Why are you guys pushing for Trump so hard and not Gary Johnson?

Why are you guys pushing for Trump so hard and not Gary Johnson?

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hurr durr wasted vote

>pro TPP
>pro open borders
>pro gun control

Do you really need to ask this?

"Muh wall"

Honestly, Latin American immigration really isn't that bad if you're not a white nationalist.

Be roll

Because nu-pol has run out its libertarian roots in exchange for "alt-right" contrarianism

yea if you care about depressed wages, crime, drugs, or law enforcement then you must be a racist white nationalist

>pro BLM

and he just fucking sucks at talking. his voice is all wobbly and he sucks at stating and defending his views

let him in the god damn debates. trump will crush him. by the end gary will admit that "maybe we should have a wall over at least part of the border"

meanwhile hillary will bully gary into saying that invading libya was consistent with libertarian principles

End the drug war, cut the minimum wage.

Immigrants will become taxpayers.

If it was another election maybe. But if the Republicans don't win this election demographic shift will destroy the party permanently, which is not a good thing, regardless of the problems with the GOP


Just looked it up, he is not pro gun control. He is pro open borders, and as for TPP, yes he does support it.





Rothbard would love Trump. If not the man, what he's doing.

Holy shit look at Cena's head. Fucking 'roids man.

such a potato head right


As a pot smoker I love that he would legalize, but I'm not gonna put up with that shit just to keep doing what I'm already doing above board.

TPP is horrible, and Johnson is so gun control that when he was given a replica of George Washington's flintlock pistol after winning the Libertarian convention by one of the runner ups, he tossed it in the fucking trash. An atendee saw him do, fished the gun out and gave it to the guy who gave it to Johnson. Johnson then showed his true quality by trying to bribe the guy who found it to give it back for $50.

The gun was probably pawnable for much more than that, fucking cheapskate sleazeball.

Look it up I'm too lazy to find it, but there's pics and evidence.

I care about the future peace, prosperity, and culture of this country and not just blazing dank weed

Gimme back my blimp money and bitcoins you libertarian thieves.

Gary Johnson is gay

Johnson is an open borders dipshit with no chance anyway, thats why.


>Gary Johnson


>He is pro open borders
Enough to tell anyone to get fucked. He can be perfect on everything else, but this is one thing that will straight up destroy the country permanently if it was ever instituted.


Why are the immigrating here? Possibly due to corrupt governments and organized crime? Yeah lets open our borders, I am sure that won't be spilling into America at all. It isn't like Americans could be potential buyers from these cartels or anything hence why they would want to be able to freely cross the border.

The reason the cartels are profiting big from drug sales is because of the war on drugs. Legalisation of marijuana has hurt cartels in Mexico.

They do more than just drugs, like human trafficking. I am sure they sell more than just weed as well. If you hurt their profits somewhere they will find something else to make it up.

The point isn't that they are profiting, the point is that they shouldn't have easy access to get into the USA.

Short answer: he wants to let Mexicans who vote socialist in by the millions

The best part of Johnson is his open borders for non citizens while all other countries apply their borders laws to US citizens

We get strapped with a ball a chain in that taxes are owed on all income earned world wide, makes it very hard for us to get citizenship elsewhere, while everyone else can come and go as they please and live of our tax dollars

But shit that isn't enough, he hates all laws except the "trade deals" that the corporatations wrote for their own good . Who would have thought.

He's a corporate libertarian

Borders would exist in libertarian society, except they are protected and closed to outsiders, while insiders can come and go as they please

In corporate libertarianism, the citizens are strapped with the ball and chains of citizenship

-the us global taxation system applies to only us citizens
-you can't live in any other country without visa/citizenship
-non citizen can come and use tax funded programs and leave as they please
-non citizens can come and commit crimes and leave as they wish
-oh yea and corporate written "trade deals" still apply

Sounds great

Fuck him

Nb4 more shilling

Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked

who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous

Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband

who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical

who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations

who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical

who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.

Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow


Another pro TPP open borders globalist cuck, no thank you. The ONLY things that matter this election is border control and TPP.


Or maybe because Libertarian & 19T in debt can't go hand in hand?

It would have been much easier before Obama to be Libertarian.

I'm not a Clinton supporter.