>post favorite movie and others guess your age
Post favorite movie and others guess your age
14 and you just discovered film
Nope 24
90 and terminally ill
13 and atheist
Groundhog day
Upstream Color
10 and mentally retarded
I don't care how old you are, you're literally a try hard le wrong generation faggot
>Saying I enjoy something makes me a try hard faggot
Go back to your bbc threads
Master and Commander
24 and gay
This level of projection is off the charts
>it's a user on Sup Forums pretends that an objectively great film is bad just to be contrarian and to bait for (You)s
Your favorite film was made a hundred years ago? Yeah you're a tryhard
What if I was born in 1909, faggot?
Kung Fu Hustle
Maximum pleb
25 and wearing trips
>triggered so badly he proves he is 10
lel. you enjoyed the guns and the boobies little man? boom boom mafia cool right?
Why the fuck does it being made a hundred years ago make him a tryhard. You're missing some logical steps there buster
t. mentally retarded ten year old cinémaphile
Then it would be understandable, but you weren't
Lmao how is Goodfellas a bad movie?
>literally proving that he's an edgy contrarian faggot
Name one legitimate criticism.
Pan's Labyrinth
It's not called Badfellas is it faggot
>You like Tye Last Supper, what a try hard, you know it was painted like 400 years ago
>You like Beethoven, what a try hard, he died like 3 centuries ago
>Your favorite book is the Odyssey, you fucking try hard, that's over two thousands years old
>Im only capable of relating to art relevant to my lifetime. Everyone else is just pretending
27 but good to know
19 fem
Wrath of Khan
19 and just took your first film class
Meh 24
I remember watching this on netflix when I was high once. Shit was the coolest experience ever, damn man I wish i had some weed right now.It makes everything better
If you ever meet a 20 something whose favorite music is Beethoven yeah you should just cringe and move on. That's tryhard as fuck.
What about the movie is feminine(other than the lead)?
Jurassic Park
Very ordinary film dealing with the lives of childish caricatures. We have the angry midget the scheming Irishman and the angry protag. No depth to any of them no motivation outside of
>hurr durr he said something bad i'll kill him
Protag becomes a drug addict without any foreshadowing. Protag is a periphery character in his own film - Jimmy's story is more interesting.
Character considerations. Want me to talk technicalities?
You searched for Spider-Man but you are stupid so you've mistaken names and watched this instead.
Chicks love this movie bruh that's why I assumed female
Meant for
Chicks I know refuse to watch it after the opening scene where the guy gets his face squashed in.
>my favorite book is the odyssey
Question do those chicks that refuse to watch it like nightmare before Christmas?
Nailed it.
Pretty sure they probably never heard of it.
There's your problem
raise your paw if you are diagnosed autistic
*raises paw*
yeah, I know. come at me. I don't care. This movie was fucking amazing.
What if that person is a classical musician and Beethoven is unironically their favorite thing to play and listen to?
>for me, it's Killing Zoe. The best fast food kino.
Fite me
27. pretty close.
>Killing Zoe
22 but I'll take that as a compliment
A Serious Man
I usually say Nashville, but I've been watching The Big Sleep every night lately and it might be my favorite.
30 trying to be 20
Subscribes to lootcrate and shows his friends memes on imgur while drinking trendy coffee
There aren't even any boobies.
Is it really that good? I like Lynch, but my favorites are Blue Velvet, MD and Eraserhead.
>falling for the lynch meme
You're like an annoying Jewish girl I know
Haha, I'm 20, and I only go on imgur for jerkin it. I like small- roast coffee though, you got 1 out of 3
And I don't know what lootcrate is.
Hipster faggot
Is she qt?
It's something fags who watch the big sleep over the big lebowski would subscribe to
honestly the only movie I could go back and rewatch right now and love as much as I did the first time I watched it. I honestly have no clue why I love this movie so much but I do, everything just works for me on a level I've never experienced in another movie.
>having a favorite movie
Now how old am I brainlets
She has the body of a 12 year old boy so from the neck down she's hot
Face is too Semitic sadly
Rapidly approaching 40
It comes and goes. I chose the film that I most commonly consider as my favorite film.
you're underage
her and memories of a murder
fire away
Fresh from rëddit