Tonight We witness the end edition!
/got/ general
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First for frogfu
Literally came.
>mfw I see Stannis on his horse making his comeback
>no stream
it's still in 12 hours yes?
Goodbye you were a classy gal
reminder that definitive Direwolf rankings are Grey Wind > Summer > Ghost > Nymeria > Lady > Shaggydog
Why did Sam steal his father's sword when he knew where he'd be going?
Dany will arrive to Westeros and will have "badass" speech about taking her throne back while dragons fly around her and some fire shit and roar.
Anyone have that old "Age of Heroes" picture of all the first for frogfu posts?
To spite the old man's faggotry. As his eldest son by all legal rights of succession the sword is his.
First for Princess Shireen
Holy shit that's a cute picture.
So I guess that Maisie has been playing as Walder ever since she slit him up?
Sansa's pink nipples.
>see the trailers
>hop on the cersei/lannister train
i just can't believe how much of a fucking contrarian i am, but the show practically FORCES you what side to pick so i can't help it.
it's always the fucking same ever since stannis died, i know that the side a pick will lose. why do i have to be a manchild...
Based niple poster
>Brace yourselves.
>The poorfags begging for streams are coming:
Based frogbro
>since stannis died
She is the most beautiful main character. Whores aside and background characters aside.
Of course they're getting rid of her...
She's not gone for good. She's just swinging by the house to pick up papa.
She'll be back to scoop out Bran's shits next season.
based ben shapiro
She will forever be my Queen of
Love and Beauty.
requesting the name of that /got/-poster who made a semi-popular youtube channel critisizing/making fun of how much the plot has deteriorated.
i planned to watch his stuff last year but ended up forgetting about it. he would often post his videos here and would get called out on it.
That was very stupid. But in the books if you care to read, Jaqen has also transformed to a fat kid named Pate, it's not really clear, maybe some sort of glamour is involved.
>dead>dead>alive and OG>alive and OG>dead>dead
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.
Pate was 19
The flash will bring Stannis back tonight and fix the timeline.
This isn't a logical, smart, and thoughtful series anymore. Just turn your brain off and watch D&D's Jon Snow and his quest to kill the bad guys and save the day!
i think this really highlights how pleb tier oldgods are
even when you're in the north
Quentyn Martell is the tattered prince
It helps that she is one of the only young actresses on the show who isn't a slag or some pontificating activist.
And Jaqen is a fully grown, trained assassin. He isn't stout nor stunt.
Season 7 is all about Dany being the female white savior, brace yourselves for the stronk fire womyn
Yes yes, well done Freys, well done Freys. However!
Whoa, wtf happened to my image thumbnail?
41st for the true king
people cling to that idea because it's the only explanation for the most pointless arc in the history of written word.
the entire character and quest added nothing but more insight into the fact that dany would rather suck chad's cock than gain a foothold in westeros
Winds of Winter this november lads. My dad works for GRRM's pastry chef.
thanks, but i'm not sure if that's him
specifically i recall a video of him showing a clip of tyrion bullying reek at season 1 and then shaming him for calling him a dwarf at season 7 to point out his hypocrisy
marriage material
i hope your dad's using low cal pastry so this fat fuck doesn't have a heart attack
If I know Jews, this season will be literally "Brown oppressed hordes are going to kill and displace whites, and that's a good thing".
So some perverse justification so that all the brown people can genocide the whites while saying they deserve it.
This is a serious question, but has anyone ACTUALLY seen Stannis' body?
Don't respond with your piddly little comments, sneering and jeering at me. This is a serious question
I'm sure Brienne saw it after she cut his head off
Brienne did
I can't wait until the next book comes out and Brienne executes Stannis in it, and the bookfags will have to accept that everything on the show was George's actual vision.
Did she really cut off his head?
You will not know until the true king takes his throne
I can't wait for all the shitposting. I can't wait for all the dumb shit D&D will do. Holy fuck I'm excited.
>Not falling in love with Gilly
How can you, user?
You're making the mistake of assuming that because the writing suggests he could be alive that means he is.
What will happens is whatever D&D want to happen, not what should happen. Stannis is dead, Jon will marry Dany, Tyrion will make lots of epic quips, Arya will be an edgy psychopath assassin.
She looks like an alien
I think the problem people have is that Stannis dies right after he is written to betray his entire character in one episode to make his death completely unsympathetic. Him being killed by Brienne was never the problem.
>by all legal rights
but joining the watch forces individuals to revoke all inheritance?
Stannis will die but Brienne will have absolutely nothing to do with it and you haven't read the books if you think otherwise.
I'd give her a greyscale facial...if you know wot i mean
Now she looks like a heroin addict
Did anyone seen BLACKFISHS' body?
how much will they make Davos shit talk stannis this season
Remember the good old days, /got/?
They need Valyrian Steel swords, some fag lord doesn't need one sitting on his wall
The book Stanis would never kill his fucking daughter
Where are y'all'd'v've watching tonight? Refuse to give HBO my shecklebux.
He'll still come after it.
>rewatching The Winds of Winter right now
First 20 minutes are pure fucking kino
It's so ironic in hindsight how much rage she provoked in this thread, compared with all the OC donut steel shit we've had since
is Jaehaerys Targaryen gonna end up on iron throne afterall?
Is Euron going to be a well written character, or another "lol me have big pengis" character?
>i used to be a whore, until I took an arrow to the knee XP
Ramsay v2
Eurons first scene was good but DnD cant keep something good and now hes doomed to be lmao le big cock
The day leakbro leaked the images of her dying was one of the most fun days I'd ever experienced. I haven't had that much fun on Sup Forums since the Cracky days.
no he's another designated villain who will be defeated in the name of female empowerment.
Gotta have a Ramsay-esque character that the audience can hate.
>Jaehaerys Targaryen
Funny way of spelling Stannis Baratheon
Oh yes, I remember that
Fuck I found this so incredibly hot, I'm actually glad they left it up to our perverted imaginations
RIP Leakbro
w-what happened?
So where is a good place to watch this streamed tonight?
we already know that he's a dumb violent brute without a hint of charisma
>lets go murder them
he has more in common with vic than euron
We got a blurry screencap of the impaled Ros
She was just so hated around here at the mind that it blew everyone's mind
Then it turned out to be real!
Leakbro also gave us Ygritte's full frontal, that was colossal too
Then HBO had him killed
The rights to inherit land, yes, but not all inheritances.
Was it mind control lads?
i saw this a few threads ago
isn't it always bloodraven with preston?
I just realized that she kinda looks like a Jewish chick who may have been interested in me during high school
Ok, except Valyrian steel swords don't have formal laws of inheritance, houses choose who they go to. There's a reason Edric and Darkstar don't have Dawn.
Cast Daisyfu in a Game of Thrones
anyone streaming the ep tonight? link me bros
What real world peoples do the Rhoynar, First men, Andals & all that jazz represent? Is it literally just post Hadrian England?
Maisie tits when?