Legend of the Guardians

What went wrong?

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Zack Snyder made it.

nobody gave a hoot about owls.

I haven't even seen this movie and I can tell you from that picture that the problem was the two guys on the left and the guy in the lower right being incredibly annoying comic relief.

i watched this movie and i dont even remember what it was about

It has nothing to do with the book series plot.

Underrated post





Uncanny valley, stiff acting, messed up color saturation to look 'epic' and the humor is flat.

Basically every Snyder film.

le reddit pun XD

Kids and their parents aren't super interested in a Nazi and Holocaust metaphor with owls?

>le Reddit XD

The masses aren't generally aware of how based and badass owls really are.

Call me retarded but I never realized the barn owls were a metaphor for the nazis until I found the movie again on Netflix

I love how it looks but everything felt rushed.

Havent seen this movie in a couple years but I remember liking it.

This was a book series, right? I remember reading and liking them.

From someone who read this books as my favorite juvenile series:

1: The story is basically your everyday teens kid book with Owls. The real spotlight is explaining the lore of how birds can fight. A biologist write the series, so big part of the culture, skill and magic is basically explained in a educative fashion about how Owls behave and barf their food instead of pooping.

2: It's very violent. Like: "Crap! This owls can't stop killing for two fucking minutes?". Also there's a lot of nordic tribalism, brainwashing, child killing, detailed gore, puritan censorship, mental torture, communist owls and also nazi owls (i'm talking serious)

But biology is boring, and violence for kids don't sell. So Dreamworks tropes and pop music instead (and the owls have stupid human faces)

It's was 5 books in one movie.


The movie's visuals and setting got me to read the books, which really brought down the already flawed and rushed plot of the movie, as well as making one really hate what they did to several of the characters. Although movie Kludd is more of an actual character than the anti-Christ one in the book.

But It looks so good I can't stop loving it. Much like how I still watch Happy Feet now and again solely because of the pretty animals, with their visual and occasional behavioral accuracy.

Snyder, like always

Snyder managed to have stiff acting in an animated film

Such a visionary for our times



they changed the ost at the last moment

>liked the books as a youngin
>this movie came out

It's actually pretty funny how many kids books suddenly careen right into non-stop murder and other dark shit.

>movie starts
>hear the name "metalbeak"
>okay it's just one thing, maybe it won't be shit
>that fucking echidna comes out of nowhere

chek'd and kek'd

I can't understand how they felt they had time to put that shit in the movie when they had to compress and truncate the rest of the story to the point that it all becomes a rushed, ill paced mess.
Just have them fly into the Hoolemere snowstorm on their own. They certainly didn't need any more comedy relief at that point, since we just met what they turned Twilight and Digger into.

>tfw you really liked digger's thoughtful character
>tfw they made him into a crazy hobo

I liked Digger, but did he ever get much spotlight in the books? I always wanted him to get a bit of a solo adventure.

I'm sorry user.
Not that I can recall. He was more of a voice-of-reason supportive character, but since he is part of The Band he is present in nearly every situation.

they made their eyes move in their sockets
anyone who knows a single fucking thing about owls knows their eyes are immobile

also they can't talk or wear armor so

Kids love violence.

You never see it happening, but in the books Metalbeak is called "Metalbeak" because he got half his face ripped off in a fight, and he needed a blacksmith to make him prosthetic face.


wait, so is moonblinking real

No, but is a very old Nordic/Gallic legend that sleeping under the full moon makes you insane. So comes the term lunatic (luna=Moon)

Magnest in other hand, can effect animals who have a natural "Compass" system, like birds and fish


I was thrown off as a kid by how violent the books got as they progressed.

How Snyder fucked up the only thing that he know how to do?


You got the first one wrong, but the one on the right really is the annoying comic relief.


Oh goddammit you're right. Harry Potter, Animorphs, that one book series about those tribal cats...I can't think of an exception.

Del Tora didn't really get any darker than it was at the start.
Although there was some pretty creepy shit going on there.

i feel like i have to post this

what's this comic? looks kinda neat

Entered this thread for this post.

Literally who



She-Hulk, I think. Can't remember the run through.

Looks like Dan Slott, when they were talking about how Abomination looking like an Abomination came from him having an extreme lack of self esteem, especially when it came to women, and that She-Hulk beating up on him was the best he could get in having a woman touch him.

I guess it's that time of the month again.

it was too gore for him