MFW: Trump becomes president and right wing death squads become common place


Its a great feel isn't it?

No, Toguro.

mfw you should be voting for hillary if thats what you want lmao. shes the catholic fascist hes the protestant anarchist


And then you wake up

I'll take Liberal Bullshit That Will Never Really Happen, for 500, Alex.

Trump is the only hope for this country.

if Argentina thinks they are bad and got rid of peronists,

then Trumpists will be rejected as well

I can't wait burger, either way kek will deliver happenings.

>mfw the Great Hillary becomes the first female president and right wing nazis like yourself get sent to reeducation camps

Check the flag, I can't vote.... wait a secon d. A Fucking Leaf

My nigger yu yu hakusho is the shit



aren't right wing death squads more likely if he loses?

MFW all the CTR fags underestimate our secret attack.

No the great leftist purge, kek wills it.



>mfw the alt-right thinks they can beat George Soros

A glorious day it will be

> MFW we not only beat George Soros but the JIDL simultaniousely

This is why normies are afraid of Trump. His supporters are crazy. Do you seriously think normies want to live in a place with death squads?

There is no one more anti-catholic than hillary.

>plot twist: Soros and the JIDL were both genuinely our greatest allies
