What is the most nihilistic film ever made?

What is the most nihilistic film ever made?

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it's shit



t. pleb

American Psycho



my biopic

probably some French shit like I Stand Alone

The Avengers Age of Ultron

Beneath the Planet of the Apes

good pick

These Final Hours

not nihilistic

The Road

There Will Be Blood

Four Lions

The 7th Victim



tv show

No Country For Old Men

Fascinating. They managed to capture every pore of her face.

Dark City
Dark Star

>Fuck shit up beacause of shits and giggles
>Women love to be raped
>Shitties vengeance plan, which involves your friends getting fucked for life

Fight Club

true detective S01


Every film made today is nihilistic. The general public has unconciously admitted the futility of life and therefore life has become a satiation of ones selfish desires. There are no morals or values; only the self and what it reflects.


There are no movies made that have any worthy moral tales being told, like anything insightful or deep

its all man builds invincible exoskeleton, does no striving to make it, saves the world

all the struggles in movies are comical and nonsensical and meaningless

>saves the world

Ever notice that people no longer feel the personal compulsion to save the world and see it as the responsibility of larger entities such as goverments?

Thats what superhero movies are in a sense. Someone else taking control of something they cannot or do not wish to.


did the fucked up indie movie about shitty existentialism die in the 90s?

Solondz is still trying. Didn't really care for Life During Wartime and Weiner Dog but Dark Horse was alright.

Wait, who was the second group?