This is going to bomb and studios will slowly stop with sjw pandering shit

This is going to bomb and studios will slowly stop with sjw pandering shit

lmao, it's going to break 1 bi and tons of WE WUZ filmes starring black males with white women love interests will show up in the next coming years

12-13% of Americans are black.

A large percentage of negroid latinos will watch this.
A larger percentage of white manchildren will watch this.

I'd say 30 million box office and 300 million global final.

If Africa had more workers and movie theatres, this could easily make a billion.

But user this will actually happen

literally no one in the uk will see this

>12-13% of Americans are black.
And only like 0.1% of them like superheroes

oh no! thats $5 million less in ticket sales from your shitty little country! whatever will Disney do?

All this sjw shit doesn't matter at all

The prime demographic for capeshit is always young adult white males

>watching nigger shit

>W-wonder woman will flop! Females dont like superhero films!

You will be surprised how successful it will be

lol sure bud

That's what we say every time

nice dubs, but this will perform terribly in US not to mention literally anywhere outside where no one wants black male leads, let alone whole casts, not baiting, screenshot this post please.

When will Sup Forums stop making predictions? You're never right.

Not because of females tought

Red Tails all over again. Nobody fucking cares.

glad you agree
>implying ghostbusters didnt bomb

literally this

I think he means Black Spics but they're already part of the aforementioned 13%. That's one reason why Hispanic is a modifier and not a race on forms nowadays.

>This is going to be a blockbuster and (((studios))) will still pander to the changing American demographic while fat burger-loving cucks will continue to not have children and blame MUH SJWs

I can't wait to see white minds explode after seeing what africa would've looked like if they didn't oppress the entire continent. This movie is our moment and it will be the most popular movie ever.

Maybe will be big in Brazil? Their box office for Wonder Woman was fucking huge, 31 millions only losing to US and China, they gave way more money than UK

The Return of the Kang

redtails was a serious drama by george lucas
this is a litty superhero flick from a respected director

not comparable.

quick question: did you also predict WW would fail?

There is no buzz for this movie. Black people don't pay to go to movies. White virtue signalers that don't care about capeshit won't see it in theaters. Hollywood is going to learn not to pander to black people in a white majority country. Moonlight had the gay card to draw in the limp wrists but this film has nothing but """"""black excellence'""""".

>marvel movie
>it's going to bomb
>btfo every time

why do you keep doing this to yourself?

No one cares about blacks.

It'll do worse than Spider-Man, probably a bit better than the Thor movies depending how well thor 3 does

China is going to love it!

>w-we could have done w-well if you didnt stop us !


>it's sjw because it stars a black guy

That word has no meaning anymore.

>the most advanced country in the world
>literally 99,9% black
>not sjw




it will do huge in china by connecting with the general anti-western imperialist sentiment that's been festering there for years in the same way that Get Out connected with South Koreans by drawing parallels between anti-black racism in the u. s. and anti-korean racism perpetuated by japanese.

Go ahead and screencap this when the record setting numbers come out.

>blame minorities

I don't have to blame them. I can just look up crime statistics and see their inferiority.

Disney is afraid it will bomb that's why they're pairing the new Star Wars trailer with it.

Cap this post

I don't think the movies will bomb as long as they don't change established characters to a woman or black just because. Original characters being given more spotlight will probably succeed more.

>black males with white women
Sigh. Why does Hollywood have to keep pushing this shit? Don't they know that we white males are hungering for black qts just as much as white sluts are hungering for BBC?

you should blame yourself for allowing them to exist and/or have a voice

t. Eastern European

thinking of hanging this on my wall

>blacks paying for anything

It will bomb but white SJWs will probably push it like they usually do with black agendas

>implying moonlight did well

awards dont equal money user

>film takes place in Africa
>oh my god, what's with all these BLACKS?

You guys are so blinded by your obsession with races, the average person going to see it won't give a fuck about that, they'll just go see it because it's a popular superhero film.

it will flop because of the high budget

if it had 50 million, maybe. but it has like 150 mil budget, and that's not good.


wouldn't surprise me 2bh

>300 million global final.
China and India will boycott it because they're hilariously racist.
EU will get some views but we care about French art cinema, not Murrilard """kino""".
Africa is too poor to buy a ticket.

>people wont even notice it guys !

Without the race factor and the whole african culture thing Black Panther is just another Batman Rip off

fucking retard

>China and India will boycott it because they're hilariously racist.
sure, that's why the NBA is bigger in china than anywhere outside the u. s. because they loathe blacks and basketball is the least black sport ever

I just want capeshit to vanish from the face of the earth