ITT: Marxistkino
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Is it good? The poster's good but I imagine it's shit
It's basically just Zizek reviewing a bunch of random movies and the ideologies presented within them.
Literally pure kino
>Capitalists do movies
>Kiddie shit, westerns and bland love stories
>Commies do movies
>literally invent kino
what did they mean by this? Also, trump babbies might have co-opted Pepe but Dziga was literally Pepe 100 years agon.
You sound mad cuckboy, maybe you should go watch some capitalist produced "cinema" like Iron Man Homecoming and leaving real kino to the actual revolutionary class
The only marxistkino is any movie that murders all marxist pseudo-intellectuals and implements free market capitalism.
Marxists don't even believe humans have biological instincts, it's a delusional religion that belongs in the dustbin of history.
but zizek is the most brainwashed ideological person around
is this documentary supposed to be a joke?
commies hate art and are unable to comprehend human nature, they make garbage, forgettable movies
commies need to be killed desu
>capitalist produced "cinema"
like 99.9% of movies ever made ever?
what has authoritarianism and slavery(communism) produced except pure shite?
>revolutionary class
Marxists need to be gassed
Sure, Zack Snyder the objectivist creates real cinema, commies create thrash! Keep believing that!
Can someone explain to me why the cult of marxism still exists when it makes no sense and has failed so hard.
inb4 some asspained commie reverses the words
>actually unironically being a marxist
Why do you people want to be poor and enslaved?
what a bunch of cucks
zack snyder will never have a wife as qt as this
jesus fucking christ man you sound like an insufferable faggot
I like Slavoj. When it's time, I'd like for him to be spared
>Zack Snyder the objectivist creates real cinema, commies create thrash!
He's not an objectivist, his movies aren't that great, commie """"movies"""" are far far worse.
Nah, on the day of the helicopter, he'll be thrown out too.
>when your ideology killed millions and collapsed everywhere it was tried but you convince yourself they weren't ideologically pure enough
Literally a cult
Yeah libertarians are pretty nutty
>Why do you people want to be poor and enslaved?
I do not want to be, that is why I support socialism
Neither will post 68 Godard
What are some movies about free helicopter rides for pseudo-intellectual marxists that don't even believe in evolution or human instincts?
Imagine being this jaded and supporting a system that collapsed worldwide over a quarter century ago.
Daily reminder
What's the deal boys, your Netflix™ account isn't paid and you can't watch Avatar again?
That doesn't make any sense.
Why would you support a system that enslaves you and takes away your rights?
Why are you people so incredibly brainwashed?
Why don't you want to have a free market like Switzerland mostly has. They have the highest living standards in europe because they for the most part embrace free markets.
Socialism is slavery.
Socialists need to be killed.
"marxists don't believe humans have biological instincts"
what the fuck does this even mean. you've packed so much into your little quibble that its inane to even argue with you. have fun
Why do commies still exist?
Is it the same reason scientologists still exist?
I mean how could you unironically deny human instincts and pretend human nature doesn't exist.
How could you deny science THIS MUCH!!
>Socialism is slavery.
>Socialists need to be killed.
Jesus Christ how can one Sup Forumstard be this fucking stupid? Classcucked as fuck.
imagine believing such a strawman
life would be so easy to be such a docile sheep
>what the fuck does this even mean
Are common english words too difficult for the average marxist?
You people don't even accept human evolution.
Human neuroscience and the evolutionary instincts that created it exist and dictate human behavior.
You people pretend it doesn't exist and instead believe in pseudoscience called "dialectical materialism"?
Just kill yourself already you shit genetics low iq waste of life.
>there are people who are still unironically marxists and communists today
I will never understand this, 1989-1991 should have been enough of a wake-up call.
You're literally part of an economic class you dumb commie
>>Socialism is slavery.
>>Socialists need to be killed.
How is this contradictory whatsoever?
Yes I want to kill people that use violence to enslave me.
Holy fuck you people live your entire lives wanting to be slaves.
I bet you believe surplus value exists as well
except it's not a strawman, socialism and marxism is a cult and religion that makes no sense
it flies in the face of common sense
You are defending a system explicitly designed to exploit your labour and extract wealth from you. You are defending the parasitic millionaire class at the expense of fellow workers. You are 100% cuckolded.
>hates being enslaved by the government and the economy
>supports a system wherein the government gets greater control over his life and wages
no... its not a common english word to say "human biological instincts". in fact it is a very deep and expansive topic which is literally only currently at the forefront of actual science. we are still learning about these things these, they are not fully explored, discovered, known. the way you talk about neuroscience and instincts makes me believe that you "know" these things to be true.
but really we both know that you are an uneducated fuck who uses words they don't fully understand to argue about things that their little tiny lizard brain gets angry about.. you seriously sound so ridiculous i almost want to believe this is bait, but no one could be so fucking stupid.
telling me to kill myself is just sad, and your instant go-to insult being genetics and IQ shows me that you are very upset about your shitskin genetics and sub-100 IQ.
"these entire disciplines of political philosophy are a cult and a religion" what the fuck are you even saying here bud. there are certainly portions of philosophies that aren't coherent. but to deny an entire philosophy? are you fucking simple?
>You are defending a system explicitly designed to exploit your labour
How fucking stupid are you?
How are they exploiting my labour when me and my class consumes 99% of the end product of production?
We get what we produce because the working class consumes 99% of all consumer goods. No matter what wage rates are or what the level of inequality is.
>extract wealth
How are they extracting anything when if they gave me all of the profits of production and everyone in my class went to spend that money, prices would have to rise because the same exact level of consumer goods exists.
How would taking over the means of production magically create more consumer goods.
Oh wait you CANNOT
>You are defending the parasitic millionaire class
Capital accumulation is what increases living standards for the working class.
Deal with it.
You are the biggest cuckold.
>>supports a system wherein the government gets greater control over his life and wages
I don't though. I support a free market.
I hate central banking.
You support central banking, you cuck.
>no... its not a common english word to say "human biological instincts"
Common people know what human instincts are.
Maybe marxist turds don't understand basic scientific principals, but the rest of society does.
>the way you talk about neuroscience and instincts makes me believe that you "know" these things to be true.
No shit.
Human instincts are commonly accepted fact.
Are we not animals?
Why do you leftist retards openly believe in pseudoscience?
>but really we both know that you are an uneducated fuck
You are probably a legitimate marxist. Holy fuck, you don't have a leg to stand on.
It's like a flat earther or scientologist is talking to me.
>that their little tiny lizard brain
Lizard brain yes.
NOW you're getting it.
Dialectical materialism is bullshit.
>telling me to kill myself is just sad
dude, just fall off a cliff
>but to deny an entire philosophy?
Like marxism?
Yeah, it's fucking bullshit from start to finish.
I mean you can either believe in human instincts or dialectical materialism.
There is nothing in between. They are polar opposites.
When are we going to kill all of the marxists and central bankers and have a free market economy?
>tfw a marxist that smelled like literal feces walked by me
care to explain what "human instincts" are, then? you seem to be unwilling to explain or elaborate. the rest of society does not all hold your view of human instincts, it wildly differs based on culture and religion you fucking wad. did you know that??
the way that you literal fucking shills talk and think is so filled up with nonsense, its amazing that you actually have coherent thoughts. really, I'm surprised you can even manage your fucking retarded convictions.
please explain the contra-indication between "human instincts" and "dialectical materialism" as you so put it.
also hey guess what i'm not a marxist, i've just studied philosophy in general and understand that the entire field can't be reduced to your worldview, lacking in nuance as it is.
Karl Marx:
>never worked a day in his life
>shamelessly lived on handouts from his friend Engels (a factory owner lel)
>refused to work despite his children starving, some dying and his wife begging him to get a job
>championed a new system where """men""" like him would be top of the pile
Anyone buying this shit is a fucking retard
i'm pretty sure ultimately if you ever actually read any of his works you would like them, especially his discussions on secularism and the state.
it truly is sad that you let your mind be clouded like this. truly, understand that there is nuance in this world.
>care to explain what "human instincts" are, then?
Wait really?
You want me to explain commonly accepted scientific principals to you?
Okay I guess.
All humans have innate behavior hardwired in their brains that makes them feel and act in certain ways. Social stimuli can modify this, yes but the hardwired instincts do not change.
I mean the entire range of human emotions, like humor, sadness, hapiness, jealousy, fear, lust, love etc etc are all instincts.
Even the drive in most people to start a family and care for children is instinctual.
>the rest of society does not all hold your view of human instincts
lmao of course they do, it's only recently that a movement of SJWs came along to deny instincts.
You people are fucking creationists and it's embarrassing. I bet you don't even understand that the brain is a complex computer.
>it wildly differs
It differs, but not wildly. The same behaviors are observed in many cultures that never even came in contact with each other.
Man you people are dumb as rock.
You don't even accept science.
>the way that you literal fucking shills talk and think is so filled up with nonsense
The IRONY, you have no refutation.
>"human instincts" and "dialectical materialism" as you so put it
What? Even marxists would agree there is a debate between these two things.
DM basically states that all human action is the result of economic forces, this cannot be true is human action is the result of biological/instinctual forces can it?
>i've just studied philosophy
meaning you're probably a scientifically illiterate idiot
>im pretty sure i can tell you what you read
>trying to change thecsubject because I can't refute what you wrote about Dear Leader
lel. I read the Manifesto retard. It made me hate you and yours.
>i'm pretty sure ultimately if you ever actually read any of his works you would like them
Nobody likes him.
He believed in the labour theory of value which has since been debunked and mocked for it's stupidity.
He believed in dialectical materialism which has since been debunked and mocked for it's stupidity.
Marxism is so sad and when applied in real life it basically means authoritarianism and slavery.
No wonder it's dying.
Marxists should all be killed desu.
ITT brainwashed shills can't touch concepts that are icky
Just butting in here.
The manifesto isn't the core of marxism.
Das Kapital is.
Das Kapital is bullshit though and filled with circular logic.
There's a reason this fat satanist(I'm not religious, I'm just stating the facts) turd couldn't finish kapital vol 3.
So many people were criticizing his retarded theories and he couldn't refute the criticism so he spent the last 10 years of his life being a rich neet and "grown tired of economics".
He should have been killed when he was a baby.
>can't touch concepts that are icky
like DM, LTV, classes, surplus value etc?
These were all touched on and debunked in this thread.
Get fucking killed you delusional commie turd.
I want to shove McDonalds™ down your throat as you suffocate and I fuck your mother.
honestly its really funny to see you guys cloak yourself in nation, pride, and philosophy. i do hope it makes you feel better about yourself. just remember that no one will ever respect you intellectually unless they are also a yes-man just like you
What do you think zizek will die of?
I hope it's lung cancer or bone cancer.
But sadly it will probably be diabetes. :(
>honestly its really funny to see you guys cloak yourself in nation, pride, and philosophy
I do this daily and have awesome friends and family and live a good life.
What has denying these things ever brought to people except slavery, depression and poverty?
Die commie scum
i'd understand if you were angry at something that was more.. tangible. but this sort of anger or resistance at something so tenuous is literal mental illness.
seriously, there are plenty of people who don't believe that marxism and communism can ever be a truly realized political philosophy (myself included). and then there are people who literally make a cult of this. every criticism you level is simply a projection. not only are your criticisms a simple insight into what makes you afraid or insecure, they are also simply irrational criticisms or gripes. it reminds me of when i was a young child and angry at bullies, how someone lashes out at the thing they believe is holding them down while the whole time not realizing they have wings from the start.
maybe he will die in his own feces
they'll find him and have to lift him out of his rented commieblok with a crane
"In thish moment *sniff*, by means of pershonal feelings and sho on *swish*, I am in what Lacan would call the jouissance. But not becauje, you know, of any phony liberalism and totalitarianist ideology. Political, buddhism materialism and sho on. No, no *snort*... But becauje, you see, *swallows fly* of marxshist dialectic in the sense of the foucaultian genealogical method, *tugs shirt* there is this *sniff* enlightened shuffering that comes with tolerance, genocide, *unintentional voiced linguolabial trill* anti semitism, analogous to *wipes nose* some religious prophecy *sweats profusely* and sho on! *snort*"
Pinochet died begging for his life to Margaret Thatcher. He was so pathetic they left him in his house and forgot about his body for three days before coming to fetch the corpse.
That is poster kino of the highest degree
there's no sense in denying these things. why deny nation, race, pride, espoused philosophy. I don't deny the things that I love about myself.
But i also don't seek out their antithesis in order to rile myself up, feed my anger addiction, and feel powerful. there are other ways to spend your time that are more fruitful.
truly, the saddest words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: pol was right again. truly if all you do is berate people like this online you are doing a disservice to your countrymen.
its hard being a pirate and seeing all you cunts mess about, larping your commie-killing fantasies. if it came to it, you would piss your pants, hahaha
>Pinochet died begging for his life to Margaret Thatcher
pinochet was honestly just another statist that barely did shit to free any markets
chile is still a statist shithole
he only liberalized a tiny bit and made it tolerable to live there
no wonder chile today is the best place to live in SA
People like me think he's based because he rightfully killed marxists.
He did a great job doing that honestly.
>larping your commie-killing fantasies
Nobody is larping here, if push came to shove, commies and leftists would be 6 feet under in america
>you would piss your pants
Why do all of the right wingers have proven gun reserves and constantly train and use them, while leftists are fucking vaginas with no guns?
post those "exception" pictures though, they are pretty hilarious
ITT: burger kids late at saturday night and 1-2 Euros that have woken up early
what is your point?
>leftists are fucking vaginas with no guns?
Liberals perhaps but not actual leftists.
ITT big strong american MEN who wouldn't think TWICE about killing some god damn commies
FUCK human dignity
FUCK the sanctity of life
FUCK commies
hey guise do i fit in now? do i have friends now?
sometimes i think about moving to europe but then i remember guys like marx who shit up the entire continent
no, actual leftists in the world today have very little guns compared to right wingers
>m-muh gorilla bowel movements
marxism is nearly dead
>FUCK human dignity
>FUCK the sanctity of life
>FUCK commies
Wait what?
I support human dignity and human rights.
That's why I support killing commies to defend those rights.
Commies are not human beings.
waaaah producks is bad ™ ™
> posted from his kapitalist appliance
everythan shude b free
from each according to what I say
to each according to what I say lol
socialesmus ™™™ xD
>implying anybody but ancaps thinks capitalism is infalliable
>commies so unoriginal they have to steal an older meme instead of making their own
All those guns and you still haven't done shit. Sad.
some human beings are not human beings, by dint of (as shown in this thread) mere disagreement that entire political philosophies are trash. but you support human dignity and human rights.
sounds coherent.
Pinketons did NOTHING WRONG and frick and Carnegie contributed to raising living standards for the working class through the gilded age
>leopold 2
>anything close to free market
lmao no
>anything close to free market
lmao no
>anything close to free market
he liberalized the economy slightly which dramatically raised living standards for chilians
also the people he killed were NOT innocent, they were marxists funded by the KGB that wanted to turn chile into a place worse than cuba
What the fuck is this even trying to say?
Leftypol memes are the worst.
look at all leftypol
they can only copy memes and never make their own shit
lmao kill yourself leftypol, you are unable to refute the surplus value arguments in this thread
are you honestly going to start spamming images?
I can play that game too senpai.
Marxism is stupid
National socialism is the true way forward for mankind.
>meanwhile leftists think they are entitled to the money of other people and want the government to take more from the paychecks of actual workers to support their shitty programs
you do not think that your boss is entitled to your wife because he gives you the job you use to support here. so why do you think he is entitled to the product of your work that he gives you the means to create?
admittedly its a ridiculous meme, but that is what it is implying.
>Real capitalism has never been tried
>Hugo Chavez
You serious nigger?
literally every single one of those people impoverished their people and needed to be killed
>you do not think that your boss is entitled to your wife because he gives you the job you use to support here. so why do you think he is entitled to the product of your work that he gives you the means to create?
Actually attempt to refute arguments about LTV or just kill yourself.
i don't understand, if you are an actual nazi and think this is the way it should be, why don't you start a nazi party in america? surely the people would wake up and support you, because they share your beliefs, right?
lol, instead you post about it in fear online, because you know that you cannot truly make a coherent political argument that would be acceptable. and this is no fault of yours, only the cucked populace.
Because I fucking work for him and he pays me for the work in a voluntary exchange, jesus christ have commies ever worked a real job before?
>meanwhile these idiots want me to pay even more out of my paycheck for their shitty social programs that will collapse within the next few decades
How is this a refutation? I dont see the connection
capitalism has been tried for centuries according to your retarded definitions
We don't necessarily support "capitalism" in the same way we don't necessarily support "breathing".
We support free market capitalism, nothing else.
If a country has a tiny amount of market activity and some business people yet it's a dictatorship that highly restricts economic freedom, then we obviously do not support that and the vast majority of people do not support that.
According to your insane definition, north korea and the USSR are capitalism because they still had some private control over the means of production.
It's so easy to take your strawman stick from you.
That wasn't real communism
>voluntary exchange
kek. KEK.
There is nothing voluntary about work for the vast majority of people.
i have a question for all you free market capitalists:
what would you do if water wasn't cheap. what would you do if some commodities necessary for life raise beyond the means of the lower classes to purchase them? do you simply believe this could never happen?
just off yourself
Okay, I'll type it out again.
The working class already consume the end product of their labour.
99% of consumer goods are bought and consumed by the working class
How is it possible to get anything more than 99%?
If the working class seized the means of production and this profit and "surplus value" was given to the workers instead of the capitalist, it would simply cause prices to dramatically skyrocket and the working class would be in the same exact position they were before.
Why, because the same exact amount of consumer goods will be produced. Like I said, they are already consuming 99%.
There's a tiny amount of capitalists and almost all of them simply save their money, which LOWERS the cost of capital and consumer goods.
Try to debunk this while I go get beer and come back in 30 mins.
If you're some retard who flips burgers maybe