Goku is now a MTF muslim lesbian
that's a man, baby
Also have an entire episode dedicated to a character powering up with zero dialogue except for screaming.
Because at best, the translation to screen would about break even. Fans probably wouldn't like it too much and they'd fuck something up.
Dragonball Z was put through one of the most pathetically awful localizations I've ever seen. While it is and always has been corny as fuck and very obviously aimed at the shounen market, the english dub was re-cut and extended with filler garbage to maximize airtime.
Compare the runtime of these two clips of the same event:
English localization:
The difference is idiotic, the localization pads out the clip to DOUBLE its runtime by putting dumb words in the mouth of every character.
As an aside, I don't even like Dragonball Z, Toriyama's other works are hugely underrated and completely eclipsed by the success of the Dragonball franchise
Years later, this is still a really hot outfit.
>when people try to make serious DBZ
DB is too stylized. Live-action could never do its aesthetic any justice. It isn't worth the attempt, anyhow. There are things with better stories out there that could be adapted with much more ease and recognition of the original material..
It's only like that because the anime was made at the same time as the manga so they kept having to stretch things out every time they catched up to it.
How to turn a kino scene into a flick.
Man that's a lot better without the internal monologues but that music is gay as fuck. Dragon Ball was the superior series
Why do they keep fucking doing this with anime?
Cell's English voice is so good.
cash in on popularity
If they ever do it should follow DBZ Abridged and the TFS modified storyline.
It's better than the original in every way.
Yeah I suppose. It worked wonders for Full Metal Alchemist since the adapted it twice
because Dragon Ball Z style fights would look fucking stupid if played by real people
do u realise the irony in that
>it's only shit because x
so it is shit?
Same reason Hollywood is pushing out so much capeshit so fast--economics.
Yeah the scene is much better but it still really hasn't aged well. Shows like Yu Yu Hakusho on the other hand can actually still be watched and enjoyed today, at least for a large portion of its run.
Plus the way anime's are funded in japan demands things be done when they're popular. Otherwise you miss out on selling merch to dweebs.
I'm explaining the screaming and filler part of the criticism.
A DBZ movie could work if the prologue was Goku and Piccolo's fight at the end of DB, good chance to set up the characters and give exposition via the announcer
Yeah and no one cares about the excuses.
I rarely see posters on here I instantly dismiss and dislike despite the several tons of stupid horse shit spewed on this website daily by mouth breathing retards but you're one of them with this faggy opinion
Nice get
dragon ball is one of these things that is already too good in its original form to adapt, so it's going to be inevitably disappointing. It's better to just adapt capeshit
No one cares about you.
>post yfw krillin jobbed first in the Tournament of Power
don't talk to him like that
who is he fighting and link to video please?
All live DB movies sucked
3-1 KDR though, and he saved his wife. I'm proud of him.
the taiwanese one was ok
Frost 1hit him when he was distracted
don't feel bad for him he's a canon manlet
>Krillin getting martyred by a Frieza race alien
first post etc
the story in Dragon Ball is shit
>some furry autist on Sup Forums kept hyping this faggot for months
>drew OC and gave it a name
>featured and defeated in 4 minutes while being a completely underwhelming character
good times
I just wish humans could compete with saiyans and that there were saiyan women survivors.
>canon manlet gets the hottest girl
Same with Vegeta
How can we compete, fellow 6fters?
He saved 18, knocked a guy out and helped knock out another. He did better than I expected. I'm surprised Tien didn't go first
Well welcome to Dragon Ball Super where power levels mean absolutely fuck all! We're at the point that Roshi can not only fight Freeza goons but the most powerful warriors in the multiverse and 17 is as strong as a Super Saiyan God Goku because he fought poachers. And Female Saiyans? Have you ever wanted Brolly now with tits? Well you got it champ!
>beaten with a gag
Why the fuck didn't Roshi job first?
i dont get the joke
who dat q t
That image assumes you already know the joke before viewing it, it's stupid.
They were all supposed to work together, 18 had stressed the importance of team work a few episodes prior and then flew off solo immediately.
>the anime despair noise
This is all I remember of DBZ. Krilin and company twitching and gasping in disbelief for 20 episodes with 5 second cuts to goku training/healing in a pod/escaping from the afterlife/etc etc. Then the superfaggot finally gets there and spends 10 more episodes powering up/gasping in disbelief/powering up to an even higher level/pokemon evolving into a monkey/powering up into a supermonkey/screaming kamehameha for 2 episodes/holding up a spirit bomb for 5 episodes
Surely someone has compressed all 2000 episodes into a 3 hour movie by now.
Not 3 hours obviously, but Dragon Ball Kai cuts a lot of filler.
And all the blood.
Who would play Mr. Satan?
I looked into it, and what this guy describes: kanzenshuu.com
is exactly what I was thinking. Maybe 6-8 hours? Now that I would watch. DBZ has so many autistically devoted fans, I'm surprised it hasn't already been done.
Capeshit really is the anime of the west right?
i honestly cant believe someone in the world is this assblasted about non whites being cast in movies as to be on this board 24/7 making dumbass remarks like this in every. single. thread i've ever seen. remarkable.
It's a relatively obvious parallel that works on several levels in my opinion
I always get bothered when people shit on the USA or Japan for having a cathartic form of popular, mass-marketed entertainment
Might as well watch DBZ Abridged.
>all these posts I hate are made by one person trolling in every single thread 24/7
>surely there can't be more than one person sharing the same view but living in different time zones
>they are also never satirical and always mean exactly what they say
yes user, we are all a single shitposting entity.
Hollywood doesn't trust in the source material.
>next week is finally the good episode
Super Saiyan Blue soon.
There's no need to adapt DragonBall or any anime, just as much V For Vendetta don't need to be made into a film. I hope in the future someone with power can stop Hollywood from adapting something just because they want to.
Ever since the Frieza saga, the Abridged version is legitimately better.
Because his tail looks like a penis.
because DBZ has a shit, unnecessarily drawn out plot and the only reason it was good in the first place was the animation.
>click on literally any thread today
>some youngfaggot redditor is calling things reddit
>every tread
>any subject
>all reddit
But they did?