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>dude libertarians are dumb lmao
they are
> The City of Lost Children
Who will take the following cast?
Andrew Ryan?
Frank Fontaine?
Jack Ryan?
Dr. Tenenbaum?
Sofia Lamb?
Alexander Gil?
Eleanor Lamb?
Subject Delta?
Bioshock is a movie, sure as fuck was barely a game.
Joel de la Fuente as Suchong
It was actually Atlas that used Marxist class warfare and sabotage that led to the fall of rapture.
The intrinsic weakness of a libertarian system allowed it to be easily compromised by such a low-life pathogen as Fontaine. Libertarianism is fun for individuals, but a well organized, suffering group is always going to stomp your shit in.
Daniel Day Lewis as Andrew Ryan
Tobey Mcguire as Frank Fontaine
>DDL spends 6 months in some abandoned subaquatic research station playing an-cap with his imaginary friends for the role.
have him do the voice of atlas, that would actually turn out pretty good for the switch up at the end.
also would be a fun poke at the whole black is bad buy thing if when you switch to fontaine it is played by someone else, Tom hardy or some such.
>we get a Bioshock movie
>it's a Bioshock Infinite movie
>Frank Fontaine?
I know this sounds crazy, but just picture it.
Atlas is literally the most jewish character I ever saw, if you let Sup Forums and /po/ create a game villain together it will be identical to him
Give me one reason Peter Thiel couldn't build an underwater utopia. I'll wait.
>"It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the sea. It was impossible to build it anywhere else."
I love how this game plot is better than many books and movies.
>It was impossible to build it anywhere else."
Why not just build it in on an island?
If only
because it would be impossible
Even though he's a whop disguising as an irishman, making him as american as apple pie or dying in school shootings.
Sup Forumseddit
Infinite feels more like a Hollywood movie than the other games
>alcoholic detective with a dark past
>Disney princess in a tower guarded by a dragon
>Generic anti-nationalist/anti-religious commentary
>Quirky British sidekicks
>Two separate "I am your father" twists combined with a Shymalan "I was you from the future all along" twist
>fancy set pieces but minimal plot/character development
But he's Italian cosplaying as an Irishman. He's basically your average attendee at the St Patrick's Day parade in any city except Boston.
Verbinsky would have done it, he was willing and a fan, which is so damn rare.
Every time there's a videogame movie you hear a parade of the people involved running a race of who has given the least fuck about the game, from "I did not know it until I googled it" to "I have not been playing videogames since I was 7"
Guess who killed it, your god, Snyder.
>8 weeks from shooting
>Watchmen is an expensive R rated movie that does not achieve the desired numbers
>Studio get nervous about spending between 100-200 $ millions on another R rated movie.
Wait a minute... that card
Rapture was a time bomb, if it wasn't Atlas that set it off it would be someone else 5 minutes later.
>Gather exclusively the world's best, brightest, and richest all under one roof.
>Someone's still gotta form the underclass and scrub the toilets.
>Wonder why the richfags who were promised unlimited wealth and power in Rapture are staging an uprising when your city turned them into slaves
The ending to Bioshock Infinite made no sense. It would be literally impossible to kill all comstocks in all possible universes, because the act of attempting to do this would automatically create a parallel universe in which it didn't work, thus ensuring the existence of at least 1 comstock in the multiverse.
Also, why would Booker and Elizabeth in one universe care about the Comstocks in all the other universes?
everyone was fucked up
Atlas just saw it and tried to make it give profit for him
When you abandon morals society collapses
Ken Levine also gets personally offended at people who make lewds of Elizabeth because she's his daughterfu (who he wants to fuck incestuously)
>T smelly bootlicker who survives off welfare
verbinski is a fucking retard, that movie was completely doable with the 80 mil budget.
A cure for wellness was such a bad movie