Is this worth the watch?

Is this worth the watch?


nope, not even the big D knows what the hell he made


I've been looking for a fast paced psychological thriller...

Mind then giving me a ranking of his films according to you? Just curious what you think



It's the exact opposite. "Slow burn". But if you like that kind of thing, you'll love Enemy.

Amazing soundtrack imo

There are people who think if a movie is slow and the story is confusing that makes it a good movie. These people are idiots.
>Is this worth the watch?
No, unless you like being bored.

It's worth a watch, but I didn't like it very much.

>What is different tastes
>What is contrarianism

I recommend having a few beers while sitting through it. You need a substance to slow you down. The movie's psychological thriller attempt falls flat, if you're sober. This is a good drunk/stoner movie.

Wtf is that? I find spiders extremely disgusting

how the fuck is it slow burn?

Holy shit Sup Forums is full of plebeians.


It's very minimal. A lot more style than substance. The substance is more in your head during and after the watch.

It's essential piss-filter-core.

I enjoyed it when I watched it but I have to admit I was quite confused by a couple things


Barely. Have low standards.

Also you prolly ruined the film for yourself by making this thread OP. If you haven't seen any of the gifs or webms I suggest you keep it that way.

Fuck off. This movie is shit, but it's not like any spoiler is going to ruin this movie.

Learn to watch films, eat a dick, then promptly choke on it to death.

In my top movies, in so honestly.

This, a million times over

Update: just finished watching it.... Meh. What am I supposed to have gotten out of this film? That JG has commitment issues?

That does nothing for me..

A spider

yeah what these guys said, probably for the complete opposite reason though :)

don't expect a 5+/10 movie by this director.


Spoilers: MC finds his twin after seeing him in a movie. His twin tries to fuck MC's wife and they die after he's discovered. A spider appears at the end.

That's all the spoilers for the film.

What? I love all his works that I had seen. Before watching Enemy just now, I had seen Incendies, Arrival, and Prisoners.

This one is definitely just weirder.

>yeah what these guys said, probably for the complete opposite reason though :)

Care to elaborate? Lol

It was pretty dope man. Trust me

this is bait

the movie is great, watched it twice to sort of get it, though

Not any more

I grew up with Enemy

I feel like I'll give it another watch at some point, too.

Am I wrong in thinking that the film plays on a loop for JG? That part seems obvious enough.. So is the character perpetually going to be cheating on his wife with random broads?

Literally nothing changes from beginning to end. He's going to end up going back to the secret club anyway.

Where did you get that loop thing from?
I do see somewhat of a downwards spiral with the cheating thing.

It's interesting that his character has a growth, but then immediately falls back into his addiction.

His plans to go to the club, the voicemail from his mom, the wife sitting naked and contemplating. All of these happen both at the beginning and at the end.

It appears like (to me, anyway) that he has this constant and perpetual struggle with commitment. Am I just supposed to accept that he is his own enemy? What do I get out of this film?


Not sure what to make of it.

That's it. People are broken pos.


Women are spiders. They build their net around you and you become the eternal prey, preventing you from doing anything besides obeying them and their stupid instincts.

This is how I interpret it, at least.


Probably the worst movie I've ever seen.

It tries to be 2deep4u and technically succeeds because nothing makes any fucking sense.

It's comfy tier though

Not even a little bit.

The movie can be summed up as "... and then a skeleton popped out".

It's hot trash.

It could have been great