Did any one from your school become actors / actresses or directors? One of mine become a famous actress, not going to say who but it's pretty crazy going to the movies to see someone you went to school with.
Did any one from your school become actors / actresses or directors? One of mine become a famous actress...
Is she in this picture? Are we supposed to find waldo and try and figure out who it is? Or is this just some random pic from the internet and you're just being a fag?
Hello r*ddit, how's your summer vacation going?
>just some random pic from the internet
So let me get this right.
You ask if any of us went to school with someone who became famous?
You claim to have gone to school with someone famous, but yet decide not to tell us who?
Are you trying to be a white knight and protect her from us?
Afraid that she is going to read this, and be like " oh I cant believe Josh from high school told people he went to school with me"
Yes, Andrew-Lee Potts was in the same year as me at school.
holy shit
go back to ICQ
Angourie Rice is in the year level below me.
Nobody from my HS was even noteworthy in college sports, and my graduating class had like 700-800 kids.
A girl from my class turned into a semi famous singer with limited fame in my home spicland. Or so do the rumours say....
>They had girls
I'm not from the US so I don't really know much about this, but I heard the shooters weren't actually that big of a losers. They weren't bullied or something. They were just a bit weird. Is this true?
eric was just a psychopath and dylan was his submissive gay lover
That they went to your school should only be mildly interesting, it's only a celebrity and you didn't even know them personally.
If you actually knew them then that would be a bigger deal than simply existing in the general vicinity.
Its jim
>One of mine become a famous actress, not going to say who
Why did you make this thread then asshole
Went to school with Katherine McNamara
She was pretty nice
Audrey Bitoni
Sure thing faggots
Princes Hill Secondary Collage
Whoa he did it the absolute madman!
>going to a school this white
Must have been so shit. Just look at him. You know he hated it here surrounded by all these cumskins.
Christopher Nolan.
Went to same Uni as him at UCL.
I hope that spic got shot
Dylan had a date to the prom just a few nights before the shooting. Eric didn't but that's because he truly was a sociopath, Dylan was just his lapdog who would do anything he asked.
Apparently they were both virgins when they died though
Why is there such a strong link between virginity and school shooting?
Isn't it time America just instituted virginity removal programs? I think it would do wonders for male mental health.
Because men who try to get laid in school and fail feel an intense sense of inferiority and rejection that leads them to lash out at their peers. I know this because a lot of friends of mine, not me though of course, were virgins
>I know this because a lot of friends of mine, not me though of course
>pls believe me guys I'm not a virgin
What are some great dark documentaries about shit like this or other mass murders?