If Star Wars no longer cares about me, then I no longer care about Star Wars.
gg no re, Kathleen
t. a FUCKING white male, bullied by girls and black kids alike as a little kid for being obsessed with SW
If Star Wars no longer cares about me, then I no longer care about Star Wars.
gg no re, Kathleen
t. a FUCKING white male, bullied by girls and black kids alike as a little kid for being obsessed with SW
i will never understand how people complain about diversity in fucking star wars or star trek, shows that are about a mix not only of races but of species and even biological/ai/spirits all working together or against each other
Why don't they just make their own, new space movies instead of shoehorning their agends into ours'?
>I will never understand Sup Forums's limpdick attempts at shitposting
nobody cares about your inability to like something based on trivial shit that has nothing to do with the story
As a white male that was obsessed with star wars as a kid I find myself not caring at all. Star wars was for kids, and now it's for manchildren and 'nerds'. I doubt I'll even see the next movie unless I take my nephew or something.
And yet none of these movies have a non-human alien as a main character. Closest thing is Chewbacca and the fucker can't even speak English.
Even Rogue One couldn't be assed to have a non-human in their ragtag bunch, aside from the robot.
Reminder that the most popular new character for merchandise and marketing is a white male.
>Star Wars no longer cares about me
Primary protagonist is a white woman, primary antagonist is a white man. Original series protagonist is a white man and still in the film. Han solo is a white man, Princess cocaine is a white woman. Rogue One features a white protagonist. Prequel films feature a white protagonist along with white antagonist.
Shut the fuck up nerd.
>anakin wasn't the chosen one after all
>it's a mary sue instead
>the only new white male characters are all bad guys
Nah, fuck off
>that nose
No one care Sup Forumstard. White people are already history
Because the diversity is forced in these new Star Wars movies. It's live everytime a brown, asian or female characters shows up, you can hear John Boyega scream "DID U C DAT!, DID U C DAT?!!"
Besides, all these diversity characters turn out to be borderline racist caricatures or tired feminist tropes.
He's 100% white.
Ok, I'm sure we can convince disney to give you a self insert
Maybe like an ewok character that's been exiled from endor and ends up outside of a space hotel masturbating in the rain while watching Finn and Rey get it on through the window.
Go outside faggot.
>go outside
m8, we're both shitposting on Sup Forums on a Sunday night. You're one to talk
It's sunday morning here you dumb fuck
Why am I supposed to know what timezone you're in? Fucking amerifat
Intuition because its an american site
I wouldn't care if they wanted to make everyone brown and said 'all people are like this in space as all races were mixed', something like that makes sense.
Space Chinese men with Space chinese accents and space chinese traditions is fucking stupid though. Those messages should be put through increasing the amount of alien races we see, represent Earth racial / religious tension with that, that makes sense. You know, like they did with the original Star Wars.
But it's not about a good message that fits in a good movie, it's about pandering.
>but moved to america
They were Jews escaping persecution. 100%.
>american site
you do realize shitposting can cause actual discussion though, right? that was the point of OP to begin with
>The moral of Star Wars now is that Rey is getting BLACKED by Bodega
Why don't you embrass cultural diversity my firend :^)
They are christian white americans now, so it pointless for hollywoodian jews.
>all these diversity characters turn out to be borderline racist caricatures or tired feminist tropes.
Yes. I'm sure that's what's bothering you.
nope, rey hates bodega. she's going to fall in love and fuck Luke midway through episode 8, at which point luke is going to go "rey... i am your father". it's looking back at the previous movies, it's sort of like poetry, so it rhymes
all american black youth does talk like this or at least knows someone who do talk like dat, so it's recognizable all racist charicatures have a basis in reality and instead of denying and being offended by it we should embrace and celebrate the cultural things that define our race BOIII namsayin'
>implying Bodega isn't going to BLACK Oscar Isaac instead and Rey stays alone because STRONK FEMALE PROTAGONIST
You gotta think like them, user.
Why is Disney enforcing stereotypes? Not all black people speak jyve, are sweaty. Why not give them role models like Lando Calrissian. Who is the racist? The one who sees racist stereotypes or the one who created them?
confirmed non-white
Rey is for Kylo's breeding dick. Disney needs to keep Skywalker bloodline alive.
I'd rather have that honestly
While doing so Tyler The Creator makes a cameo
nice buzzword
I just want a alien crew
and even then they barely showcase him in their promos
I would be perfectly fine with all of this diversity in Star Wars if they hadn't decided to make the whole EU non-canon for it.
fucking kek
>t. a FUCKING white male, bullied by girls and black kids alike as a little kid for being obsessed with SW
And that kid's name? Albert Einstein
>Why not give them role models like Lando Calrissian.
It's the same thing as sarah connor and ripley. Lando was a great character played by a good actor, his orientation on the grand diversity SJW chart is absolutely irrelevant to the role.
My biggest problem with Finn is that his character is just wasted potential. Look at boyega in attack the block. He plays a genuinely unsympathetic character that actively drags himself and those around him down, and by the end of the movie he grows as a character and takes responsibility for his situation and saves the day after personal sacrifice. That sounds like it would really work as a character arc for a reformed storm trooper.
Instead we get a comic relief tag along false-protagonist that doesn't really fit together with his back story.
Driver is very much Ford 2.0.: he don't like public and have much work.
Okay so whats a more diverse way of introducing said minorities
You took the time to type this, read it over, and convince yourself it was a good insult.
>americoons claim to be white
Tbh I kinda chuckled at it...
lando calrissian, the womanizer gambler backstabber jew? not a great rolemodel, and making a womanizing black male would go really bad in this day and age
>not a great rolemodel
>has a respectable job
>helps his friends
>doesn't steal his friend's waifu
>speaks like a white (read: non-american) person
ah yes, such a bad rolemodel
Just a buzzword that means I don't like it.
In b4 something gets 'shoved down your throat', an odd obsession your kind seems to have.
I don't care as long as Poe and Finn end up together.
>respectable job, that consists of gambling, jewing and selling to the empire
>helps his friends by ensuring they are put into carbonite and sent back to jabba's torture palace, not before being tortured/disassembled by the empire first
>first thing he tries is stealing his friend's wifu
>speaks like a suave pimp
>cast the ugliest Asian chick they could find
That's the only offensive thing about SW right now.
Nobody cares about diversity in Star Trek. For fucks sake it had the first interracial kiss on television. Star Wars had at least one black person in it since the OT but it feels like they care more about seeming trendy and progressive than making a good movie.
Is that Bobby Lee?
if finn fucks the chink and not rey, I'm boycotting this film.
>"oh shit the behind the scenes camera guy is coming"
>"hey, chink. Pretend to laugh".
Now watch as the WHITE EVIL CHARACTER shoots up a jedi school
>any religious people being persecuted in the Netherlands around that time
What a load of bullcrap
the new ugly asian is gonna be Finn's love interest, why are you complaining
>In b4 something gets 'shoved down your throat', an odd obsession your kind seems to have.
You're the only one who talked about stuff shoved down your throat, faggot
It's cause Disney is acting like what they are doing is so extraordinary and original
Jesus they managed to find an even more unnatractive girl than rey
How much you guys wanna bet that they pair kylo and rey to keep this money maker going?
Whilst I believe that they'll eventually get sick of the skywalker lineage and move onto a different bloodline, they're going to try and milk this skywalker shit for as long as possible.
>Han solo is a white man
han solo is played by a jewish actor not a white one
That's the point. Imagine them casting a beautiful asian girl. Who's gonna pay attention to the tomboy?
And another thing, I don't know why they're pushing so hard to fill in this diversity quota. Kids don't care about identity politics unless you teach them to.
I took my 6 year old sister to SW celebrations last year and I remember asking her if she wanted Rey but she said no. She picked kylo instead because "he looked cooler". It's the aesthetics that are important to them.
There's no point in trying to explain it if you don't get in on your own. The only one fascinated with "this or that" is you, your sister had a choice and she made one. That is the important part. Others will make other choices. But they can. If there are only Kylo Rens, there is no choice.
I don't think diversity is aimed at kids. I think it's aimed "social justice activists" and racists. On one hand they expectedwild and angry reactions from racists and on the other they expect SJ activists to defend the movie with all their heart no matter how poor the movie actually is. It creates controversy. Hollywood scumbags are convinced controversy makes people watch. It might be true for a new product that nobody heard about. But for a well established franchise like Star Wars, it doesn't make any sense. Kathleen Kennedy is a corporate tool, she ruined Star Wars by using dumb marketing gimmicks that were completely unnecessary. The movie could have been 100% white males, it would have billions anyway.
Cherry picking. Most chinks look like the SW girl.
>Cherry picking
What do you think casting is?
Couldn't agree more, it's why nuwars has been dead on arrival and shilled so hard 7 onwards
I was a fan of Star Wars all my life and I haven't even seen Marvel's shit. Neither Force Awakens or Rogue One. I can't be bothered. Only scenes here and there and a general overview of plot. It's generally fucking trash. It's uninspired, paint by numbers, agenda pushing trash.
Shit bothers me when I know it was intentionally done for the wrong reasons. It can't be merely a coincidence that the two newest Star Wars movies both had a woman as the leading role.
>It can't be merely a coincidence that the two newest Star Wars movies both had a woman as the leading role.
And same for the videogames and cartoons. They're not even trying to be subtle, they have so much contempt for the orignal male audience that they don't even care.
t. Mike Stoklasa
You should stop watching them because they're shitty movies. Also I kind of feel for you user. It sucks that nerd culture has been taken from those that suffered through ridicule for so many years.
Fuck that series, it's dead Jim.
>Now Niggers stole the Waifus Asian ladies from the American Cucks
I feel so sorry for the Cuck nation of America
We don't complain about the diversity, we complain about the terrible cast choices. We want people who are charismatic because as history has shown, our leaders are generally charismatic. Therefore, it would ONLY MAKE FUCKING SENSE, if the important characters are good looking and are basically bad-ass to some extent. Be real here.
>I don't know why they're pushing so hard to fill in this diversity quota
>Kids don't care about identity politics unless you teach them to.