whos going to be the beta faggot twink companion - edition
/who/ - Doctor who General
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ghostbusters 2
This is such a dumb idea it just might work!
Have not watched this shit in years. what this about cletuses?
The actor is not what matters, the shit writing is
Doctor who has had terrible writing for years, even if it was a dude it still wouldnt be good
Sup Forums reporting in
Thirst for mummy Jodie
will the doctor have a ginger companion at least??
How long till she gets blacked?
Why cletus? What does it mean?
You're not one of those butthurt fanboys are you?
How soon until we get Whitaker fakes?
cletusus is what the progressives here call anyone who wants a male doctor
Quick! Recommend me some good shows/films Jodie Whittaker plays in!
I've only seen her in Broadchurch.
Rory is legit qt I watch that horrible Legends of Tomorrow just for my Arthur fix
Yo so I kinda forgot about Who for a while and haven't seen this past season yet - is it a good one?
Am i the only one okay with this?
What's so bad about a female doctor anyways? She could be good. It's not like in Ghostbusters where it was going to be obviously shit whether they were women or not
Capaldi was a great casting decision and they still fucked everything up. The casting doesn't really matter.
We all know what happens when you pander to progressives.
>13 white doctors
Feminist celebrate racism, wew lad
you guys are pathetic
>Capaldi had said that he wanted to see a woman replace him in the Tardis.
cry more cletuses, the doctor you adored so much doesn't even like you
Do you like me more than Moffat, /who/?
A new writer is literally taking charge of the show, and reports indicate he may be forming a writer's room of people who did not work on the last few series at least.
Thank God that incompetent freak Crapaldi is gone.
post yfw GB's resident idiot posts this and gets banned
Watch Venus with Peter O'Toole (ghost)
She gets her tits out mate
At least Moffat isn't showrunning for Jodie.
new series is gonna have pretty much a whole new writers room though so this criticism doesn't work for the upcoming series
Reminder that this panic is all worthless because it isn't Moffat anymore.
If Moff was writing the first female Doctor then I'd be flipping my shit as well because that dude can't write vaginas, but my nigga Chibbers has it covered.
He's steering this show into a new golden age
>capable actor
pick one
All the outrage is either Sup Forums extremist autists or people acting like them to make men in general look bad
most people I imagine dont care if its a woman
how long will she last lads?
nice chebs
>Moffat hired a footfaced-man and a grandpa for the Doctor
>Chibnall hired a hot as fuck chick
I love you Chibbs
well I'm off to bed
do you think the asshurt will have died down by the time I get up?
Reading the comments of the video suggests otherwise
I unironically want a gay fuccboi companion. Especially since it would forestall the inevitable romance bullshit that every writer loves to shove onto female protagonists.
My bet is 2 seasons.
it will end up being more entertaining because it will probably be at least ok and everyone will love it which will make mra types lose their shit hard, and that will go on for years
4 series 5 specials and 1 feature length theatrical film
Hopefully until the show gets cancelled in ~3 years so we can go back to the wilderness years
I wasnt aware of this, my hope has been rejuvenated, I think a female doctor and new writers could make for a very fresh season
Can't be any worse than Capaldi.
Chances of us getting some lessie doctor action lads?
I wonder when people will finally notice that diversity swaps are a marketing ploy
I'm fine with it too
I think this is what got him banned.
I can't even access the actual post because it's been deleted.
Ashley Fires looks exactly like her. Back to jerking off.
Exactly, all these vague "MUH WRITERS" complaints are silly, because it's a NEW WRITER
I assume ~3 series, same as most Doctors
The show will inevitably get cancelled again, bets comes to terms with it, but there's no indication it will be because of 13. Let's enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Broadchurch was watchable but your individual Who episodes were eh, we'll see what happens.
To those of you swearing off Doctor Who now because the new Doctor is going to be a woman - on behalf of all the rest of us, let me be one among many to wish that the door hits you on the ass on the way out so hard that your ass cheeks burst forth from your genitalia. If you're that much of a fair-weather misogynistic hypocrite that you can't stomach a change of gender for a fictional character, you're better off on a psychologist's couch than hanging out with any fandom group, and we couldn't be more happy to see you go. You won't be missed, we don't care; just shut your cakehole, leave and close the door behind you.
Next, to those of you foaming at the mouth about SJW pandering/political correctness or other such drivel, I understand what you THINK you're trying to say. I didn't want them to choose a woman as the next Doctor for socio-political reasons. I wanted it to be because it would greatly enhance and expand the dynamic of the show and create bold new stories for the Doctor. I also wanted it to be because the actor seemed to be the right person for the job. Is Jodie Whittaker the right person for the job? Since I haven't seen her work, I honestly can't say...but I hope so.
The point is, she's here now; she's the next Doctor, and she deserves a shot. Let's be normal, non-sexist, open-minded adults about this and see how this plays out. Show some support, a modicum of kindness and understanding, and let's see where the TARDIS takes us.
That's not too much to ask.
10 years, surpassing Baker's record and becoming the most iconic Doctor Who, obviously
3 Series
Surely a woman posted that
Cum tribute when?
Yup, could be a fresh, exciting time for the show :)
thank you Chibs
2 seasons 3 christmas specials and the obligatory "the two/three/four/five doctors" cameo
i think she will be lore
Why do they even announce the new Doctor? Why not just leave it a surprise?
i'm going to slap the bitch ass outta you, pussy.
Your episodes are shit, mate. Not a single one above 4/10
Because they'll start filming soon and papparazis will be there to leak it
Becomes even more of a picture of ironic beauty when juxtaposed with that sig quote from Cold Blood.
They can't do that, it would leak anyway.
>tfw Kris really did die on the way back to his home planet
Downvote this shit into oblivion.
>To those of you swearing off Doctor Who now because the new Doctor is going to be a woman
actually i swore off when Capaldi became doctor because it wasn't a ginger doctor
what the hell is wrong with BBC, bloody racists
How did Gareth react?
Oh lord. What a nasty, bitter little person.
Good bait but he posted that 2 days ago and he was talking about something completely different.
Why? What's wrong?
user, are you okay? Are you happy with yourself, your position in life? You can talk to us.
not gonna lie fellas, the fact that chibnall was inspired to cast her based on her work in broadchurch doesn't exactly fill me with hope. that role was nothing like what a doctor should be.
yeah, if you like to be reminded that men are trash every two minutes, it'll be great
I know Paul Cornell once said that Doctor Who set reporters were so good at their jobs that he thought they should be hunting down terrorists instead of leaking Doctor Who spoilers.
giv doctor gf
>new doctor unlike the others
>new head writer with his own team
Im pretty excited to be honest, hated the last few seasons
not your personal army, faggot
>muh Sup Forums army le downvote brigade!! yeah we r leegion
>Self-righteous numale in charge of not being uppity
>papparazis will be there to leak it
Not to mention filming usually takes place around the student conferences in Cardiff.
>people were seriously bettting money on who the next Doctor was
It's called acting user, she was playing a character. The Doctor is a different character. She does this for a living