There are dozens if not hundreds of morons reacting to a Disney promo clip. Of course none of them will criticize it objectively, it's only about screaming and shilling for Disney. WHy are they doing this?
People reacting to the Star Wars sizzle reel
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You dont get marketing, huh?
money from clicks
are you retarded?
But most of these videos barely make any views
But the views they make are significant in and of themselves, surely you see?
user, most people don't see how vapid the franchise has become and are legitimately excited about it. Even if they're not making money off these reaction videos, they still do them to show they're on board with popular cool geeky thing that everybody loves.
The whole filming yourself reacting to something craze is weird to me. It's one of those things that make me feel real fucking old.
No they get money from Disney.
Not as pathetic as hitting refresh at your keyboard waiting to see if someone agrees with you on how pathetic other people are
>hitting refresh at your keyboard
The fuck is this? 2006? Get 4chanX, you qt3.14.
>the 'I have black friends' photos easily viewable for the camera
good liberal
that's how you signal
links pls
This just makes you look worse.
This chicks video has 300 views. That's like $1.35 earned.
The ones that make like 20,000 or more views are at least worth it due to money earned for higher view count.
Like I got it way back in the day where you filmed people's reactions to 2 girls 1 cup, but that is clearly different.
And nothing I trust less that a "candid reaction" of yourself that you decided to film ahead of time.
I was born in 83 and was the biggest fanboy in the universe, and so were my friends, and we didn't act like this when the phantom menace teaser dropped, and that shit was the definition of HYPE!
It's just all so phony and obviously staged, and I'm perfectly capable of having opinions about things without needing to see some fag sperging out.
You think I can't do better than that? I'll have you know I'm a 32 year old wizard who has been here since '05. I am the worsest.
It's nu-marketing. You can thank Millennial marketers for this faggotry.
The studios actively encourage idiot fanboy behavior, because the more fanboys there are, the less effort they have to put into their jobs.
Fanboys aren't exactly critical thinkers. It's not remotely hard to hype them up.
Hell, the Christopher Nolan-style hype trailers have been working on them for almost a decade now.
These morons in the videos are there to coax you, the viewer, into acting as emotional and irrational as them.
The studios want you to freak the fuck out over their hype bullshit. If you're freaking out and acting like a fantard, then you're not noticing how strikingly similar everything is to shit we've seen many times before.
Dude i fucking LOVE star wars!!!!!
try 0.03 cents
What is there to even criticize? In production puppets? It's a behind the scene trailer, I don't know what you were expecting other than optimism
>Star Wars sizzle reel
Literally nothing worth making a reaction video over. It's shit like this that makes me feel embarrassed to be a SW fan.
Plus, Maz Kanata is back. I hope Rian does a way better job with her character because she gave me that no-no Jar Jar vibe in Ep. 7.
Because people's love for Star Wars is unlike any other hobby or fandom. It is irrational. They will buy anything with the name Star Wars on it. Even today, we have people who think the prequels are good. That'show insane people are for this franchise.