What are everyone's biggest hopes for The Witcher?
>Monster effects?
>Adaption of specific short stories?
>specific characters?
>comfy af family?
What are everyone's biggest hopes for The Witcher?
Idris Elba.
absolute mad man
I wouldn't mind each episode being a different monster to kill, but it should also have the main plot going on whilst he's doing his thing. Sort of like the game, doing the contracts whilst the main quest is going on in the background.
>specific characters
Leave out triss entirely.
The most kino scene in the books of course: Ciri skating and killing mercenaries on the frozen lake.
>each episode being a different monster to kill
please no, the monsters need to be subservient to the plot. An adaption of "A Grain of Truth" or "A Question of Price" would be a great way to open, but they need to get to "Sword of Destiny" asap.
there should be detective work, politics, and Geralt being a fool for semen demon and making terrible moral choices (e.g. murdering government officials to save a monster)
Another crucial point is to make Vilgefortz and Bonehart semi good guys who fight against eachother (the way they were introduced, this should've been the perfect development)
Also I feel "A Grain of Truth" is the perfect introduction of the character Vilgefortz, merging him with Nivellen creates an interesting dynamic between him and Geralt (so much resentment and bitterness)
>interesting dynamic between him and Geralt
i.e. something like "you killed my one true love to save me, now I take your daughter's uterus to save the world"
Sapowksi wouldn't have it.
Yet another opportunity to give a role model to people of color lost.
>Monster effects?
Few monsters but with well dont practival+cgi effects, most enemies are humans.
>Adaption of specific short stories?
Hearts of Stone questline
>specific characters?
Remove dandelion
How aweful are the books compared to the very good games?
What you describe sounds like a trashy anime or capeshit scene tb h
How many quips are in the books?
Go back to Sup Forums you fucking retarded manchild faggot.
>Hearts of Stone questline
The series is an adaption of the Sapowski's books, not CDPR's games.
If it reaches like 7 seasons though I'd like to think they'd use some of CDPR's material.
Wasn't Vilgefortz supposed to be Geralt's relative or Geralt himself came from another dimension? He was the only one knowing about his mother.
How big would you want Sapkowski to be involved in the development process of the series? Do you want him able to make big calls or keep his involvement minimal? Would you condone if the series tried to adapt a tone that would keep it in line with the games, most prominently W3?
Sapkowski would probably compare the situation with some of the actual Polish politics making half of Sup Forums completely mad and calling him a commie or whatever.
based elba poster
No I never heard of those things.
It's only fair that he and Bonehart should be more complex and more sympathetic. They deserve to be.
Bonehart is a genius swordman who dealt with renegade witchers (a human who fight on equal terms with mutants). In this society, most witchers should be exactly the killing machines as originally intended, they aren't concerned with morality, thus, when the human employers messed up, they send Bonehart to deal with them.
I suppose, a main theme of the series is Geralt's internal struggle, and eventually he comes to the conclusion that he will never be a good witcher.
Sapkowski is a cynical old bastard who doesn't understand storytelling outside of written fiction, I would prefer they took more notes from CDPR. But like with anything else book readers will cry if anything is changed.
>A Question of Price
Yes fucking please.
The perfect way to start the series is to show Geralt trolling a monarch, and if they have a CGI duny with you-know-who's voice hype levels will be off the charts.
Grain of Truth is also good, and the Striga fight is pretty iconic too.
Tomasz Baginski did the short for Witcher 1, so it wouldn't surprise me if they lead with it.
The biggest problem with the books is honestly the shit translation. The translator treats every fucking sentence like they're trying to win a game of Scrabble or impress a linguist rather than just translating, which makes them extremely stodgy.
The short story compilations, Sword of Destiny and The Last Wish, are way better than the novels. The novels are mostly Ciri's story told through Geralt's eyes which can be a bit draining too.
Baginski also did the Killing Monsters trailer for Witcher 3. If this is how they're going to do fight choreography I'm fucking hyped.
>Wasn't Vilgefortz supposed to be Geralt's relative or Geralt himself came from another dimension?
>He was the only one knowing about his mother.
He just had a spy network and loved scrying.
I still rate the full trailer (ie, intro movie) for the first game as the second-best in the series, beaten only by Night to Remember.
based based poster
I was a little saddened when the folks from CDPR tweeted that they had no involvement whatsoever with the series, as I rather liked the look and feel they hammered out over the course of the 3 games.
On another note, I wonder whether they'll manage to tone down Sapkowski's boner for Ciri in the tv series, if she gets involved. If Sapkowski weren't a bitter old man, I'd have guessed he self-inserted as Ciri. Maybe he still did.
Please cast someone who can act to play Yen.
>i'll fukn besh ur hed cunt i swer on me mum
What if she won't look like that?
So what will be the budget for this?
Marco Polo tier or some cheap shit?
The only acting "skill" Yen's actress will need is to be a hateable and hateful cunt. If Lena Headey wasn't well out of their price range I'd suggest her.
Go to bed Triss you're drunk again.
>didn't read the books
>hasn't played the game
>has just seen pictures of hot purple-eyed milfs
Yeah, nah.
>>didn't read the books
>>hasn't played the game
>>has just seen pictures of red haired qt
Yah, nah.
Trissfags are the absolute worst
Trissfags confirmed for newfag redditors?
Honestly I only read the last wish and It's a power and sex fantasy of an old guy who writes like a 15-year-old . I have written in a similar quality when I was an 8th grader and at 4 am trying to hit the deadline for a homework about story writing. I ended up not giving It, because I didn't like the end result, so I gotten a zero. He has a great premise but has no talent for writing. I hope the show elevates the source material as much as the games did.
They will need to water it down to GoT pleb levels and put lot of diversity or this show won't succeed
>A Question of Price
this is the one to start with, right fucking here
Though I wish they would just make a quality animated series instead of live action. There are going to be so many challenges to presenting the fantasy elements properly.
Nah mang. The first time we even see Yen she's mind contolling people left right and centre to love her because otherwise she pisses people off too much. Then she only gets Geralt long-term because of the wish.
Mind you Geralt acts like a total sperglord towards her so it's not like he's as pure as the driven snow. They're just really shit for each other and would be better off apart.
Being Sapkowski is suffering. First he misses out on lifetime royalties by taking a clump sum of money from CDPR because he thinks the games will flop, then Polish tv tries to adapt it to a tv show which can only be described as congealed failure, and now another adaption will be watered down and filled with diversity quotas. No wonder he drinks a lot.
I want them to use this guy.
I want that beauty and the beast story, you know the one with the Bruxa.
Are we going to see daily Witcher shilling on Sup Forums now aswell? Was ruining Sup Forums not enough for the Poles?
I think you mean A Grain of Truth?
>implying Sup Forums is not already ruined
WhatdidhemeanbythiswhowasinthewrongSHINEBOXebincapeshitlmaobigguy4youhewasagoodfriendlmaosheevspinwhatthefuckwashisproblem etc etc.
I totally forget the names it's been like 10 years since I read them prior to playing witcher 1, but you had beast who talks to Geralt about how he got turned into beast and how he's met his various beauties, it was a fun twist on the story, but in the end you find out his current gril is a bruxa and kicks Geralt's ass and then beast shows up something something true love saves the day.
Also it seems like a good time considering the stroy is fresh in everyone's mind thanks to the live action Disney version that just came out.
cast him
Zerrikanian spice merchant.
Yeah, A Grain of Truth, the beast is Nivellen.
Emhyr var Emreis
>be Netflix
>play Witcher 3
>"hey, that's pretty cool. how about we adapt the books to make our own GoT?"
>go buy rights and announce the plans
>books aren't all that well written and a powerwank fantasy of an old cynical drunkard wanting to be the most special girl in the universe and a bad end for the titular character
>"well, fuck..."
Will be interesting to see what they can make out of the books. Maybe they should ask CDPR for help after all.
Trully the only one who can give Geralt justice as racist slayer
>wants to kidnap, rape and marry qt white girl who is also his daughter
it fits
To be honest I would rather have TV show dedicated to Vernon which was created for game only
I'd love to see Thaler in action and how they'd manage his manner of speech on screen.
What if they make it like MTV's Shannara adaption and make the whole cast attractive twentysomethings like some YA novel?
HBO would probably be up for it. A gritty drama about the Blue Stripes with some Temerian politics thrown in. Foltest is enough of a lecherous bastard to fit the bill, and Thaler fills the swearing quota. One half of each episode deals with the Blue Stripes fighting Scoia'tael and getting drunk, while the other half is about Thaler and Foltest dealing with politics, swearing and fucking.
No black people.
It's netflix innit? Better off betting on no white ppl.
>Monster effects
come the fuck on, you know how game of thrones is struggling to use fucking dragons, and you expect netflix to have any monster effects?
There will be no monsters, The Witcher will be literally shit like Reign, or any historical political drama. Geralt will only kill humans, and only after 90% of political drama, sex scenes, and all that shit.
also no magic either, because that's not realistic.
there will probably be one or two monsters a season which is fine because in the books monsters are rare not like in the games
If the show is run and written at all competently, the episode where Geralt pieces together the tragic past of a noon-wraith in order to put her spirit to rest should be great.
>>Monster effects?
Monsters are rare in the books. Geralt killed ~15 monsters over 7 books.
Eva Green as triss
Idris elba as everyone else
I hope it's not a GoT rip off where every villain is a TWISTED PSYCHOPATH and no character is safe from dying
Since it's based on the books that means there won't be many monsters to begin with. There is a passage in the books where he complains about how he's slowly making himself unemployed since Witchers have more or less wiped out every threatening monster out there and the only ones left are curiosities for the nobility or do more good than harm, like the troll under the bridge who demands a toll for every man passing through, but who also maintains the bridge and keep other pests at bay.
He kills way more than that bro. He may kill that many in single encounters. Like the one before he gets injured and meets his mother.
It should be a romance drama where geralt focuses on his true love and hangs up his witchering boots to fuck triss all day
It should be a Pokemon style adventure, where Geralt travels the lands and gathers trading cards of the girls he beds.
will it feature geralts struggles with gwent addiction?
If they don't include gwent or roach on a roof something is seriously wrong.
>judging books based on their shitty translations
that game is so retarded
i played the tutorial thing with that guy in the inn and couldn't win fuck that shit
>I didn't understand the moderately simple game so its "so retarded"
somethings retarded, but its not the game
gwent is great
is this show any good?
Following yet to be released stories written by Sapkowski. And definitely no Ciri.
His 2 zerrikanian escorts
I mean if they can turn the blue eyed white cowboy into Idris Elba
somebody post that webm when she looks at yennefer on her smartphone
that they don't fuck up
...and maybe do Funky Koval next
They should just make the movie rendered exactly like this.
I don't get the hype for this video game. I bought Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 a while back. I started with Bloodborne and loved every second of it. The gameplay, the trick weapons, the world. But I'm maybe two hours into The Witcher and it just feels so clunky. When I try to loot a corpse I have to readjst my character like five times for the option to show