This fur fag from my home town keeps attacking the local followers of the god emperor.
On top of it all he tries to promote the whole "pedophiles have rights" agenda.
Pic related, it's him. Wut do?
This fur fag from my home town keeps attacking the local followers of the god emperor.
On top of it all he tries to promote the whole "pedophiles have rights" agenda.
Pic related, it's him. Wut do?
send a tip to the cops that he might have child porn
sit back and watch the fireworks
Ignore him and move on with your life. Pick your battles etc etc
Let him live his life because everyone is entitled to personal liberties stated in the Constitution of the United States.
Call the police on that disgusting faggot
>Tyrion quote as his motto
How cringey is this sperg.
My anger sharks swim with the passion of a thousand suns every time I look a the crap on his profile
>OP screenshots mutual friends
>thinks we can't doxx him
Dude, if I wasn't so fucking tired I would doxx you just for trying to send a personal armyat this autist,
How can this be done without backfire if he hasn't any?
>"pedophiles have rights" agenda.
Get in good with the weirdo, find out how deep his perversions go and then expose him.
Pedophiles should have more rights. Literally some of the only people heavily discriminated against in the first world.
>wanting to get someone arrested for liking what you don't like
Kill yourselves you disgusting faggots
Shut the fuck up you god damned chink.
Going 'in deep' to expose him requires you implicate yourself as a degenerate pedobear.
Good luck explaining that.
charge your phone faggot
I'm fucking white you dirty wetback
OP ARE YOU FROM MEDFORD?!?! I have friends from there!
t. NJ fag
ESAD commie scum.
Gas chamber for you and your furry friend
Close, out in gold hill.
Can't believe how much cancer there is here now holy shit.
Child pornography is illegal because it's difficult, if not outright impossible, to produce without abusing children. So yes, I am advocating that a man who is in possession of child pornography should be in prison.
If you'd like to tell us how rubbing your dick on an 8 year old is totally okay though, be my guest.
Do you play lax? I go to a catholic school (senior) with kids from medford.
Isis videos are impossible to produce without harming people, doesn't mean they are illegal. Baselessly banning media is against the first amendment.
Now kill yourself bitch.
So instead of defending your own opinion, you compared pedophilia to terrorism... and used that to devalue my view.
You aren't very good at this, are you?
You know what to do
Funny you deluded cunts think you somehow believe in freedom. You don't, you're just selective hypocrites just like the left.
I compared media in which someone gets "abused" according to you, that is illegal. To media that someone gets abused in that is legal.
Try and keep up.
I can smell the humus on your breath from here. Dick off shill.
Nice non argument trumpkike memer newfag.
I love the quotations around abused. You're dancing around whether fucking infants is okay or not, and you'd likely say "WELL HOW DO YOU DEFINE ABUSE, ITS A MATTER OF PERSONAL OPINION"
First of all, we can't stop ISIS from making videos because spoiler alert, ISIS isn't an American group. If they were in America,don't you think we'd be jumping on them for producing and distributing those videos? Child pornography is different; it's produced primarily in the western world by pedophiles with cameras. We /can/ stop this, because they are under our jurisdiction.
If you legalize possession of child pornography but not production of it, you are incentivizing producers to make more, because they know that the demand will sharply increase for it. If you legalize both, you are enabling child abuse and corruption of minors by exposing children to indecent acts that they aren't ready to understand.
You aren't an ancap libertarian memer, are you? The whole "EVERYTHING SHOULD BE LEGAL YEAH HEROIN" type?
>If you legalize possession of child pornography but not production of it, you are incentivizing producers to make more, because they know that the demand will sharply increase for it.
This argument is weak as shit, and doesn't work in the case of drugs.
It has to be legalized to stop the FBI from creating government informants and framing political activists. That is the reality of the situation. There are no alternate considerations necessary.
>goes straight to fucking infants
Read trauma myth, second hand harm, rind et al etc. consensual sex isn't harmful
>Isis isn't an American group
Loads of cp, most, isn't American either.
>we can stop this
Like with the drug war that's working so well right? Except in this case you're literally violating a constitutional right on top of all that.
>if you legalize it you incentivize more
Producers don't make cp for money. People that think this are fucktards that don't have a clue what they're talking about. If you can find one or two that make it for money I would be surprised, it's not even worth mentioning. Uncle joe will diddle his hot niece whether he records it or not.
>hurr u aren't an ancap are you lol
No I believe in the United States constitution as it's written, not a bunch of excuses and violations for "'muhhh FEEELS".
>We have to legalize to stop the FBI from using it against people! Thats all that matters!
This is your counterargument? Really?
reduced to carl the cuck status
Yes really. I believe due process is more important than muh obscenity.
Child porn laws shift the burden of proof onto the accused and make the standards impossibly high.
There was huge Russian CP ring that put out snuff films with kids because they were getting.... Wait for it.... Huge amounts of money from scum suckers here in the US. Send CP fappers to hell.
Yeah I totally believe that.
You do realize a lot of this shit is just file sharing or even just blown out of proportion by authorities to justify censoring and violating free speech yes?
You also have no source or anything.
Not a pedophile sympathizer but you got a source on that? Even an arrest article would be an interesting read. They arrested that aussie in the Philippines for something similar.
Drink bleach
>justify censoring and violating free speech
>videos of kids getting fucked
So let me get this straight. Your inability to acquire child pornography is a violation of your right to expression.
>media is covered under first amendment
>scotus baselessly bans cp because "it serves no societal value"
cp is somehow magically different than everything else?
Nothing on the Internet should be illegal or censored. If someone commits a legitimate crime get them for the crime not for watching fucking shit on their computer.
Where do you draw the line on what's a legitimate crime then? When should child pornography be considered illegal? Possession? Production? Production without consent? Production, regardless of consent status, under a certain age? And why?
Are you actually saying that it should be okay for uncle Terry to rape children, record it and put it on the internet? I'm confused... What point are you sickos actually trying to get at?
While I disagree with having consensual sex ever be illegal at the very least that wouldn't be a blatant violation of a constitutional right.
I'm saying the mere act of watching something on your PC should never be illegal.
The production of child pornography is created by the recording of a child being fucking raped. How do you justify that? Why would you even want to watch that?
Okay, so possession and viewing should be legal, but not production?
>why would you even want to watch that
Oh gee I haven't the faintest idea
>a child being raped
Not always, in fact rarer. It is consensual, and what about solo?
Even then you're missing the entire point talking about production, I was talking about just viewing.
I think consensual sex should never be illegal and the state has no business setting arbitrary ages of consent.
HOWEVER that's an entirely different argument than the one I'm making in the thread, you summed up what I'm saying essentially.
That freedom only extends until you interfere with someone else's pursuit of happiness. I realize this can be a slippery slope into trying to define when you are infringing on someone's poh, for example sjws get ridiculous with it, but starring a child in porn is definitely infringement. Pedos are literally the only ones who argue this.
I get where you're coming from. Simple viewing and possession doesn't directly hurt anyone. But I hope you also see where I'm coming from, that a bulk of the CP out there was created by recorded rape of children or done without consent, and we need a way to crack down on that.
proxy up submit an anonymous tip to the fbi along with fb evidence w/e of him defending pedos, just link the actual fb urls do not screenshot shit from your account
Holy fuck how are you not getting this simple shit?
If you want to make that argument then it only applies to the PRODUCTION.
You are not physically fucking some girl by watching a video. Don't you DARE respond to this saying "b-b-but it encourages production" we've been over that shit already.
No we don't. It doesn't matter for shit how it was made, who made it etc.
If they want to study the shit and try to find producers that's one thing, but don't fucking go after he guys just getting it from forums and jerking off. That's stupid and a violation of the first amendment.
>defending your rights is now a crime
Hello 1984
go grovel to the boot that crushes you you pathetic fucking slave
how are you not getting this simple shit, a child was raped to produce the porn, you could make your argument about snuff porn.
>well I'm not actually killing anyone so lets go make snuff porn great again
hello pedo you realize when you get arrested they're going to rape you then kill you in prison right?
> tfw even nigs are smart enough to kill pedos on sight
Holy shit those are some fucking sick masks
Yeah, in high school, supply and demand. Pretty simple shit really.
Every time pedophilia comes up on Sup Forums it gets weird really fast. Simple fact is most pedophiles don't harm children or look at illegal content. They deserve to not be harassed for what they enjoy though (fantasies). Should feel sorry for them because hopefully they'll never act out and abuse/molest/rape a child. Can't think of any other group that can't experience and fulfill their degenerate shit out consensually with a willing partner.
Nobody should be advocating for CP or relationships with children. Although, I do think the government can be kind of fucking insane regarding the law. Might not be too insane to think some changes could be made.
So let's make rape, murder, gore, accidents etc. ALL illegal too? What the fuck? Do you understand what free speech is?
No of course you don't, you have literal nigger intellect as evident by this comment:
Except when it comes to piracy, somehow that hurts movie makers right? So by downloading cp for free (how 99.9999 percent of the fucking people do it) you're hurting production right?
Love how you normies can't even get your shit straight.
Not necessarily. Not everything is rape you autist.
Why would you possibly want to watch a video like that. I genuinely believe your kind needs to be chemically castrated.
No it's not. The first amendment doesn't prohibit going after unlawfully made material or the people who are in possession of it. Pedo's are fucking evil and deserve death.
> pedo reveals himself
All I'm saying is you want to fuck kids and that's fucked up, most gore is filmed after the fact along with accidents murders ect its not like people go around killing and dismembering so they sell the pictures to people
> being a pedo this hard
>We need to stop children from being raped or from being abused without consent.
>>No we don't, it doesn't matter how it was made or who made it. I want the right to view CP.
I'm assuming explaining the slippery slope here wouldn't be worth my time, and that there is nothing being expressed in child pornography and therefore it is not speech and not protected under free speech would also be refuted by you, right?
The First Amendment is there to protect your right to express yourself and your opinions... which is completely irrelevant to your right to view child pornography. That is not freedom of expression. That is your right to consume material which contains the rape of a minor.
>Do you understand what free speech is?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
"Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship."
The First Amendment and Freedom of Speech do not protect material which does not portray an idea or opinion. Child pornography is therefore not protected material, and also has multiple justifications for being banned.
You are intentionally stretching the First Amendment out as far as you possibly can in order to cover for the fact that you want to stroke your dick to kids getting raped.
Different strokes for different folks. It's like if I asked why you're such a raging faggot. You can't help it.
> "I can have sex with 8 year olds fuck off she liked it" the post
I want a paycheck from the feds for bringing the pedos out of the woodwork
Why am I not surprised that pedos are literally retarded
>stop liking what I don't like
These mental gymnastics are fucking astonishing
>unlawfully make something illegal
>look now your constitutional rights don't mean anything
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Really hope this is bait but I doubt it.
Yes. Every illegal photograph and video classified as child pornography is a little kid getting dicked. Quit being an imbecile. Enjoy the pokey when you get v& for those 15 year old's tits you saved from Sup Forums.
Yes and cp isn't like that either fuckwit that's what I've been telling you.
>nothing expressed
According to fucking who exactly? Who are you or the old kikes in the scotus to decide arbitrarily what has "societal value", it defeats the entire point of free speech if a group of old fuckers can arbitrarily ban and censor shit.
get a really long screw driver, like one as long as your forearm. A flathead screwdriver.
Then sharpen it with a razor edge (single side bevel) on an electric grinder.
then get a latex glove, put some talcum powder in the fingertips, and put it on your hand.
walk along the street towards him from behind, thrust it deep into his kidneys (left or right side) from behind.
Being punctured in the kidneys induces immediate shock, and he will not be able to make any noise (it is a silent take-down maneuver) so just thrust it in as you stride past, letting go of the handle leaving it stuck in him (give it a little sideways jiggle before letting go to increase the lethality) as you walk past him the blood should shoot out behind you, and then take the glove off and throw it back in your pocket to dispose of securely at home, along with your clothes.
If you just keep on walking, by the time anyone realizes whats happened you are already around the corner.
Digits confirm
>3 mutual friends including Diz Haskins
With the tattoos? Do I know you OP?
>pedophiles have rights
Neck him.
The fact of the matter is, their condition is genetic and must be removed from the gene pool with swift resolve.
Are you fucking stupid? Well I guess I should expect the intellect of a child from someone who wants to fuck children. I'll spell it out for you.
Rape, murder, and gore are perfectly fine as long as you're not physically producing them. People don't murder to produce videos of murder, they murder to murder. Accidents are literally fucking accidents.
>newfag comment
>newfag reddit tier image
Checks out
> not every underage girl I fap to is being raped sometimes they're just crying and naked
> making things intentionally is the same as documenting the aftermaths of the event fuckwit
serious question do you actually fap to stuff like that?
Rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks, would you care to explain to me how child pornography is expressive?
Just looked Bob up on facebook. Holy shit it is the same Diz. WHO ARE YOU OP?
It's not a personal army request if we're doing it without being asked.
>not doxxing the pedophile
>this person has an opinion contrary to mine so clearly all of their opinions are contrary to mine
Are you mentally fuckin' stupid?
Holy fuck your really are dumb.
People don't produce cp to produce cp they produce cp to fuck children genius.
All the same shit you are saying about cp could be used to ban videos of murder as well.
shut up faggot op, fucking do what i fucking said and post pics already.
fucking hurry up you stupid op faggot
> people don't produce cp to produce cp they produce cp to fuck children genius
what the fuck why am I laughing so hard at this stupid pedo
Not every video is rape you dumb faggot jew. Do you think some 13 year old fingering herself is cp too? Under the law it's the same as if some 30 year old was ramming her ass.
>making things intentionally
Murder vids, rape vids, Isis vids, those are made intentionally, not just aftermath.
Mate what backfire would there be pussyfuck? They expect people to give tips based on hunches.
yep and we should treat pedos like we treat isis and the people that support them
> check fucking mate
What other people get out of certain media will be different depending on the person, regardless media that could easily be argued isn't expressive isn't illegal and is covered so why should cp be?
You could say that it is an expression of love, of purity, of beauty, anything. It isn't someone's place to justify why they're using their first amendment rights and for what.
If you take a video of yourself murdering someone, that's fucking illegal you retard, because you're murdering someone in the video. If you record someone else murdering someone without knowledge that you're recording, that's not illegal. I'm sorry your small pedo brain hasn't aged past age 11, but trust me it makes sense to the grown-ups.
Nice argument faggot. You think they produce it for some other reason? You think they really hate fucking them?
People on this site are seriously fucking stupid at times. When it comes to this topic you're more emotional than bitches.
> I love kids I promise I just want to take advantage of them and fuck them
> I love kids I promise
every pedo before they went to jail and met jamal
Fucking drop out.
YES EXACTLY YOU IDIOT! You do not however arrest Americans just for watching fucking ISIS videos. Holy fuck.
Jesus fucking Christ you don't even understand what's being said you're so fucking illiterate. I bet you actually are a fucking nigger.
Because CP is not victimless, and directly hurts the children involved in it. That's why it is illegal, to discourage its production and establish a negative societal view towards it. It helps flush out pedophiles and ensure they are taken off the streets.
You're next.
Yes the murder is illegal dipshit, however someone watching a video of the murder isn't committing a fucking crime.
How do you not grasp this simple shit?