>Also: Don't forget to SPLINK
>Also II: In a few bongs /who/ a shit
>Also III: Red Kangs are BEST KANGS
On the last episode of /who/
>Also: Don't forget to SPLINK
>Also II: In a few bongs /who/ a shit
>Also III: Red Kangs are BEST KANGS
On the last episode of /who/
Other urls found in this thread:
New Doctor at 3pm BST!!
Doctor Whore
Just a reminder that ZA IS LEADER
Durin all tha muthafuckin years I've been takin care of you, you up in return done been takin care of mah dirty ass. Yo ass is still mah grandchild n' always will be. But now, you a biatch like a muthafucka. I want you ta belong somewhere, ta have rootz of yo' own. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. With Dizzy yo big-ass booty is ghon be able ta find dem roots n' live normally like any biatch should do. Believe me, mah dear, yo' future lies wit Dizzy n' not wit a wack-ass oldschool buffer like mah dirty ass. One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Just go forward up in all yo' beliefs n' prove ta me dat I aint mistaken up in mine. Peace out, Susan. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Peace out, mah dear.
I don't have a problem with a female Doctor in principle HOWEVER
I just know the writers won't be able to hold themselves back from writing her some epic quips about gurl power and gender politics rather than just writing her just like another Doctor with no thoughts of gender in mind. THAT'S what I'm worried about.
I mean, look at Bill, the first black + gay companion in years and they couldn't resist devoting at least one line per episode about how she is black or gay. If there is a female Doctor it'll be the same shit
stop fucking whining about insignificant shit. bill was handled fine, grow the fuck up you insecure fuck. there were more lines about amy's sexuality in a single episode than bill got in a whole season.
S11 is literally being written by completely different people than S10. There's no vague nebulous team of (((writers))).
Have you seen Broadchurch "men are monsters" season 3?
This is where Chibbers has to do his work as script editor. The first episode will be full of it, no doubt, but any subsequent episode, if it's unrelated to the story lines like that should be cut. All it'll do is divide an already divisive fanbase
If 13 is female, I'm very glad Moffat won't be anywhere near her. Chibnall can actually write some natural dialogue.
>I don't have a problem with a female Doctor in principle HOWEVER
Kek I love how cletuses always try to preface their posts with shit like this, like we can't smell the rank whitetrash stench drifting from your posts
Yes, I saw all of the 2 lines that were on-the-nose feminism, then I saw idiots like you endlessly REEEEEE about it online because you're that fucking sensitive
>bill was handled fine
I really want the new doctor to be a non white male. Just to see Tumblr rip itself apart over if they can be annoyed or not
>1:00 PM BST
>12:00 PM UTC
>5:00 AM PST
>7:00 AM CST
>8:00 AM EST
End (according to schedule)
>6:30 PM BST
>5:30 PM UTC
>10:30 AM PST
>12:30 PM CST
>1:30 PM EST
All this information comes from TV Guide UK, those are the start and end times for the UK and US. I don't know EU or AU time zones sorry.
Can someone link the 'end of moffucking' pic I need it pls
The best thing about a female doctor is that the show will get cancelled and we'll go back into the wilderness years with based McGann audios.
it's nothing to do with being sexist, it's not trusting the writers to restrain themselves for aiming for low-hanging SJW brownie point fruit
>according to schedule
Federer doesn't give a shit about schedules
Tomb of the Cybermen about to start on casualstream if anyone wants to join.
I want to stay up so that I don't miss the announcement.
Since tennis is unpredictable waking up during could mean that I miss it.
If I stay up I'll fuck up my sleep schedule and feel like shit.
There's the small chance I'll wake up on time because it's too hot to sleep for long anyway, but still.
What should I do?
That's just wimbledon coverage which includes build-up and the double's finals. Actual time of reveal will be ~4pm BST
>hurr they shouldnt mention the obvious gender change
>hurr they mustn't let the female say anything good about her gender
>hurr im a sexist pig who's scared the esss jayy dubbayews are stealing my children's sci-fi tv show
I'm in the same boat, user
right on mate, I can't wait for more lines about males having so much ego and noisy males and the only hope for future being all woman, these arent pandering or out of place at all
>says we're scared that the SJW's are taking over Doctor Who if a female gets cast
>doesn't mention the fact that the SJW's will be triggered to hell if a white male is cast
Just sleep as normal and set alarm for like 30mins before the scheduled end.
If you end up missing it for some reason it will be plastered all over the net anyway.
They're funny, and representation of groups that typically get the short end of the stick is important - especially in a show that children are watching and learning from.
Gee I wonder if there's a reason why yet another white male being cast might be seen as a bad thing or something.
The future is female /who/.
how can a non-britbong watch the announcement
>special snowflake status
>people of color
Fucking stop. This is the 21st century, and there is a precedent for TV shows to stop having solely white males in the lead role now, so get over it and come to terms with change. There's no need to feel so threatened user.
>Fucking stop
>this is the 21st century
Fuck off with this bait.
How did The Doctor have the regeneration energy to heal River in The Angels Take Manhattan if he was on his last regeneration?
Hahahaha I've never seen that before, that's great
>representation of groups that typically get the short end of the stick is important - especially in a show that children are watching and learning from.
There's plenty of representation. The companion is almost always female for a start, not to mention that she's the audience's proxy.
What do other shows have to do with anything? No one is suggesting female characters on other shows be removed, you nimrod.
desu the sole reason jonny hurt exists is because ecclescakes decided not to return for the 50th, which I imagine moffat didn't know he was going to have to account for with another regeneration at the point the angels take manhattan was made
There is literally only one good choice for the 13th Doctor
I could pose the same question to you. Why are you special snowflakes so threatened if your race/gender/whatever isn't represented on what you yourself referred to as "a children's sci-fi show"?
If it's so unimportant to care about, then why do you care about it so fucking much? Or do you not know that representation isn't real?
Growing up half-black and half-white, I didn't feel especially connected with a show or a movie because a character was the same skin color as me, or because a character was a child of divorce, or because a character acted like me. I enjoyed the show, movie, or whatever it was on it's own merit.
So fuck off with your entitled bullshit about things that aren't even real. Doctor Who isn't here to make you feel better about your pathetic, worthless existence.
That's what they said to the jews as they sent them off to the work camps.
At a guess, he probably had enough for that kind of thing but not enough for a full regeneration.
He was giving River back her own regeneration energy she have to him at the end of Let's Kill Hitler
>admitting that the show should just be a vessel by which you can push your very particular politics
The UK has a female prime minister, just so you're aware of this "under-representation" problem, ameriblob
>people of a certain gender or colour aren't allowed on TV
Gee, this sounds a lot like the 50's
This isnt called the "represent show". It's called Doctor Who and it's a character that's male.
would you want silly Prince George Laurie or surly House Laurie
>it's a character that's male
Oh stop it. Time Lords can change gender upon regeneration. There is no reason the lead role can't do the same other than pure sexism.
not for long lmao
I want to believe it's going to be Jodie Whittaker, I think she's a qt and would do the part well.
But I don't think the BBC have the balls to cast a woman, It's gonna be Kris 'My Face is Disfigured' Marshall.
Then make James Bond female. Have him on hormones and surgery and shit. Humans can change gender too. Make all male characters females reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Just like the Master!
Valid point, they could have a transgender James Bond too.
No one gives a fuck what "Time Lords can do."
It was stupidly written in because Moffet has a fetish. No one cares if it's possible, people only care that it'll ruin the character.
>It was stupidly written in because Moffet has a fetish.
Grow the fuck up. You faggots whine about how they can't do a female Doctor, and yet the very first female Master actually ended up being easily the best incarnation to date. Change is fine, and change is going to happen, there's no use whining about it anymore.
goign to sleep now, will wake up in 5~6 hours yeah
>yet the very first female Master actually ended up being easily the best incarnation to date
terrible bait
Why would regenerating into a woman ruin the character though?
Yes. That's what it's about. The character. It's about whether it will 'ruin the character' and definitely nothing else. Nothing at all. Nothing. Just that.
>Get McGann for a short
>Don't use him for the entire Time War story
>give 11 new cycle because of the war doctor
>have 12 meet 1
>don't drop the war doctor entirely and give 12 a new cycle while meeting 1
Missy is beloved even by this general. Get over it.
Because they hate women.
>against women
>On Xer Majesty's Secret Service
>A License to Check Privilege
>You Only Transition Twice
>The Man with the Golden Vag
>Dr. No Means No
Look at the master
They couldn't write a female as irredeemably evil so she ends up trying to turn good and being more capable then the doctor
Moffat did the same thing with Sherlock - his sister killed hundreds and in horrific ways but hey she's just misunderstood because she's a woman it's okay
He's finally here!
the entire point of the show is a gender dynamic between the naive companion and the worldly, educated and older rouge
The entire premise of the show is "girl falls in love with her professor"
Strip it out and it's just kooky people in space
Interesting how people who put so much emphasis on gender seem blissfully unaware of how it informs narratives
just woke up give me a quick rundown on betting odds
Because men and women are different.
I guess that's all people wanting a change want, something that will befit the character. Nothing to do with politics. Nope.
Not really, they wrote her as female which removed all the fujobait resulting in a direct drop in female viewing numbers. Then Moffat needed to write a twist with Missy which actually fucking turned out fucking great.
>Live and Let Die CIS Scum
I have placed a 1000$ bet on Whittaker when she was at 2.
If she is the next Doctor I win 1000$
Honestly, I dont have anything against a female Doctor, but I just know they are going to fuck it up by giving her a bunch of lines about how "being a man sucked so much, glad im a strong womyn now1!!1!11!1"
It's not so much the gender as much as how people who think they're above gender always default into thinking in terms of gendered tropes, particularly retarded BBC writers
This WILL change the doctor's character, and it will be for the worse
1.1 for Whittaker RN
7 for Kris
Others are irrelevant
humany woomany
But Moffat isn't writing 13
>White Guilt is Forever
If the gender of a character is irrelevant to their innate character, does this also apply to inter-personal relationships?
Who cares if your mom gets a sex change, or your dad, or your gf (i know none of you have one, but still)
I mean, gender doesn't matter literally at all, right?
Why don't YOU change your gender user, it's all the same thing, right? We're enlightened 21st century people, right?
>The entire premise of the show is "girl falls in love with her professor"
You're describing NuWho
>Strip it out and it's just kooky people in space
That's Classic Who
DESU bill was written like shit
There is a mention she is gay in every single episode
I won't stand such writing with "I'm a woman now".
If they do that more than 3 times in a season I'm out
>funny scene where the daleks mistake the male companion for the doctor and the real female doctor starts teasing the daleks with "im the doctor honey!"
Just the post above yours. Come on user
The best thing about a female doctor is that it means we get a main companion that's male. Nuwho's male companion record is pretty damn good
don't do scheduled end time if you want to see the announcement as soon as it ends
do two hours after the start time, should be over a little after that
Scaroth reporting in.
You just know that all of these tumblr posers will abandon the show in a flash, despite feigning delight over a woman doctor because it's progressive and shit because they won't be able to flick their bean to the doctor anymore
Hated Rory
Hated Adams
Hated nardole
And it will be 2 girls
I feel there is a thing like this
I'm out