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Darth Tree
Jesus Christ, what the fuck :/ ...
Just nuke LA already
I'm sorry George, they knew not what they had forsaken :'(
i see they're on to copying return of the jedi now
go to hell George
you're a fucking piece of shit
Guys, I think they created those things just to sell merchandise.
Checking thosee Star Wars dubs
You just described all of Star Wars
It's still george's fault.
If he hadn't made the prequels so fucking terrible, he would have made the ST on his own.
*gasp* Disney would never sink to such levels, sir.
wtf I love starwars now
It's gonna be kino. Info about the plot?
fuck you George. You sold it. Got nothing to say to you.
Get out
Episode I is absolute kinographie
It's Jedi Tree you stupid fuck.
Also known as Chakra Tree
I'm sorry Disney and Kathleen Kennedy blackmailed you. Pls come back.
fuck off, Sup Forums
> Order 66 and I hate you *spit* aren't Kinopraphy
I can accept people not seeing value in AOTC and TPM aside from TPMs use of film instead of digital but you are decidedly going too far.
....... it's been confirmed for ages now... where have you been?
You're going too far in your contrarianism.
Yes, Disney films are shit, nobody will dispute that, but those scenes are still shit because the films never earned them.
That said, I can understand if someone watched the cartoon series and was using that as the emotional buildup.
Oh hey, it's a marketable little critter they can make happy meal toys out of.
So I've done some digging guys. Fucking octophant CONFIRMED
It looks so cute, I wanna buy all the merchandise
How are they doing Anakin? Haydens comeback or Matt Lanter (The Clone Wars) voice-only?
Kind of pisses me off that Kylo Ren finding the island with some guards is like the first scene that was confirmed and is the climax fight.
this isnt canon. no way there is a tree that talks and has jedi power. fucking dumb
it looked WAY better in the concept art drawins. Still I don't see anything really wrong with these penguins. I hated TFA and Rogue One but I don't think absolutely everything about TLJ will suck. I'm guessing everything will be shit except for these penguins.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is what happened. Why would a billionaire passionate about independent filmmaking sell his baby to fucking DISNEY of all companies, for money he didn't even need?
They love to remove stuff from canon just to add it again in some new movie under a different name.
It was canon for twenty years and Disney regulary steals old ideas for their shit.
Ood Bnar is a Neti, a sentient plant thingy. He looked more like a regular alien before becoming a tree.
Kek Disney is so dumb...basically lifting the Emperor's spirit changing bodies after his death to match Snoke's origins...why didn't they just have Palpatine do this for the sequels? Give him an able bodied clone to wreck people with.
Why do you guys hate these penguins? I mean sure, The Last Jedi will be shit. But what exactly is wrong with the penguins? They look alright and Star Wars has always been about selling merchandise anyway.
Do you just want all the movies to be "tough like the terminator" like George said they shouldn't be?
They confirm the existence of Darth Sloth.
Oh right. I keep forgetting about that
Is the sloth thing a meme? It obviously looks like a penguin with a seal head.
Those aren't the sloths. The sloth is a different character that appears in the same leaks that said these penguins were real. Now we see the penguins are real so the sloth might be too. The sloth is allegedly Anakin being evil in the form of a sloth.
Tooka Cats, Force Birds/Owls, Force Penguins. They are overdoing it.
A thing that I noticed with current Star Wars media is that many things feel like they are worked out of the same idea. For example the books Aftermath and the Comic Miniseries Shattered Empire involve a group of OC rebels on some missions with the family ties of these OCs being the cause for most of the drama/plot while references are made in both works to the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) and their experiments and in both works the rebels are sometimes on missions with Han and Leia (Luke for some reason disappeared shortly after ROTJ and then disappeared AGAIN after Kylo wrecked his academy). Both begin during ROTJs Battle of Endor and the year after the Emperors Death.
It's like they are so frightened of using too many old ideas for separate works, as too have no ideas left over in a couple of years so they rather recycle the same old idea a couple of times in different mediums in hope that the people that read comics only read comics or are too stupid to notice the narratives similarities.
Basically, only the movies are made with any care at all and Disney chose to make the side stuff worthless by wanting everything to be canon. Had they kept the old rule of "If a movie contradicts an old book or comic then suck it up, faggot" they would have an infinitely higher quality.
>Force ghosts can be destroyed
So Smoke is Reys brother and the tree kids is true, all of it?
There is a Disney comic where Luke and Poe's mother steal the last branch of the only force tree from Sheev. It gets split in two, Luke takes one and Poe's mother the other. Poe's mother plants it outside her house and Poe's plays under it as he grew up, giving him force sensitivity.
If the Disney comics are canon, then so are force trees.
WTF so Poe is force sensitive? That's so stupid. I guess they used that to explain why Kylo couldn't interrogate him.
I was reading the Poe comics and he never uses the force though.
But only by Rey, as she can alter reality like a Scarlet Witch ripoff.
Oh he never uses the force, but he is sensitive to it. It is why he is the best pilot ever and can hit a Stormtrooper in his Xwing from the sky, in the middle of a dogfight, without hurting his husbando right in front of him.
I kinda like how the force is portrayed in these leaks.
I agree that Rey is OP as fuck but I like how it's literally this binding force that resides over the universe. It's exactly as obi-wan explained it but the way that Rey is so powerful sorta trivializes it.
I'm conflicted overall but it's a cool direction.
Why is that monster thing fighting the porgs the ghost of Anakin?
Is there anything or anyone in this whole nu-universe that is NOT force sensitive?
>manbabbies mad as fuck there are cute animals in their kid's movies
All kidding aside, with all the autistic shit he had to put up with after the prequels came out he deserves peace and quiet.
The way they apply force sensitivity it is basically a religion instead of a state of being or bility. I bet that ties into the jews pretending like you can convert to their religion willy-nilly.
t. reddit
Wait, By Ben, The leak means Ben Kenobi?
What the fuck, isn't he long dead? Is he a force ghost? What the FUCK am I reading?
trying too hard, Sup Forums.
i... i'm sorry george... i.... i just wanted you to do something more like the originals.... i ... please buy the rights back
The guy who moved out of the way so Obi could speak to Chewie in the cantina, yep he's force sensitive.
Oh right... I still have my doubts about him though.
I'm not sure about that, have they shown people "convert" and then start to use the force? I mean yeah it can be that accidentally discovering they can use the force is their idea of "suddenly discovering Judaism is the true religion". Either way yeah, they are probably trying to distance themselves from the whole midichlorians thing.
t. reddit
Is that really the best you can do, Sup Forums?
5>1>6>4>3>2>[power gap]>RO>TFA
Black twitter was so mad over the bait and switch with Finn not being a Jedi.
Have you even watched Star Wars? Of course Ben is a force ghost.
This whole Ben Solo / Ben Kenobi thing is confusing.
>I'm not sure about that, have they shown people "convert" and then start to use the force?
The Rogue One monk is basically a force user, in the EU more people like that guy exist.
couldn't even approve of a puppet that looked like the original
Oh you are right, I forgot about that guy. I keep forgetting about everything about these new movies.
>Biodiversity doing its work is bad
So what, killing polar bears because they eat seals is supposed to be morally wrong?
I know it's a detail but what the fuck
You're why we're getting shitty Star Wars right now. Fuck you.
What are those cute creatures?
No, he is talking about Ben Solo (Kyle Ren)
That's Snoke
But Smoke is Gold member.
Can someone explain the Darth Sloth thing?
Anakin's soul is in a river sloth?
No way
Anakins ghost is a Transformer that takes the form of a sloth that eats force penguins as a test for Rey. Once she beats it he transforms back and rolls out.
>Tfw Optimus Prime cameo
Nothing could be worse than the Guardians ship cameo in Rogue One.
wait... WHAT? When did that happen? Fucking Disney, are they really crossing over their universes?
can someone link me to the "sloth" leak?
>the force tree
>the sloth
>the force goddess
>its true
>all of it
how the fuck can you be a fan of this shit after seeing this, or will you literally tolerate ANYTHING they shove down your throat.
>the force goddess
Who's the force goddess? Rey? Or the force itself?
>Guardians ship cameo in Rogue One
As in Guardians of the Galaxy?
I missed that, was the ship among the massive orgy of CGI abominations fighting at the end?
Is that in the original canon?
It's the 13th post in this thread. The leaks are a few more down. It's bad, 6 year old playing with dolls imagination type bad.
A force tree is in the Jedi temple according to George, but the rest is all Disney bullshit.
You get out, shit-taste faggot
Why do people with autism do anything?
Why did he make the prequels so terrible to begin with?
He was rushed. The sets were already being built before he even finished writing. If he did a few revisions and wasn't surrounded by yes men it would have ended much better.
Sorry Lucas
what went wrong?
I'm okay with this, you have fine taste
Based Star Wars dubs poster