Moffat Memorial Edition
Moffat Memorial Edition
>Jodie doesn't have the Doctor look!
What kinda outfit will Jodie wear?
Good riddance. Guy couldn't write for shit.
one with a bra
Has the broadcast date for the Christmas Special been announced yet?
>what is world enough and time
>what is heaven sent
Reminder that all of Moffat's episodes in S10
>The Pilot
>World Enough and Time
>The Doctor Falls
were good-to-great
She doesn't. And I will maintain this until it is confirmed that she'll be wearing a cricket jumper for the entirety of her run
A suit.
>Whittaker, 35, said it was "overwhelming, as a feminist" to become the next Doctor.
It's over, the SJW won. I'm done with DW after the Christmas episode.
All trash.
15th November
She's also "wearing" a vegetable somewhere.
Oh look, it's the second worst doctor.
Listen here you
Sherlock got fucking stupid.
Le Very Clever Deduction stopped being a plausible character trait and simply became Cumberboy's super power that allows him to fix everything magically. Similarly DW got too caught up in trying too hard to write a new sci-fi concept, ignoring that a story should be good before it's original.
Now that the dust has settled I will give opinion that no one should give a shit about. I’m not fundamentally against the of a female doctor I just think that it’s a patchwork solution to the “problem” SJWs are always complaining about. Gender bending everything isn’t solving anything it’s just shifting everything to the other side while keeping everything intact. If they really care about fixing something they’s spend more time creating and promoting new female characters that can have the longevity of some of these male characters like James Bond, Sherlock and The Doctor instead they just flip everything and leaving longtime fans with a bad taste in their mouths. The correct way to fix an imbalance is not to starve the side with the most stuff, is helping the disadvantaged side gain more. Imagine if Wonder Woman suddenly became Wonder Man? I bet people wouldn't be as cheery. If they really wanted a female doctor, they should have killed the show, Waited a few years and then rebooted it with a female doc or created a new similar show with a female protagonist.
I’ll obviously continue watching but I just want people to actually ponder what’s happening here and with lots of other things nowadays.
reminder that people would rate most of S10 higher than 7 if they didn't need to look at Bill's face nor hear Bill's voice.
Moffat has written the best-or-second-best episodes for every series
He's the best writer the revived show has ever had
He has written some shite, though. But so did Holmes (see Kroll)
>selectively quoting this hard
bye cletus, can't say i'm sorry to see you go
Moffat by himself is still good, it's just that he approves some shitty ass scripts from his other writers.
He should've done an RTD and rewritten Lie of the Land but still credit Whithouse.
I'm looking forward to it. Only downside is the fuel it's giving to online feminists. A hateful bunch.
If she didn't say that they would kill her. Like how adele had to suck beyonce dick on stage when she won AOTY over her.
It's what the media has created. An army of people frothing at the mouth to be offended.
>The first thing the new doctor will do is pull out a comically sized largest yet sonic screwdriver, and make a coy penis joke.
XD Girls rule :DDD.
Men eternally cucked
I had hope that Peter would be a great doctor, and he was. He had potential. But fucking Moffat ruined that said potential. And now they're catering only to their tumblar fanbase? Fuck that shit and fuck Doctor Who.
Imagine the doctor trying to use his newly acquired female attractiveness to flirt his way out of a predicament but being terrible at it because she's never been a woman before.
That's a pretty shit drawing
>missy was genderswapped ainley
>13 will be genderswapped 5
His mum had just died though, or I assume he probably would have
>Anyway, Tentoo and Rose's adventures will continue.
Can someone explain to me the kind of psychology behind needing to take comfort in the hypothetical adventures of Handy and Rose, which no-one will EVER depict, because the actual Doctor regenerated into a woman? Like can anyone offer any insight into this?
Just hope it looks somewhat feminine
One thing I liked about the teaser: she had a TARDIS key in her hand and not a sonic screwdriver.
Chibnall might be putting a stop to the screwdriver overuse.
So what will be the name of the 13th Doctors sonic? the Sonic Vibrator?
>we will never get a scene of Missy busting 13's balls for being a copycat
Damn shame, lads
You're a pretty shit drawing
Get ready for a season full of "white" male villians, the use of the word "mansplaining" and "men are dumb, womyn are the future" jokes.
I know who Jodie Whittaker is so she'll be shit.
Didn't know who Eccleston was, great Doctor.
Knew who Tennant was, terrible Doctor.
Didn't know who Smith was, great Doctor.
Knew who Capaldi was, good Doctor but shite stories.
I'm expecting the worst, even though it's an actress I like.
>What is the eleventh hour
>what is A Christmas Carol
Post moar rushed-to-the-presses 13 fanart.
This is the only part that sucks. I can already see the "OMG MY 8 YEAR OLD GIRL FINALLY BELIEVES SHE CAN DO ANYTHING" articles being drafted.
meh, she can't be worse than Capaldi. I'll give it a shot. I'm not annoyed that the Drs a woman now, it's more the glib complacency of teenage fans who think they know it all.
At least it will be different - the biggest change since 2005 for sure.
wow a decent post from a tripfag
>I think this about pretty much all of Moffats stories
What personality will she have?
How will she react when she's suddenly treated different because she now looks like a woman?
Why this image of a woman who showed up?
>Terrible doctor
Get that contrarian bullshit out of here
Anyone else think she looks a bit like Kate?
What happens if ratings drop, will it be cancelled?
I can easily see the next Master do that anyway, telling her female regenerations were so last year
I thought the Doctor was a distinctively male entity?
Moffat did that joke 18 years before you did.
Capaldi isn't in that picture.
fuck off
Let's be honest, a rewrite of Land wouldn't have saved it from the fact that it was a brief and an arc without a real purpose or story to tell. As shit a job as Whithouse did I have to lay a lot of the blame on Moffat and Minchin planning-wise. Extremis was the only bit of that 3 parter which pulled even half of its weight.
>sonic screwdriver
>penis joke
>Doctor shows up in place
>meets locals
>tries to help with situation of the week
>one guy goes 'no you cant help cuz u a girl lol'
>13 roles eyes
>that dude dies a horrific death later on and 13 does not care
How many times in S11 will this happen?
no no, he's right
I hope so, I hope this teaches the BBC not to force changes for real world politics.
They could have picked Eva Green for fuck sake, not this ugly cuntface.
Unless the episodes get really fucking good, this show doesn't have more than two seasons left in it
That would be cute as shit
Reddit is all about freedom of speech
I wrote a story featuring handjob doctor. It was difficult to do and came out like shit. I have no idea how it could comfort anyone.
Like, twice every episode, and four times on the finale.
The Curse of Fatal Death happened a while ago, user.
I'm gonna say 3.
13th Doctor looks like a domestic abuse victim who has dawned a disguise to hunt down her former lover to cut his dick off.
If Tennant's a terrible doctor then i have no fucking clue what a good doctor is.
so dr who is in fact a time lady?
Would she get away with it because shes cute despite it being a dreadful attempt? But she'd assume she's really good at it and try it again and again
Chumbley blown the fuck out, now and forever. Never forget.
maybe something like this?
>muh frozen peaches
>next Master
didn't Simm Master kinda fuck that up?
I can't fap to this, though.
Try being less obvious
I can't wait for this new Doctor to be "the best evaaaaar" at everything.
I unironically think he was shit, even though I like Tennant as an actor.
He's like the wacky, post-regeneration Tom Baker in Robot, except it's stretched out for three series of NuWho.
There's gonna be a womans rights episode isn't there? where chibnall writes about how evil white men are. He already did it with tennant in broadchurch were he made Tennant say he was ashamed to be a man because of one rapist.
I can see something like that, or like Clara in Time Heist or Flatline
It looks like pic related.
I wanted missy to be the new doctor. This sucks.
The next Master needs to be an even more drastic regeneration, like they have two heads.
>Honestly thinking he killed Missy for good
They can write in some bullshit gimmick and bring the master (or any other nemesis) back as many times as they want
No. Again, cancelling Who would be like sawing off your foot because you sprained your ankle (or broke a toe). This is not 1989.
Seems like things are finally starting to calm down. The number of individual posters is slowly decreasing.
I think maybe in a thread or two most of the guests from other threads, boards and websites will have gone and we can actually sit down and talk like normal.
The Master has already died for good 3-4 times already.
I hope she got BLACKED or at least being homosexual or transgender. If not I'll be so disappointed at BBC.
are you one of them queers?
We literally saw her outfit in the trailer.
>the last scene in the Moff era will be the Doctor turning into a woman
That you, Nacho? I liked that story.
>implying you can kill the Master
Cyber-Missy incoming