Will DW become feminist bullshit?
Will DW become feminist bullshit?
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it has been for a long time
explains why tumblr loves this show so much
It's been shit since Russell T Davies left.
It's always been shit you autistic manchild
Doctor Who is one of the few popular TV shows with a large majority of female fans. Supernatural is another one. Putting a female lead to anchor the show and supporting her with a bishie male companion that serves as bait for lewd fantasies is a winning formula all around. Hell, tumblr is blowing up about a new gay woman companion to make a lesbian relationship.
I think I'll pick this show back up again when Moffat leaves, out of hope that it can recapture its former glory.
That's honestly my only fear. I don't want to watch a whole season of male aliens saying dumb shit like, "on my planet women obey men."
No but it will become wankino
>13th Doctor
wait a minute, thought time lords have 12 regenerations, or did that get retconned
this is actually the doctor's 14th incarnation, didn't you know?
>go back in time
>half of Britan is black indian and africian
>they're all Lords and Ladies
>all the women are sassy feminist icons who don't let no man tell them what to do
The show is literally propaganda you stupid fuck, they're trying to rewrite history to trick all the hicks living in England into believing that their have always been muslims throwing acid at them
>genderbending is now feminist
I expected nothing less of Sup Forums
in one of the xmas specials the time lords donated the energy to the doctor or something
Why isn't she a black female? Are white feminists racist? We keep hearing that white males are dominating the media. But in "whites males", there is "male" and there is "white". If we want diversity, then why keep the white part?? That's where you catch the hypocrisy of the white feminist movement.
Don't act like this is a new thing that they pulled out of their asses, guys. Time Lords can change gender between regens, it was flatout stated in the episode "The Doctors Wife"
inb4 nuWho doesn't count
It's a meme you dip.
I can't imagine anyone is actually mad about this.
>implying there was bo agenda behind this
check facebook and twitter. lots of dumbasses losing their shit over it.
i really liked her in broadchurch. would be pretty hype for this if i was into terrible shit like doctor who
what are you on, all the black people in that lake ep were hobos and when bill tagged alongside the doctor to one of the important people he assumed she was his slave. That's pretty accurate.
>4 butthurt alt-right threads at once
And you guys say the left are the crybaby snowflakes.
>check facebook and twitter
God no. Why would I ever.
Moffatt isn't doing the girl doctor season
I came her to post this. The sad part is that if they did this back in 2011 it would have been fine, since it was a running joke in the show, but now with the way things are going it's just turbo pandering.
I like Moffat but I'm just glad he's gone, imagine her being written by Moffat, quips galore. She'd be another River/Tasha Lem/Missy
I know Chibnall's doctor who episodes aren't amazing, but he did mostly good stuff with Broadchurch and Jodie's a fantastic actress, I think it'll be good.
>"Whittaker, 35, said it was "overwhelming, as a feminist" to become the next Doctor. "
what do you think?
Doctor Who fandom killed the show. Those people are fucking cancer.
A female doctor would be fine if the show did have a bunch of autists for a fanbase.
It went to shit since Ecclestone left and Moffat took over
7. What do you want to tell the fans?
I want to tell the fans not to be scared by my gender. Because this is a really exciting time, and Doctor Who represents everything that’s exciting about change. The fans have lived through so many changes, and this is only a new, different one, not a fearful one.
Remember when Doctor Who was about an alien scientist stopping the monster of the week from conquering Earth/The Universe using technical knowhow and sharp wits?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
And they heavy-handidly taught us a lesson by having the Doctor punch him.
I'm not about to stop watching the show over it, but it's pretty in your face about shit like this.
It's been established that more regenerations can happen since the classic era.
>they're trying to rewrite history
You mean like how they tell us that there as a giant alien living beneath the thames that was the real reason for the little ice age? My god, we really need to be vigilant with this subtle rewriting of history going on!
Pro-tip: None of the Doctor Who writers treat the show's earth history as our history and unless they're braindead the average viewer(even kids) doesn't take it to be factual history, because it's fucking filled with aliens in every nook and cranny.
>they made the doctor transgender
Actors gonna actor and feed interviewers good lines.
Everything on the Big Black Cock network is propaganda. Dr Who has always been about rewriting history to make it SJW friendly.
I'm expecting some transgender bathroom jokes as soon as Nurse Who kicks off.
kek. it's so feminist already a female doctor barely makes a difference. just goes to show the people getting worked up over it haven't been watching, or don't understand politics unless they're literally beaten over the head with it
never thought there'd be a day where i had to drop Dr. Who.
>I came on her
user, the Doctor is not for sexual.
Same. I liked that show.
See you next series
Now she is.
Don't they dub this in Germany?
Is she going to be 'die Doktorin' there?
WHat a footslut !
My body is ready.tiff
Jesus Christ she is ugly.
Anyways Wtf is DW?
The Doctor is cute.
in the trumpian era we needed a new time lord and now we have one and it's just...
I've got some newsflash for you you fucking white male: modern western society as a whole is what you would call "feminist bullshit". Media only reflects it. You won't escape it so maybe, just maybe try to entertain the oh-so-painful prospect of having basic respect and decency to people regardless of gender or race, and not being a huge hateful douche. I know it's so unbearable but I'm sure you can do it, champ.
I'm glad I dropped the show years ago
It'll make the blast three seasons look like a Stepford Wife training video.
Fangirls have gotten to schlick over several doctors now. Don't ruin the hot doctorette for me by making this about social justice.
Why do they have to pick people who are so fucking ugly?
Literally everyone in this serious looks and is dressed hideous. I don't want to see these Chernobyl looking cunts for more than a second, get them off TV for fucks sake.
Best angle. Say she's the best doctor because now we can masturbate to her nudes.
Ruin this for them.
>Will DW become feminist bullshit?
It doesn't matter, because shes going to get lewded to hell and back. There is going to be art of her getting gangbanged by Cyberman and Daleks. They're going to make videogames. Her in-game model will be ported to SFM and then we'll get her getting railed by dogs. We'll get her in the middle of a circle jerk by past doctors.
They have no idea what they've done.
Would agree with you here
British TV.
Also fuck you, it pushes my 'housewife next door' button.
not your army
I think that's kinda meant to be an artificial limit put in place by the time lords to prevent immortality, but we've seen the master exceed it previously, just became a weird skeleton thing for a bit, they didn't explain the donation thing very well
In The Time of the Doctor, the Time Lords give the Doctor a totally new set of regenerations so that he can save them.
>someone greentexting >MUH AGENDA ALTRITE SNOWFLAKE BABBIES while posting a facebook "when u" nonsensical cat meme
I didn't get it on FB, calm down. But if it makes you upset, then sure. I did.
Welp, Doctor Who is gonna be all about gender now I guess.
>The nurse is in, the doctor will be here soon?
> Next regeneration LOL
>oh hey I used to get paid a lot more for this..
>ugh.. do this one without me... I have cramps
Well I guess we'll see. I can give her a chance.
>I think I'll pick this show back up again when Moffat leaves
I got some bad news for you buddy.
I'll take that bet.
My guess is they're going to go balls to the wall to make her FIERCE. There are male predecessors she needs to be more than a match for.
I don't think the female doctor is going to be particularly feminine.
Female James bond as the next bond? They're looking for a new bond after Craig right?
>evolutionary viable
Lol. Regeneration is space magic, not a racial trait. It requires time lord education, training and ritual.
The Dcotr is basically a tranny now
>Same character for 40+ years
I fucking hate the BBC and this feminist shit. Why does the Doctor need to be a woman?
>user, the Doctor is not for sexual.
You have clearly never met female Doctor Who fans.
>regenerates into a female the first time ever in over 60 years
>this is Feminist and I can't emotionally handle this in my fantasy space adventure about a time travelling immortal alien.
Literally why does it matter to you so much that she is a woman this one time? Ever consider that the complaint is just silly?
>tumblr the show
>will it become feminist bullshit
lol wut
Because the character is male, and always has been. It makes no fucking sense that he suddenly becomes a female. This shit is just propaganda because the BBC loves forcing progressive shit into it's shows.
And literally why are you so excited that it's a female now? Need a strong role model or some shit?
Oh, so you don't have a real argument besides "MUH PROPAGANDA REEE"? Gotcha. I had a feeling you couldn't actually articulate why.
It's not a big deal, mate. You aren't even complaining about the quality of the show, since the new series hasn't come out with her. You are only complaining about the Doctor being a woman now. I want you to understand that it makes you look spergy.
>BBC pushes SJW shit into everything
>genderbend Doctor Who and force a shit woman Doctor on everyone
>ratings plummet as the mostly male fanbase stops watching
>BBC tries to shame fans into watching again
>next doctor will be paralyzed muslim lesbian transgender panda-kin
>series gets cancelled because of "MUH SOGGY KNEES"
>quietly wait 5 years
>reboot series again with white male lead
>best ratings ever
>it makes no sense that a regenerating alien could regenerate into a female.
Lol but why?
>That's pretty accurate
No it wasn't. There were no slaves in England and it was even declared unlawful there when a foreign slave owner tried to get an escpaed slave back and was told to fuck off. Bringing up slavery in an ep set in 19th century London was lazy agenda driven liberal faggotry.
Is "TIME LORD NOT TIME LADY REE" the new "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve"?
>when a crossposting Sup Forumsbaby desperately tries to fit in with their shitposts
Does it get tiresome to complain about da liberal agenda? Do you find time in your schedule to talk about it daily? Reserve space in your brain for constant outrage?
It gets tiresome having everything be liberal propaganda.
That's why people complain.
because they should regenerate into otherkin furry muslim feminist tranny. that's simple
Or maybe, bear with me now, maybe the problem is you..? And not your entire universe? Maybe you have shit opinions?
Aren't there various species of fish and amphibians that can change their gender in order to equalise breeding/population cycles though?
>being this much of an autistic keyboard warrior.
What is your personal life even like, man?
I wish they would do that just so I can watch you faggots cry about it for months.
>since Ecclestone left
>Moffat took over
>two events literally 5 years apart.
do you guys actually watch the show?
No you're probably right, it's everyone else around you in this dysropian liberal agenda-run universe out to get you. Make a stand! #notmydoctor amirite? You better show those libruh slavers what for!
Not if you consider that one episode where he literally regenerated each day for billions of years.
I'm pretty sure the problem is you and your kind.