Ancaps are retarded. Prove me wrong

Ancaps are retarded. Prove me wrong..

1. In an ancap society, what is to stop a rich serial killer from simply paying off a private judicial institute to release him free of any charges?

2. In an ancap society, what is to stop mass pollution and the destruction of land?

3. In an ancap society, how could a minimum living standard be met?

4. In an ancap society, what would prevent slum lords from allowing there homes to deterorate past current lawful codes?

I could go all day on how free markets alone coulldnt sustain a civil society but I'd like to hear some responses to these points.

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>1. In an ancap society, what is to stop a rich serial killer from simply paying off a private judicial institute to release him free of any charges?

1. In an government society, what is to stop a rich serial killer from simply paying off a judge to release him free of any charges?

ancap society has problem X
goverment society also has problem X only worse

Any system that demands a fundamental change in human nature will end in disaster. People are motherfuckers, and will continue to be until the end of time.

>be the biggest private security institute
>realize you have enough force to form a government with no one to really stand in your way
>realize you have the opportunity to increase your own standard of living at the expense of everyone else
>human nature ensues

anarchist idealogy can be defeated with 10 seconds of critical thinking

also, I want to point that this exact thing is how the first kings came to power

1. In an ancap society, what is to stop a rich serial killer from simply paying off a private judicial institute to release him free of any charges?

Violation of NAP, vigilante mobs with machine guns and tow missiles.

2. In an ancap society, what is to stop mass pollution and the destruction of land?

Pollution insurance/DROs

3. In an ancap society, how could a minimum living standard be met?

That's up to you to produce. Charities will provide more than enough for people who actually need help.

4. In an ancap society, what would prevent slum lords from allowing there homes to deterorate past current lawful codes?

Market issue. With the absence of zoning codes there would be more housing developments and choice. People with any desire for safety would work extra and pay for a better house or apartment, which would also be cheaper due to influx of new housing.

i really hope this is a troll post

if it's not, i have serious concern for your mental health and the delusions you suffer from

1. Self-defense
2. This hypothetical big surge of pollution cannot be proven
3. Living standard is a left-wing welfare-myth. If you work, you have a nice house. If you work really hard and for longer hours, you have an even nicer house. If you don't work, you don't get a fucking house you entitled cunt.
4. Why is this a problem?

Nice argument!

>vigilante mobs with machine guns and tow missiles.

this is really all that needs to be read of your post to realize that you're deranged

Yeah Im not an ancap then. Guess I'll stick to Libertarianism.

>2. In an ancap society, what is to stop mass pollution and the destruction of land?

Pollution damages your health and your property. This is an infringement on your rights. You can sue the polluter(s) in court .

Lel, I was only joking about the first. I'm more of a minarchist, libertarian but the rest are dead serious. Why do you think environmental pollution occurs in the first place? It's because government owns the common areas that are dumped on. I used to work in an state environmental regulatory agency and we would permit manufacturers to discharge a certain amount of effluent into state waterways. Do you think that would happen if the creek was privately owned? Would the owner charge such a pittance or demand complete treatment of effluent?

>sue the polluters
Polluters are typically multimillion dollar corporations. If judicial systems are run for profit they will win.

They would if they were offered enough money.

Yes... that was the goal
Anarcho-monarchism now!



Perfect, that will pay for remediation.

Lol moar
What if the corporation buys the waterway and dumps as they please

so basically every system?

>implying any of these are bad things
Maybe if you're a beta-cuck and you can't survive in the real world.

and another thing
when revolution comes again, you will be all shot dead.

Statehood and use of force in some instances requires no change in nature as it will result in the use of self preservation

Hey, you let the government have them and you don't even trust the corrupt bastards.

Right now we are living in a capitalist society, and all 4 things happen anyways. But anarchism is cooler.

Funny, Ive never met an ancap who isnt an antisocial beta but it isnt a very large study group to go off of.

is there a way that we can send all of these to stefan?



Anarchism is not just unstable but unreliable in the way of rights




Hi 8(c)han and lefty/pol/.

Do you have anymore Anarchy communist ones. I feel like they would be equally if not more annoying that ancap.

This is fucking gold man...

Anarchy, whether left or right is retarded


Also, Anarcho-communism is a self-contradiction is it not?


Funny thing is, in a Anarchy capitalist society, There wouldn't be money since money is government printed and regulated.

What prevents someone from making his own currency?

>in a Anarchy capitalist society, There wouldn't be money since money is government printed and regulated.

Nah man youd have various private forms of money or limited things with intrinsic value such as gold, everyone knows that is rock solid logic.

Oh shit someone actually believes that would work

holy fuck ;)


Not all currency can be digital, and the only reason bitcoin is even feesably working is because you can buy illegal things untraced. Just look at the instability of the value of bitcoin and imagine a whole nation running on thatcurrency. It wouldnt work.

Gold wouldn't work either. It would have to be usable goods like food or raw materials which then get traded for services or other materials.

In a capitalist anarcho society something like gold wouldn't have worth because there wouldn't be a united governing standard. Gold didn't even work that well in ancient times as currency. Goods always outpaced gold.

Also companies can enforce their own printed money via backing by goods and arms I guess.

Anarcho-capitalism, the only form of anarchism, is an ephemeral condition which gets consolidated by a centralized, coercive entity. You can't manage land, enforce contracts, and protect human rights without a state.

Bitcoin has been more stable as a currency that most printed money today.

Im sorry thats just not true.

There's like 500 floating around here now.

Just save the best ones during a few days and just attach to an e-mail.

Perfect summary of the enevitability of anarchocapitalism, and the resultant entity is a government in its own right.

Can you send them to me? [email protected]

>Violation of NAP, vigilante mobs with machine guns and tow missiles.
The NAP is an abstraction which 90% of the population is too dumb to comprehend let alone uphold. What is stopping a rich serial killer from hiring a small army to protect himself?

>private judicial system
what a joke, you can't have a judicial system without a coercive institution enforcing the laws because it is inherently voluntary to subscribe to said laws

>Pollution insurance/DROs
That isn't a solution to mass pollution nor other externalities as you would infringe upon said company's right to pollute

bitcoin only had 1 crash and 2 mini crashes. It's still worth more than any currency today. In fact for the last year it's floated above 500$

all these things are already happening though

I see what you did there OP. What is to stop current form of government from causing all the problems you listed? Oh... they already did.

You can have private currency which would be adopted, and it actually solves the issue of a monopoly on currency and creates a competition of different monies which can be exchanged and liquidated on the free market or unadopted if the manager starts printing like crazy and devaluing the currency..

This assumes that people are not only rational but knowledgable and that currencies will not envoke anticompetitive actions

Basically all the arguments that Sup Forums gives against ancaps are arguments against government that is susceptible to bribery. There are good arguments against ancap, but /pol doesn't know them, or won't listen to them because they are also flaws in democracy/capitalism.

Can someone, in like 2 lines, explain what these two different coloured triangles I constantly see on Sup Forums even mean. A tl;dr summary would be nice.

I'm a lazy american and therefore I don't want to get involved in another internet hole.



But check the archive we had 2-3 300+ post threads of these the past 2 days.


I feel like an ancap tabletop RPG run by a competent GM would have considerable potential for lulz.


People are rational when it comes to self-interest

>currencies will not envoke anticompetitive actions
the only thing anti-competitive is a central banking system, a federal currency, and a state throwing people who create private currencies in prison

I miss the days when ancaps outnumbered neocons on Sup Forums.

Sad times we live in front

protip: I can't

Pretty much this. Ancaps generally know more arguments against Ancap than Sup Forums does,

You cold rattle on all day but you'd be retarded if you did.

All you're basically doing is taking a snapshot of todays society, removing government and going "ugh! look at all these problems!" problems that effect the state worse in reality.

Can't follow directions. All that did was direct me to enter a hole.


I'm too tired to research. Please. I hate right angle, different couloured, triangles.

Ancap party of sweden, you lazy fuck

>forgetting about NAP

the actual problem /pol should be pointing out with regards to pollution isn't the one they are trying to point out right now.

See, some resources exist that have very distributed externalities. I can dump some toxic waste in the air and it will cause a small amount of harm to a million different people, or maybe even the whole world if you believe in global warming.
Now, of course they should take me to court. Problem is that the incentive is very distributed across them all, similar to the way that the incentive to produce food in a communal farm is very distributed. The problem isn't actually pollution on privately owned land, the problem is pollution that nobody will bother suing.
There are two ways to fix this, just as there are two ways to make a communal farm work- you can appoint a vanguard or you can create a culture of unity/responsibility. The appointment of a vanguard only works when the vanguard is inherently more trustworthy and capable than those who allow him to centralize the responsibility. The danger is that if a vanguard is appointed which has severe flaws, the responsibility for creating a new vanguard is distributed, just as the incentives were originally distributed. The new problem we have is how to appoint inherently better vanguards. I have an answer to this question, but you should think about it on your own. I would recommend lectures on game theory so that you understand the incentives behind this flaw.

Nothing stops any of that except for individual preferences and the ability for those individuals to make those preferences real.

You and many others have a misunderstanding about ancap. You think that ancap is supposed to come from a kind of mass acceptance of the NAP, or that magically one day the state will disappear while everyone holds the same preferences they have today. Both wrong.

Ancap, if it happens, will be a result of capitalism and ever-more sophisticated techniques by private business to confound the state and its machinations for their customers. Tax advisors, tax shelters, private security, etc.

A further misunderstanding is that ancap is libertarian. It is not. Defined, ancap is simply the de-monopolization of the use of force via a capitalist mechanism.

>laws are pointless because people can just break them
>nobody will violate this abstract principle though that would just be wrong

Thank you user. I have many follow up questions. However, in the interest of time, I will refer you to the recommendation from FBI Director Comey.

Wow was I just trolled? You fucking leaf go apologize for breathing.

Ancap opens the law to market forces.

Aka whoever has the most money decides what's allowed
Truly a utopian society

Ancap opens the use of force to the person with the most money rather than a system run by the people.

My apologies.

For the record, even though I'm a leaf, I do feel that Rowdy Gowdy is the king of all kings.

> whoever has the most money
> to the person with the most money

...and the only person who receives an Insurance payout is the person who pays the most premiums right? You can't be this naive, short-sighted and unimaginative surely....

GOwdy is a fucking G Im suprised he wasnt assassinated.

>Equating insurance to rule of law

In ancap there is no rule of law with which to recieve 'pay out.' The one with the most money can purchase the most force with which to exert on others and creates his/her own rule of law.

Oh my mistake, what you meant was
>everyone will have their own set of laws based on what they can afford
That's much better

not their own laws but their own defense and dispute arbitration needs just like everyone has varying needs in every other service, the over arching rules and co-operation between arbiters, defense, agencies judges, social norms, alternative solutions etc would be a bit more homogeneous/standardized might be the word.

Either way the quality of the service would be far higher than under a monopoly with distorted incentives.

They did it before we had governments... it was just that we had no monopolistic standard, which made it rather inefficient. Now we have a monopolistic standard, which kills competition.

This could just as easily happen in a nation with government, if it doesn't forbid people from buying weaponry or developing their own. Biggest reason I don't think that violence would be as popular in ancapistan as critics say is that there are much more subtle ways of controlling the public that are far cheaper and efficient. There is a reason that corporations help Hillary Clinton run for president instead of funding a civil war- they don't want to deal with the fallout of a civil war. Their trade routes would be devastated for decades. Instead, they would produce propaganda and slowly create a subtle tyranny by controlling local private police and suchlike not as an army for each individual corporation, but as an army for all of the corporations and billionaires who want to buy force. Basically no different from what we have today, except a bit more extreme.

>DOW Jones Special Forces

Lel, the Dow is literally just a way of measuring how well the stock market is doing.

Its a meme dont takeit so seriously

I agree. The libtards are terrified of him. I am surprised too he is not the next Seth Rich. He should have some role in Trump's administration.

I like you user. You made my night with your kind comments.

My apologies if there has been appearances of hijacking this thread. It was never my purpose.

>inb4 leafs say sorry too much.

I know, I just thought it was funny. Either way
>don't take it so seriously

Is this an order, do you support me being shot?!?! DID YOU VIOLATE THE NAP!!!

>oh shit that guy was just killed
>what to go investigate to see if the killer violated the NAP?

Is the wild west an example of an ancap society?

I'd love an-cap.

I have a ton of hot 12-18 year old neighbours I want to rape.

So I'd rape them, and if there brothers, dads etc came onto my property to confront me I'd just shoot them

No, they had law...

Dont shoot me bro :[