After finding out the new Doctor Who is a woman, apparently the Master is now a woman as well?
Won't be watching it now..
After finding out the new Doctor Who is a woman, apparently the Master is now a woman as well?
Won't be watching it now..
I feel like anyone who watches Dr. Who is already a nutless self-hating nu-male, so I don't really see who'd be upset by this
You will never have sex
>No doctor who general
I guess the user is too distraught with the news to post a general.
Anyway all I wanted to say is this:
>Turning a male character into a woman
Yeah no this doesn't work. I missed season 8 so I have no idea why the Master became a woman but I don't care. The doctor however is male because he has always been male and if they wanted more females in the show then get more females. How hard is it to make strong female companions or other characters who guide the doctor?
I cannot wait for my friend to find out about this cos he told me the other day he is ditching the show if the doctor was a woman
Time for me to rewatch the first Doctor episodes because those are masterpieces
So The Doctor will change her name to "The Nurse" now?
I think the master was a female last season or something.
So is the doctor gay now? Does he still like girls? Or does it make her gay if she likes boys? Is River Song and Rose Tyler sexist if they don't go down on her snatch?
New Doctor Reveal
My hetero white male identity is literally threatened
Haven't watched this for years but it sounds like it went to shit before this, OPs pic being a good example. Looks like a show on its last legs and writers trying to come up with shitty gimmicks and ideas before it sinks for good. Moffat especially is a hack, lots of style and promise but no payoff, just look at the shitshow Sherlock has become.
According to Dr. Who logic, every time a Time Lord regenerates it's basically a coinflip wether "he" regenerates as a man or woman.
According to the law of propability it was about damn time he turned into a woman!
>Won't be watching it now..
You apparently haven't watched it in four years so what you should have said was "I will continue to not watch it." In which case who the fuck cares? Solid thread OP.
>According to Dr. Who logic, every time a Time Lord regenerates it's basically a coinflip wether "he" regenerates as a man or woman.
This is wrong. Time Lords can control their regeneration, The Doctor is just a shitty Time Lord and never learned how to do it, which is why he also goes bug fuck every time he changes.
>According to the law of propability it was about damn time
Well if this is not true, try flipping a coin face up 13 times in a row.
>inb4 he fucks a black guy and says some dumb shit like "I should do this more often!"
That isn't a comparable scenario at all. The fallacy is thinking that because you get heads several times in a row that you're somehow more likely to get tails now when in reality the chance is always 50% on each flip. You made the same mistake by saying the chance is a "coinflip" for male or female regeneration and claiming the "law of probability" somehow held that he was more likely to get a female regeneration now. If the chance is 50% it doesn't matter how many times you get one result instead of the other, your next result will still be a 50% chance.
Just wait to see the new Doctor's companion, strong black man in control dominant. Too predictable and will destroy the story line forcing all this diversity and nonsense. BORING.
Oh no. Oh no no no
>dominant black guy companion, Doctor walks out of the Tardis a little funny, but with a smile of satisfaction on face, dominant alpha male walks out behind Doctor all smiles like he emptied all his reserves in Doctor
Take a deck of 50 cards. There are only 2 types of cards. One with the number 1 on them and one with the number 2 on them. 25 each.
Now shuffle the deck.
According to your logic the chance of drawing 25 cards with the number 1 on them is = 50%... yea right.
can't tell if brainlet or bait
25 cards in a row, I mean.
>All these salty people in the FaceBook reveal comments
Why does it matter? If it's good science fiction and is written well I couldn't care less. I love this show and I'm excited to see where it goes.
She was good in Black Mirror.
That's wouldn't be statistically independent you retard. Each card in your new example would affect the probability of the next card because you'd be changing the population of possible results by decreasing the number of cards left. I don't know why you're failing to understand this so badly. It would be unlikely you'd get 12 coinflips in a row landing heads. That says absolutely nothing about how likely it would be that the 13th coinflip would land heads. The chance of each coinflip landing heads is 50%. The universe doesn't remember there were 12 coinflips landing heads in the past and balance that out by giving you a greater than 50% chance of tails on the 13th coinflip. That's not how reality works.
But each individual card you pull is a 50% chance.
So even after the 13th time it would still be a 50% chance...
No, there's a difference between dependent and independent statistics. You card example would only be the same as the coin example if your deck had an infinite number of cards. Getting heads on a coinflip doesn't remove any possibilities from your next coinflip. Getting one particular card in a limited deck of 50 cards like in your example would remove one possible card from your next pull.
It would be unlikely you'd get 12 coinflips in a row landing heads in the first place. That doesn't make the 13th coinflip landing tails a greater than 50% chance. A preceding independent series of one result happening more likely than normal doesn't make the chance of the next time happening the other way more likely. You can get a few heads in a row on coinflips, that's not impossible, and it won't make either heads or tails more likely on your next flip because the coinflips are statistically independent. The coin isn't remembering how often it landed heads in the past.
Is that the woman from Green Wing?
Pretty much this. It's probably the last season.
look up the definitions of doctor and nurse before saying retarded things
>If it's good science fiction and is written well
It won't be.
The Master became a woman years ago
Isn't half the fanbase for this show teen girls who want the Doctor to fuck them with his British cheek bones?
>If it's good science fiction and is written well
I take it you haven't seen the last 5 seasons?
I haven't seen any Capaldi episode. Was he good?
Yeah, so even the female fans will probably hate this.
Stories were meh, he was great (as he progressed)
It's been established that a Time Lord changing sex is rare, and usually reverts back afterwards.
This is the first female Doctor, and it will also be the last (and not just because it will be cancelled before she has a chance to quit.
As a high school math teacher, this makes me incredibly sad...
They never should have made Doctor romantically interested in anyone.
There is nothing wrong with making a woman timelord, but now show is being put into an icky situation and a majority of fans would be... upset if Doctor suddenly became gay.
The Doctor is asexual and should remain this way.
The next Doctor will be black.
I would rather have a black man than a white woman.
Same goes for presidents
People are complaining the new Doctor isn't black. There's no satisfying these people.
It was always a show for weirdos. Its just they were scifi weirdos until nu-who. Now its for soyed out chinless fags who dress up in dead mens clothes they got from a charity store. Not to mention the legions of early pubescent nerd gurls who schlick it to goofy Brits. I doubt it will effect their viewership. May (continue to) alienate people who might otherwise watch it. If they can slog through that episode where we got "Jesus was black","history is a whitewash" and they kept a straight face while Georgian England was 50% black a memespouting harpy isn't gonna be their final straw.
because a black doctor would have been way better and far less jarring? Imagine the fun as he experiences history as a black person, it was already referenced before with Bill. Now we're just gonna get "le quirky trans" vibes, awful just awful
>Time for me to rewatch the first Doctor episodes because those are masterpieces
The absolute state of Doctor Who criticism
Will she have a male companion or will it be two girls travelling about? Won't that make some of the more historical situations more difficult?
When women were treated differently?
Retards! Chance of choosing male 13 times in a row is: 1/8192. It's extremely unlikely. It's much more likely that the doctor would be female this time.
Just watch it. It might be good but will probably be about how men are shit and women are great instead of about characters.
I'm not going to rest until the Doctor is played by a pair of gender-fluid, mixed race conjoined twins.
The master has been a girl for 3 straight seasons, and if you haven't caught an episode with her, she's actually the best master hands down.
With the amount of hamfisted 'progressive' references they threw into the latest season, this should not be the least bit surprising
Dr Gender Studies
>When women were treated differently?
This is something that I feel needs to be addressed.
One of the big reasons a Male, White doctor worked was because they could travel to literally any time in the past and be OK. He can always explain his companion away in one way or another. But changing her to a female changes a LOT of how an average person would interact with her up until what, like the 1960s?
Technically, it'd be 1 in 16,384 if you count the War Doctor.
But, let's say that Gallifrey is equivalent to Earth and that there's 7 billion Time Lords/Ladies alive at the time of the Doctor's birth. If they all live to at least their 14th generation that means that at this time there's ~430,000 Time Lords who have only lived as one gender.
didnt she die after the PE teacher was turned into a cyberman. i watched a bunch of seasons episode by episode backwards in order just so i could post in the comment section on the site that was streaming episodes about shit that happens from the episode after that constantly with spoilers... take that time lords
I don't think you got the joke...
>Doctors are boys
>Nurses are girls
Get it, now? It's top kek!
it is just as probable as flipping 9 heads and then a tails
retard! chance of choosing male 12 times in a row and then female is: 1/8192. It's extremely unlikely!
because the 1960s is the best era when you can explore literally all of space and time.
Unlikely =/= impossible! And in a show where the impossible happens basically every episode, saying something is impossible is a stupid argument.
Unlikely =/= impossible! And in a show where the impossible happens basically every episode, saying something is impossible is a stupid argument.
>watching Moffat-era Who
literally why
w h y
Yeah, I honestly think the fanbase has no idea how close the show is to be cancelled.
The fact the budget's gotten bigger and bigger and the show keeps looking glossier is hiding the fact it's completely tanking. Seriously, viewers are well down, Merch sales went from globally massive to dwindling amounts and ratings of the show have plummeted too.
I'm honestly unsure about whether the beeb will continue it after 2020, when the contract for it runs out.
The female Doctor thing is a last ditch attempt to conjure up some interest before it finally goes for another 5 year hiatus or longer
Actually the chance of 12 male and 1 female is ~1/630. Much higher than 1/8000
How much do viewers mean though when you are funded by the television license?
The chance of the first 13 Doctors (including War) being Male was 1/8192. We're already at that point so it's irrelevant, the chance of the next Doctor being female was always 1/2
Welp, I was really hoping for pic related. Maybe next season.
not what i said. quite sad that you know less about probability than most 15 year olds
Where did you go to school? They should close it down.
I feel like he's too big for Dr Who.
Yeah, fuck this fag dyke male hating piece of shit show. Davies, the literal fag wasn't as much of a balls less cuck as Moffat is. Moffat probably has his wife's remote dildo up his ass. Fuck this show and fuck the BBC.
Fuck Doctor Who. After Tennant it all went to shit anyway.
This is why I hate the cultural marxist agents that's ruining entertainment. If i could kill them all I gladly would. And these fuckers are audacious enough to call this show, children's programming. Killing them all is the only way.
Davies the literal fag wrote some great Who. when He was in control of it Moffat curbed some of that cultural marxist bullshit. Davies the fag left and Moffat wrote out right fag material. I hate Moffat.
No, the concept of cross gender regens was never even discussed in the original run and it was only joked about in stuff like the Red nose day special.
The first time was Master into Missy, purely because of Moffat's shitty need to have the protagonist have sexual tension with the antagonist instead of writing a compelling villain because it's easier and it paid off in Sherlock.
He couldn't do it in Who since the character have about 50 years history, instead of Sherlock's "Re-imagining", so he just wrote an entirely new character who was female instead, even going as far as to change her name, so he could shoehorn in his "usual motifs" instead of actually trying with his writing.
Maybe, but he's just as tall as Baker and Pertwee.
absolutely loving all the right wing snowflakes getting triggered by this desu youtube comments are gold
She's actually a great Master.
>we want strong iconic female characters
>but they're not strong enough to stand on their own so instead they'll just ride the coattails of existing male characters
What did feminists mean by this?
It means everything if not more. The BBC can't spend huge amounts of the public's money on shit no one wants, it goes against its obligations as a public service that are legally bound by the BBC Charter.
about time, i'm mean, it was starting to become ridiculous that the doctor never became a woman once.
too bad the writing will still be awful and sjw level.
man, all the old guard ips are just in complete ruins to me, star wars, star trek, who, spider-man, the dc heros, marvel comics, disney movies, pixar movies.
western TV is the only last place for not shit writing and stories.
>ridiculous that the doctor never became a woman once
>complains about awful sjw writing
You're all kinds of confused, aren't you?
>your going to live long enough to see the Doctor get blacked
Just fuck my show up
Ehhhh, I suppose they have some breathing room but even still, you can't justify your flagship series, which is taking up your prime weekly spot on your main channel, completely struggle to stay afloat.
In fact this user is probably right, it's more of a burden if anything.
as i understand it, its random and the doctor could always be regen'd into a female form.
so, law of averages says that should have happened by now.
i would have prefered rupert grint my self.
Women can be Doctors too.
They'll attribute it to being influenced by Missy, like they did by referencing the Pompeii episode to explain Capaldi
so...we're going to get a male companion next right? i am sorry, a woman dr, a woman lesbian companion, and a female master...i could watch that if its good but it would need to be very good because it just feels alienating to me as a guy, sorry, just how i feel.
The Master never stays dead.
Kek. Woman ruin everything they come in contact with.
I've never seen a fan base so salty. Reminder that you will still watch it because you have nothing else.
Yea just like all those new movies with a diverse class. This is going to fail and its going to be hilarious.
Should have been done in the 80s to get it over with, so this would make less of an impact. But now that we're here, this is only the beginning. Quite certain that a negro Doctor will come forth afterwards, a ginger inbetween, an old woman as the Master before the Doctor does as well. Transsexuals likely never, thankfully.
None of this matters, the writing will remain shitty. However, it is forced. Pandering. A decision made not because of good ideas, but to further your agenda. And this is just a gender. It should not influence the writing whatsoever, but it will. Because, nowadays, more than ever before, everything has to be political because you're brainless and can't think of anything else. Because you don't know how to actually help people.
it's just boring.
thankfully, I don't really watch this show very much. It always has had really awful writing