the only people that think this is funny are redditarians who think rick and morty and community are good shows
The only people that think this is funny are redditarians who think rick and morty and community are good shows
t. reddit
which lines made you laugh user?
I'm guessing some autistic fucktard just recently watched this movie and that's why there have been non-stop dr strangelove threads being spammed all week? Is someone trying to turn this kno a meme? I'm just gonna assume that these threads will be spammed for the next 6 months?
>which lines made you laugh user?
>comedy is about punchlines.
lel pleb
Oh I see the autist finally changed the pic and the OP text, but you blew your cover with this post that you posted in all the previous threads also Try again, or stop posting alltogether because it's embarassing
just answer the question you autist. what about this film do you find so funny?
ok brah mr satire of war is le funny man xD
what the fuck are you talking about. explain to me why you think this movie is funny and i'll fuck off
>The only way for something to be funny is for it to have quips
Jesus fucking Christ Marvel has ruined kino
"but he'll see the big board!"
Kill yourselves, reddit faggots
>moving the goal post when he doesn't have an answer
its simple user. if this film is as funny and kino as you say it is, explain what about it you find funny. otherwise i win this argument
The general acting all crazy and creepy with peter sellers was hilarious. The german scientist was funny.
i know user its one of my favorite movies im just shitposting
Dad joke humor
If you don't appreciate good films then fair enough just don't shove your opinion down our throats.
haha ze funny german scientist xD
le ebin acting from ebin sellers xD
Good movie, but very overrated and overly talked about. It's memorable and well written, but it's hard to watch multiple times and even though I think it's good I honestly don't think it's as good as people try to say it is.
Considering the time period when this film came to be, makes it even better.
I mean, only six years after the Cuban Missile Crisis this gem pops up.
It's overrated, for sure, but to deny it's inherent satirical/humouristic value is a bit too much.
>everything out of Major Kongs mouth
>everything out of General Turgidsons mouth
>everything out of Commander Rippers mouth
What's the problem? Are you a sociopath?
It's the ghost of Peter O'Toole.
>Using le, even ironicly
Get the fuck out nigger.
This guy gets it
I watched Dr. Strangelove because of MGS Peace Walker and I loved it. Kojima has good taste. His bio said "my life is 80% movies" or whatever the fuck.
Now (I say now, cause I don't come here often) this movie is a >le reddit meme.
What in the actual fuck are you trying to say?
Obviously this, this film is one of the great cinematic comedies honestly
Never seen it. It doesn't have a cult status in Russia. Isn't it just a propaganda to make people fear their own shadow? Please, don't be mad at me if I'm mistaken, it's just my overall impression from American political movies of that time.
Dr. Strangelove is fucking awful, nothing about it is even slightly funny.
Watch Anchorman or the 40 year old virgin, look at TRUE comedy genius in the shape of Will Ferrell and Steve Carrell and then re-watch Dr. Strangelove and you'll see just how terrible it is.
I laughed extremely hard when Steven started speaking gobbledeegook on air on Bruce Almighty. All Strangelove has to offer is "you can't fight in the war room"... honestly, it's shit.
imagine being this miserable and only liking movies with regard quips
Please stop trying to force this meme. The film really deserves better than that. Go pick out a worse one, like whatever your favorite is.