What went so wrong?
Goblet of Fire
nigga that was the best harry potter of all time
cringey pre-teen angst drama and skipping the few good parts of the book while including the shittier parts
no nude luna lovegood
emma watson can't act
Floor Delacure wasn't that hot
goblet of fire was the best one
cutest grills
cool school vs school tournament
different stages
Best period was after Draco lost the 90s curtains but before he grew to be a lanky crybaby bellend.
just ask for the pasta next time, faggot
Can we all agree that the first four Harry Potter films are comfykino
I don't even like these movies that much but I really like the universe Rowling created, even if she was obviously making shit up as she went along. I think that's where the strength of the movies lie.
I disagree, I prefered 5 & 6.
5&6 were too grim though lad, 4 had the perfect blend of mystery and comfy
The main character
>J.K. Rowling: Slytherin and the Death-Eaters did nothing wrong by using eugencis to preserve magic for wizards and to stop mudbloods and inferior muggles from interbreeding with superior wizardkind.
What did she mean by this /hpg/?
How old was Krum supposed to be when he made his move on Hermione?
In the book he's 25
It might have something to do with turning the longest book into the shortest film, and then fucking up simple shit like only Voldemort being able to fly, everyone else has brooms.
I love all the comfy concept art.
those slavs must take a while to graduate school
he's like 17
kinda this, I don't hate the movie but the book might actually be my fav or at least up there, it has amazing crime mystery elements with the krouches and disappearing bodies and the part where harry dreams he is a bird is cool
also reading the final chapters as a kid (before the movie came out) was super spooky, the movie kinda ruined that for me
how is he playing the world cup of quidditch when he's still in school?
inb4 it happens with soccer irl!!
cause he's a prodigy?
that's the whole point, ron keeps saying "he's our age, OUR age" when he's fanboying
ignore the cuckposting Sup Forumstard, he's inserting his fantasy into the books and movies.
The Cinderella moment doesn't really work with Emma Watson as Hermione.
Gandalf acting like an arsehole. How the heck do you get that wrong. Fucking snowflake actors. A drugged up hobo would've done a better job
Not enough Clemence Poesy naked scenes where Hermoine and Harry count her beauty spots.
The movies were shit, the books rule.
Wow, 28 posts and this thread isn't getting dull yet
Nothing was ever right considering it's an entry in one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
The storytelling/events in the book surpass the movies but (inb4 dull pasta) the writing is fucking horrible. I swear on every fucking page it says "person 1 beamed at person 2"
Yeah I'm listening to the audio books while I do work and I'm hearing the same phrases over and over. A lot of "said x, said y, said x, said z" and people keep saying things "cooly" what ever the fuck that implies.
>Yeah I'm listening to the audio books
Same, if I actually tried reading the books I probably would of given up on the shit writing
fucking pissed me off that they made everyone flyers
>we airplanes now
it is implied that voldy only taught snape how to fly after he killed dumblefaggot
buuuuttt noooooo muh action scenes everyone needs to fly and go pew pew pew laser wand battles
>I swear on every fucking page it says "person 1 beamed at person 2"
Eh, so she repeats some phrases too much, doesn't ruin the books.
Rowling's real failure is that the world she created is incredibly shallow. I enjoyed the books as a kid, but can't reread them now. Too illogical.
5 and 6 were just gloomy and had little entertainment value. 1-3 are the best. The third one especially had the perfect mix of kids fantasy and darker themes.
I think there was way too much focus on the whole prom drama shit...
The entire concept of schools playing against each other and new characters from the schools was super interesting
If the movie expanded more on other schools and not just 2 girls and prom shit drama, it would have been kino
I thought they handled the angsty Harry better than OotP or HBP films did but I agree that they cut most of my favorite parts of the book for the film. That said, I thought they were able to twist the content they kept very well into a dark thriller/mystery, which was an element in the book but certainly not the entire atmosphere. In all of the later movies they sliced shit out left and right and didn't try to interweave what was left very much and you got stuck with the terrible pacing of the Yates films.
good one, you're on form today to be sure
Yeah, hearing them read aloud really makes apparent that Rowling only knows about 15 adjectives and 5 phrases meaning "said".
hey I love HP more than most people, but I saw that bitch was gay from the moment they said he what he wore
>purple and high pointed heels
Dumbledore wasn't gay. There's no credible indication of him being gay in any of the books. It's just SJW faggots that like to turn anything they can into some symbol for homos.
>crush on his partner in crime
>be super sad about it
>never get with or show interest in a woman ever
>dress like hes that degenerate rupaul drag show
yah man hes not gay, real men wear high heels and purple cloaks
Why did they stick with Yates for the final four films? He's got no style.
>crush on his partner in crime
Friendship != Crush
>be super sad about it
Because they used to be friends.
>never get with or show interest in a woman ever
Describes most of Sup Forums, does that mean we're gay?
>dress like hes that degenerate rupaul drag show
He was just weird.
rowling explicitly stated that he fell in love with grindewald and lose judgement so he decided to become asexual and make love to books for the rest of his life
I'm guessing this statement was made years after she wrote the books right?
She was just trying to curry favor from...whoever the fuck likes this shit.
>no Quidditch match
>decided to become asexual
So she's saying sexual orientation is a choice? I thought that was a big no-no.
can you for ONE second get out of that Sup Forums mindset and not bring it into everything?
It's so fucking tiring an the only reason you think it is ok is because you're posting in an echo chamber.
The fact that you can disagree with him and not have your post deleted is proof of this not being an echo chamber.
The first 2 movies where full of magic and a vibe that reminded to old fantasy movies.
The 3rd movie switched directions to try and become more oriented to teens so the audience would not outgrow the style. Cuaron did the best HP movie but at the same time he killed it.
The new aesthetic they went for on 4 and 5 lacked the soul and narrative tension that could have been achieved with a more stylized aesthetic.
And when 6 and 7 decided they wanted the twilight audience... well, that was the end of it. Into the trash it went.
I'm pretty sure that's Chandler's words
Rowling has retrospectively fucked with her characters in the hope that no one will notice how traditionalist each book is. Everyone's white, straight and able bodied.
He was clearly not just friends with grindewald. I remember the reveal of dumbledorf going completely against his principles for no reason in the last book really standing out to me, I didn't make the jump to assuming homolust when reading it but after she revealed it outright it made a lot of sense
that makes no sense
that's not what an echo chamber is, moderation doesn't come into it
ahaha, you're right
but the fact is that krum was not an adult during GoF
>but the fact is that krum was not an adult during GoF
Yeah, I'm not that guy, I know he was 17 or whatever
They're all impressed with him being in the national team while still at school
I just replied because the last "OUR age" made me think of Chandler talking about Pete instantly
finally this fucking thread is back
what up muggles
It's possible to go against your principles for a really good friend too.
sure, anything is possible, but if my bro was talking about all kinds of mein kampf shit i'd probably be like "bro, we can't be bros anymore"
but if a hot piece of ass was like "1488, race war now, want a blowjob?" i'd be like "sieg heil, baby"
Well that's you. Dumbledore was different, he was asexual. He'd have diddled one of the kids at Hogwart if he wasn't.
haHAAAaaaaaa slap me five brah
What the fuck is this imitation bullshit?
It was the first time when they decided "this franchise is too colorful, let's add some snyder filters".
still looks miles better than the sixth film, when the movie almost looks like black and white film from the 50s
>the first time
the fuck are you talking about, GoF was a lot more colorful than prisoner of azkaban which did a 180 compared to the first two films
The worst part of the movie was the team introductions and the love triangle.
The flying and maze scenes are comfy.
Did anyone else feel all tingly and comfy when this bitch was talking, especially the scene when she interviews Harry inside the the broom cupboard?
I know the pic is bait but putting 1984 over Brave New World is retarded.
well technically he was, since wizards are of age at 17 (for no reason)
First fap
Are you talking about asmr?
Wizards are of age at 17 because that's when they leave school and are supposed to have learned to control their magical abilities. On top of this, year 5 and 7 tests (OWLs and NEWTs) are to help place them into jobs in the wizarding community. So as they leave school the trace is removed off of them allowing them to do magic wherever they please within wizarding law, and at the same time they are expected to be employed and take care of themselves.
Makes sense if you actually think about it. It (gasps) even follows the same logic that was used in 90% of other countries!
Coming of age = expectation to be able to take care of yourself.
You're an idiot muggle, fuck off.
Why didn't Voldermort turn literally anything else into the portkey? Why make Harry win an elaborate contest? He could have turned one of Harry's books into a portkey.
Voldermort was an idiot with an ego and a taste for elaborate plans.
It's why he made important wizarding items into his Horcrux.
A few reasons. Firstly, portkeys have to be authorized, and made, via the Ministry of Magic. The cup was an allowed portkey, already taken care of. It should have taken the winner out of the maze and into the stands to celebrate. Also, the potion that had to be made took several months to prepare, according to the book. This isn't the only potion like this, Felix Felicious takes six months to prepare, and even the polyjuice potion took two months to make, so no new concept there.
Voldemort still wanted to remain hidden as well, so making the cup into the portkey would allow him to achieve his goal of killing harry and getting his body back without alerting everyone that he was back. It also narrows the chances of anyone grabbing the portkey by accident, like if it was one of his books or some shit. Mad Eye (Barty Crouch Jr) specifically helped Harry and tried to sabotage the other contestants so that only Harry could grab the key. The only reason Cedric was able to get to the key is because Harry saved him.
Why not just shoot no nose with a gun
>tfw to intelligent too enjoy harry potter aside from the fanfiction Method of Rationality by Eliezer Yudkowsky
3 > 7.1 > 1 > 2 > 7.2 > 6 > 5 > 4
Just imagine how much rape there must be at Hogwarts
Hermoine uses a spell that in 1 second completely paralysed someone, now give that to 300 horny teenage boys
>to intelligent too enjoy harry potter
But not intelligent enough to know the difference between 'to' and 'too'
Also not intelligent enough to allow yourself something called "suspension of disbelief" in order to enjoy yourself.
Fuck off pretentious faggot, I bet you're one of those faggots who brags about their four letter personality type (entp intf gtfo, whatever they are) and claims to have a 130+ IQ
Go die in a fire, and shill your shitty fanfiction somewhere else.
delete your image
The girls all have anti-rape charms on their vaginas that prevent entry unless they speak the magic word.
only on their vaginas you say
It's a meme lad. Calm down.
Nothing, this was a fine movie and certainly not the worst in the franchise. It just shat on the books a bit.
MoR is contrived garbage with almost as many plotholes as Rowling's story
Yudkowsky might be good at the AI stuff but he can't write for shit and there isn't a single likeable character in his entire series
The tournament and the plot behind it was stupid and not he movie really focuses on the stupider parts of it.
Which one is the worst in the franchise?
I'm the guy you replied to. Probably seven, six is pretty weak also, not much going on in either, and not as comfy as the first two. Goblet of fire is perfectly serviceable as a Harry Potter movie- it has decent action, comedy, character interaction and plot. Just never got to be as good as 3.
I've always liked 4.
Especially the part where they learn more about what the dark arts actually is.
Shittty director and writers, BUT most of all the didn't bring back John Williams for the soundtrack
>reading Harry Potter
KEK kill yourself, kid