>this is a Italian politician
Italian government is a joke
>this is a Italian politician
Italian government is a joke
Other urls found in this thread:
>hurr, politicians aren't allowed to be attractive, that's why i vote Hillary
are you an ahmed? because that is what shitskins think all white women look like.
He has nice tits.
I remember seing her take a horse cock (yes) back in the nineties
WTF I hate Italian government now
>I remember seing her take a horse cock (yes) back in the nineties
Shit it's real I just googled.
Fucking hell.
Still better than our politicians though.
This one is a clown and he can't write or read.
Is this why (((they))) pushed tranny acceptance so hard? Because I can't tell if that's a man or a woman
Would a complete stranger lie to you, on an weeb imageboard on the internet..? user, I'm disappoint in your faith in humanity
Got milk?
Cicciolina is hungarian in origin
she actually stared in a italian porno called amori particulari (peculiar love) that is basically a tranny/man/woman orgy
This is an Italian politician.
Any nudes tho?
Is that why you voted mama Merkel Mohammed ? Does she make your wewe tingle ?
>literally mussolini
If you read thread, you could possible discover she were in porn before politics.
There is also a movie where she shits on a guy.
Why is european porn so fucked up?
What is her facial expression conveying?
Search Ilona Staller in xvideos if you are too retarded to figure out how to find it on your own
Citation needed for the love of god
trying to be sexy but aspergers is making her fail
Italy is a joke
Never trust an Italian
You want to know more about tiririca?
Our great Congressman
"Posteriormente, Tiririca foi apontado como analfabeto"
"...Later, it was pointed that Tiririca was illiterate..."
Wow he's so friendly.
Oh bullshit why would anyone vote for an illiterate cl-
>look him up
>he really is an illiterate clown
Well shit.
Italians made top-tier vintage porn.
citation: xhamster
No idea desu. Look for her at the iafd. It must be listed there.
Follow-up: How does he work on bills and laws? Does he have someone who reads & writes for him?
>How does he work on bills and laws?
>Brazilian congressmen.
Not even going to answer seriously this. Have a happy cat instead.
>There is no way that a politician has a video fucking a horse
>look it up
>It's true
I don't know anything anymore
How the fuck do "political families" exist in democracies?
Its no different in the United states..
We've got the Bush's and the Clinton's and a whole megafuckton in the senate. How is this no different than an oligarchy when there are 300 million Americans; How can anyone argue that more than two people from the same family are the best candidate to lead a country?
I'll just point you to this
On the plus side, they've got plenty of Romanian immigrants there to remove kebab and improve the gene pool.
Welcome to the NWO.
Glad you're at least awake to watch the world burn...
kinda hot senpai
Post webm or gif of her sex or fuck off
I don't have time for it plus I'm on mobile
I'm in complete denial that such a person could be elected to create and debate law
I met her when she was matted to Jeff Koons. He had an exhibition mainly consisting of them fucking.
She was Puffy looking and looked like she was medicated. She was pretty rough looking even in the 1990s
It might be the NWO. More realistically I've concluded that humans are overall unintelligent and tribal creatures. Given a choice they will always make their consul a King or a senate an oligarchy.