Why don't you guys talk about this?
Why don't you guys talk about this?
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Is this show a hit with normies?
I remembered people talking about it when the first episodes were release but since then no one at work has mentioned it. so I'm guessing they all dropped it too
Because its fucking gay.
My gf watches it and even she seems bored with it.
We're not a bunch of dumb broads.
I think it's tino.
Because if you understand the actual message of the show, it's mostly just preaching to the choir.
The only discussion happens when Sup Forums thinks it's an attack on Western values, the family unit, and Christianity.
talking about it is not allowed
ITT shows men will never understand
because the finale was almost two months ago
>gets fucked by her owner
>sneaks away to fuck someone else
>later tries to get her old husband to rescue her
I find it hard to empathise with sluts
when women watch this they forget it's not real life and get angry at men. they are like children
I tip my hat to you good sir xD
Looked pretty boring.
>i want nothing to do with you except when i need your help
Sluts are sad people.
These posts are worse than reddit.
Insecure manchildren are even sadder. It's very telling that you interpret the plot in that way.
Because all of the convoluted ways bloggers have tried to tie this to DROOMPF while completely ignoring that it's not even an analogy but an actual occuring event in Islamic countries turned me off.
Besides, I've read the book and seen the movie.
Why would I want to watch a TV version?
It's just a hit with bloggers who want to whine about Drumpf and Pence.
While getting really, really, really fucking mad if you mention that it seems more relevant to Islamic culture at the moment.
Sup Forums fag here. No one on Sup Forums ever talks about this. Or any other TV really.
They just whine about e-celebs and music videos.
The show isn't really preaching to the choir - The choir really, really, want to ignore the implications of the show and pretend they're living in an era where this would be vaguely related to Western societies.
because the word handmaid sounds boring as fuck
Well, he's not wrong.
Insecure manchildren aren't sadder. Their insecurities don't lead to incurable STD's.
12 - 19 years old
He's talking about the protagonist, not the society, so his interpretation is still wrong and retarded.
I only read the book because when I was a 13 year old at the video store I saw that the video had sex scenes but I was too embarassed to rent it. I also had it confused with Dead Ringers.
Breddy gud book. Made me understand what it would be like being a woman living in a Muslim country.
The protagonist is a bit of a slut though. Disloyal. Drama queen to boot.
They did well considering the book is horseshit as far as source material goes, but unironically targeting it at a western society in 2017 is pants-on-head retarded.
outside of that, it's pretty slow.
Are you actually a retard or just a muslim?
for some reason hoses are banned technology
Just not into sluts bro. Chill.
I'm not Ted Bundy tier anti-slut. Just not gonna white knight for ficitonal ones on the internet tier.
34 actually
Muslim here. This show hits too close to home.
Your views are literally in line with the wahhabis you sandnigger
Because it's average. The book and movie are way better. The series shit on a lot of the themes of the book just to be Current Year and Social Media Latest Activism Buzz.
The main actress is good though. I always liked her in other things I've seen her in. That's why I keep watching.
No they aren't.
I'll socially cold shoulder a slut. I won't bury her up to her neck and stone her.
You're hormones are out of whack, my dude. It's why you're acting like a hysterical woman. Breathe deep and realize not everyone shares the same devotion to protecting the tarnished dignity of loose bitches as you do.
I haven't read the book, genuinely interested: how is the show more of a meme than the original?
Sup Forums fag here yes u are right, never heard of this show on there. i actually like some aspects of the show, like how the aunt calls them all worthless whores etc maybe it redpills some girls who knows. most of the show i can see how le-anti drumfers would like this and imagine this is America in 3 years but I dont think thats what its all about.
Imagine being so deluded due to a life of rejection and regret that you interpret a fictional story of a woman trying to escape sexual enslavement by any means necessary as the tale of a 'disloyal slut'
That user hit the nail on the head:
It was about some forms of Islam and they made it more about muh evil white men in today's society.
was fucking the Chauffeur part of her great escape? i won't even get into her being disloyal to her own race by laying with un negroid
>disloyal to her own race
haha, how far down the rabbit hole do you have to be to utter such silly shit?
When you're forced to do something, you will sometimes do something similar on your own to get back some control over your life. It's human nature.
fuck off fundie
le cycle
such a fucking cop out.
I'm sure you'above human nature, being autistic and all, but the rest of us are still more human than robot.
I've literally never see the tv show mentioned on Sup Forums before
you can't say "shes doing anything she can to break the cycle" and just excuse anything that doesn't fit your stupid explanation as "human nature". Everything is human nature you fucking moron. le autist le robot fucking pathetic nice argument. I'm sure you'd gladly slrup the nigger semen out of her as its just part of your nature.
>he's a Sup Forumshack
We don't take too kindly to the likes of you around here m'boi.
i read that as "a slut's tale"
Holy shit you're so mad lol
Calm down. Take a deep breath.
Feeling better?
I can say what I want.
Your sister is fucking a nigger.
never seen so many niggers in the pool. are they evolving?
>Breddy gud book. Made me understand what it would be like being a woman living in a Muslim country.
Haha, this. I like that scene in the book where sexy Japanese tourists come to take pictures of their backward culture. Was that in the show?
Did you know that uncontroled rage over minor mishappenings might be a sign of a lack of development in the prefrontal cortex?
t. roastie
>watch first episode
>heavy handed feminist agenda
>muh poor black man and white woman are being oppressed by white men
> mixed race girl
>implying black father would be around
in the bin it goes
It's feminism propaganda. It's based on a book written by a woman who knows nothing of how the world actually works.
The show is a little late to the party because feminist backlash is becoming the norm.
women are better off being controlled like livestock. look at their sexuality its been a race to the bottom along with their happiness.
any nudity??
Look, I'm not saying what she did wasn't understandable given the circumstances...But she's still a slut.
Just like sucking dick in prison is still gay. I get it, you don't want to be stabbed to death in the showers - But you're still a bit of a fag.
>These ill mannered sluts are meant to be symapthetic leads
Yeah, about that...
You don't get a say on what happens here plebbit.
There was in the movie. Breddy hot.
The TV show might not be so good cause they cast an ugly frump.
The whole concept is female wish fulfillment.
Think about it, White woman wish to be dominated and at the same time want to rebel against their oppressors.
They see African slavery, and the way blacks now pull the slavery card out and think "I want that" -- TOO BAD, WHITE BITCHES! You've historically been the most privileged class in all of western society.
t. an amused black guy
im starting to believe the only reason that nigger took the role was because of the sex scene
fucking manlet pisses me off so much
social network, ides of march and now this
Stopped after I realized this was shit disguised as a failed feminists fanfic story to seem 'edgy'.
Making it seem like if you have sex with everyone you'll still be respected by the white knights who just become cucks and feed you eggs.
I marathoned it after the emmy noms. Was a lot better than I was expecting. Probably the rapiest show I've ever seen. It's got a lot of elements that'll send the poltards screeching but if you're not one of them it's definitely worth a watch
>Anti Muslim show
>Send Sup Forums tards screeching
its literally inspired by Iran
are we supposed to pretend that woman isn't ugly as fuck
Notice all the misogyny, racism and talk of muslims being projected?
because she's really really fucking ugly and i feel sorry for the guy who has to fuck her
It's not specifically anti-Muslim, it's anti-extreme religion. It just so happens that there are much more extreme religious states so naturally there is a lot of overlap. I think poltards are stupid enough to think that it's anti-religion in general and will feel that it's attacking Christianity since it's set in America
I wanna know how her physical appearance is described in the books
there isn't one
if it was really inspired by iran all the men would be manlets and they'd never make eye contact with any women
also all the women who were against the regime would have gay friends and smoke weed and the worst that would happen is that maybe they'd lose custody of their kids
inspired by the crackdown on women that were too western after the revolution
>the crackdown on women that were too western after the revolution
what crackdown
>oh boohoo i have to wear a hijab now and i can only smoke weed with my gay friends IN SECRET
>Atwood (The Author) also draws connections between the ways in which Gilead's leaders maintain their power and other examples of actual totalitarian governments. In her interviews, Atwood offers up Iran and Afghanistan as examples of religious theocracies forcing women out of the public sphere and into their homes, as in Gilead
But that's only an element of the story. She said the way dissidents were murdered en masse was inspired by the Philippines, the style of Christianity was inspired by American puritans, and the strong desire to create the "percent" society was inspired by some Cambodian and Romanian regimes that failed
It's more to do with the way they are seen as less capable. They're supposed to leave decisions to the male lead of the house and things like that. It would be very frustrating to live like that I think
>It's more to do with the way they are seen as less capable. They're supposed to leave decisions to the male lead of the house and things like that. It would be very frustrating to live like that I think
then why do most iranian women not give a shit
Elizabeth Moss is an ugly woman.
They do, also after the revolution many people died, it started an economic blockade and simple things are that just to take for granted were made illegal.
That said it's not ok to cheat on your guy cause anything shitty it's shitty for him too.
I assume the happiness of seeing Sup Forumstv/'s ideal utopia is just too overwhelming.
all the women are ugly, don't really care about ugly women.
They gave a huge shit, the Iranian revolution was a massive deal. But ultimately just like in the show they were forced into submission. There are definitely worse countries to live in as a women but you have to understand this book came out in 1985 and received a lot of media attention so the revolution would likely have been on the mind of the author
I meant to say the revolution had received a the media attention, not the book
well put
>They do
only a few weirdos care, the majority of iranian women don't
>Iran 1978 women protesting
>Hi, I'm a white neckbeard sat on Sup Forums and can authoritatively say what """most iranian women""" think
Don't bring reviewbrah into this you faggot
This is actually pretty accurate
Starting to think you're muslim or something
Are women honestly more happy nowadays working meaningless jobs and going childless?
How would any of us know