Nazi Punks, Fuck Off!!
Nazi Punks, Fuck Off!!
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based nazi-haters
Why did they think this was a good idea?
I love this movie but holy shit was that a stupid idea to do that song at that venue. Who in their right mind would sing 'Nazi punks, fuck off' in front of a bunch of obvious Skinheads?
It's like singing "nigger hatin me" at a hip hop show.
Yeah I really don't understand this, just a terrible idea
not like that's what got them in trouble though
um, because they're punk rockers?
they had balls like any good punk band
They're communists, they don't think.
It is the most punk move to do in a situation like that. Real punks would understand.
edgy retards with a sheltered life
I know but it's stupid to do. They're a bunch of no-bodies at a show full of skin heads in the middle of the woods. The song could have really been the scenario on what got them in trouble, not the murder. It's just shitty writing to have them sing that song.
>real punks
LMAO you're a fucking faggot dude
>spend so much effort making the thing look like they trespassed
seriously, why?
they're in the middle of nowhere, and have access to private property where they can burn and bury whatever they need to
What's the matter Nazi? Scared to know that real punks are on your board and aren't afraid of you?
...And then they all died except for the guy that wasn't Jewish. The end.
they weren't communists you down syndrome fuck
I stopped watching it right there.
Nazi Skins beat up punks even if they wear a badge with crossed Swastiska, playing Nazi Punks Fuck Off in the middle of nazi oi punk fest would mean you get dragged off the stage and beaten up 2 seconds after the song starts playing.
Maybe sharter skins are different tho, you never know.
ITT numales afraid of skinheads
How is it remotely surprising that a band playing a genre of music based around provocation would try and provoke people in the crowd? I know "it's not logical" or whatever but if you've ever been involved with this music, people do plenty of stupid shit that ends up getting things derailed with fights and arguments.
Yeah, real controversial stuff to reject neo-nazis. Shaking the status quo by its foundations.
yeah rejecting them in a room full of neo-nazis, it really doesn't take any balls at all eh. Just like being racist on stage at a rap concert
Go to your nearest skinhead meeting and see what happens if you yell "NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF". It would take balls to fuck with a bunch of skinheads whether people disliking nazis hurts your feelings or not.
Maybe your version didnt have the subtitles for people with autism, so i'll spell it out for you. The bar they were in was a nazi bar, and by playing that song they were shitting on the nazis and the very establishment they were performing in at that moment. Thats why user said they had balls :^)
this wasn't what got them in trouble. the Nazi crowd actually liked the bands performance
they only got into shit when they decided to snitch and call the cops
Have you retards ever been to Sup Forums? They're not gonna beat up someone for disagreeing with their views.
You're a special kind of stupid if you think only storm weenies go on Sup Forums.
Wow. So brave. So brave to pick on nazis. Why don't they pick on somebody who can fight back for once?
>I don't get beat up on an anonymous message board
>extrapolating this to a room full of drinking neo-nazis
I know you're shitposting, but Sup Forums really is full of pussies and keyboard warriors. actual nazi skins are bad people to pick fights with.
The Nazis were throwing shit at them for the entire song. They clearly hated it.
There's LITERALLY no difference between the two. Stop trying to normalize neo-nazis.
How the fuck would I get beat up online?
They're not gonna risk making themselves look even worse by beating up a fellow white guy
Fellow white guys can be considered "race traitors", user. Please be safe. Me and user don't want you going and hanging out with the wrong crowd.
What? Pfft. Even if I'm some race traitor, they still won't kill me, user and user.
His teeth look immaculate. Funny how even disgusting drug addicted vegan disheveled liberals still look like a toothpaste commercial.
it's called bants
>b-but why are you guys so m-mean to me ;_;
You know, you kinda sound like a weak, jewish cultural marxist right now, user. I'm doing an IP trace on you. Stay where you are.
but at the same time...
>I oppose this
Makes you a Nazi these days.
Backtracing you
>punks acting like punks is bad writing
Doxxing both of you and raping your little sisters
No, they just gonna vote for and donate to people who can hire goons to beat up people for disagreeing with them. Or not being white for for them.
You have no reading comprehension.
>vote for and donate to
Guilt by association, I see.
Not an argument.
Nazis belong only one place in the world.
As ashes or buried in Europe.
Joke's on you, sucker, I've already raped my little sister.
While it wasn't what got them in trouble in itself, if they came across as neo-nazis or sympathetic to them, the nazis probably wouldn't try to kill them to eliminate witnesses. Because they were clearly anti-nazis, the nazis figured they couldn't be trusted not to rat them out to the cops
How is a board full of twinky latinos in any way as comparable to a bar full of skinheads?
Yet most of them are obvious pussies. You can't act tough in front of 200+ possible neo-Nazi then act like a bitch when things get really rough.
That was part of their character, however; they were posturing as a hardcore punk band but were really kinda poseurs whose favourite songs were like soft 70s rock
>mfw grew up in the Glorious Southwestern Deserts
>mfw with the local neo-nazis would march into your local punk rock show Seig Heiling and doing bong rips with the Mexicans
You guys will never see tolerance like I have
>(((punk rock)))
What movie is this?
Blue Area
Jello Biafra is a faggot cuck
I can't find anything about a movie with that name except for the 60s
Holy fuck virgins, song was meant to make them mad
green room
inb4 spoon feeding
You'd have to be an ignorant child to think nazis were the bad guys at this point.
Anyone who thinks Jello Biafra is respectable is an idiot.
>tfw no qt patootsie nazi gf
How would it have affected the film if they had played this song instead?
Also, is this the modern Dead Kennedys?
either this is bait or you're adorably naive
Are you a socialist faggot?
>Slavic people being pro-Nazi
The crowd didn't seem that violent though. Might not have been the first time an out of town band had reacted poorly onstage to them being Nazis, so they might be used to it. That, or they knew how Darcy would react.
The movie made the point of stressing that their bodies had to be found several times. Presumably because there would be an investigation into their disappearance which could result in the discovery of Darcy's heroin manufacturing.
>responding with memes
>not bad
>Scared to know that real punks are on your board and aren't afraid of you?
I'm sure you're super intimidating HAHAHAHA
>if I type "HA" a lot I might seem genuinely amused!
To be honest, Naziism is not compatible with Punk Rock in the first place.
>oh no, I got laughed at online for pretending to be a tough guy
>b-better play it off so I don't get actually insulted
Why do you keep supporting failed ideologies on an anime imageboard? What's the point?
Sup Forums is 99%+ paranoid schizophrenics and clinical retards, there's really no point in asking why they think what they think. Might as well psychoanalyze your dog according to human standards.
How dumb could you be?
>cops investigate
>go to Darcy
>"did you see these kids"
operating a known neonazi bar is a bigger cause for investigation than some missing band which they can just burn somewhere far away from the bar
lmao, you probably think people who voted for Trump are nazis
Some Neo-Nazis groups will actually kill you y'know
They'd go to the bar and ask around. Someone in the crowd could verify they were there. There were cell phone recordings anyway.
Cops could've gotten a warrant to search the place if that was the last place they'd been seen and them and their vehicle were nowhere to be found. It's a sketchy place, it wouldn't be a stretch to think killings had happened there after an out of town band came in and riled up the place.
>holds Nazi beliefs
>uses Nazi insignia, slogans
>not a Nazi
No, don't think there ever will be either.
Dead Kennedys took the piss out of both sides, despite obviously being left-wing. Can't imagine a band like this doing a song taking the piss out of Bernie
>Real punks would understand.
How embarrassing.
>type ha a lot
>suddenly correct now
Do you really think this is how this works?
uhhh wat film is this
lol shut up pussy, wearing all black and listening to shitheads yell about social justice over distorted guitar isn't punk
Honestly, I was just pissed this went nowhere. I know the main plot of the film kicks in just 5 minutes after but it set up the tension quite well during it's performance and then nothing after.
They go off, go to get paid and start to leave
>Dead Kennedys took the piss out of both sides
Name 1 (one) song they did where they took the piss out of the left
>Taking helicopter ride and PoC roleplaying as Nazis seriously
ya took the bait
Are you on about Trump supporters??
You're a complete fool if you think the majority of them are Nazi's and even comparable to the kind in this film haha.
>Joke's on you, we were only pretending to threaten murder
How punk is this on a scale of 1-10 punk user?