


Yea this movie is so tender and beautiful, but I bet you don't even get why this movie is good lmao

did he died at the end though?

Titsqueeze kino

Only Goose's story was good, Dehaan's was especially shit.

Pisses me off because Blue Valentine was so fucking good.

that person who hates the third act, what was his problem?

The final third of the film with DeHaan and the fat wannabe rap lad was weaker than the rest of the film. Overall though, very good.

Got boring. Dehaan shouldn't have been the focus.

Troubled teen, got it. Follow Cooper trying to cope, end with the same story beats but less dramatic fatigue.

>you iz wunna them """loner stoners""""
>come do oxy at my house party coz my dad was a cop lemao

Wasted opportunity. Needed a third act of both sons having kids of their own.

Its half a story now.

Is this the Dusk till Dawn of the 2010s?

Shit sandwich.

Only the first act matters.
Then you can turn the movie off because the rest is shit and has nothing to do with anything.

The first third was great, the second was a bore-fest, the third was just cringeworthy

Is there any basis in math for what he's talking about? I assume it's on the same plane as flat earth shit but I have heard stuff in the past about the complexities of what lies between 0 and 1.

You cannot have a dumbshit opinion in mathematics that you can't defend. It's not up for debate because mathematical laws are universal as far as humans know.

If you take one chocolate 1 times you're going to end up with 1 chocolate. Niggers just cant understand these basic concepts

it was aight

Why does the gooses eyes always point in two different directions?

>be best part of the movie
>die 45 minutes in

I want more bike chases dammit!

I feel like every act was important. Just because some of you faggots think that "wow that guy is literally me" on Gosling, doesn't mean the other two are bad. It is true that after the intensity of the first act, Bradley's act feels very plain and boring, but builds up to the end, which I believe it is very good. I just think that Bradley's son could have been other actor. I didn't quite liked the "fat loser version of eminem".