What is the best Trilogy ever made?
What is the best Trilogy ever made?
Terminator faggot.
Star wars =lotr>indiana jones
Your meter is shit
Corneto duology
The Godfather
Toy story
The Last Don
>Indiana Jones 2 on same level with 3
the last one was the best faggot
Beverly Hills Cop
>Spiderman 3 THAT low
Why though?
Star wars that high yeah no
Out of those lotr. But for me and roger ebert Harry Potter 1-3 or even 6-8
Ebert's ratings
Philosophers Stone 4/4
Chamber of Secrets 4/4
Prisoner of Azkaban 3.5/5
Fellowship of the Ring 3/4
The Two Towers 3/4
Return of the King 3.5/4
LotR objectively
>Planet of the Apes
Surely thats the old one and not the new one
>Mad Max 1 worse than 3
>Not better than all of them, or at least a lil below 2 for all the pleb opinions
it is, macro was made before new trilogy was a thing
Lord of the Rings, the rest are a joke.
why do people love lotr so much?
>Jaws over LOTR, Matrix and Jurassic Park
10/10 acting
11/10 costumes
10/10 sound track
10/10 story
10/10 editing
10/10 sound design
Return of the Jedi is so overrated.
This desu
Also FotR is objectively better than the two sequels, if only slightly
made by a redditor probably who goes with the most popular meme opinion
The Land Before Time
Galadriel's riverdancing was absolutely supreme
FUCK, i forgot the name to that, i loved that shit
Once Upon A Time Trilogy
The only real trilogy in the original Star Trek movies was 2, 3 & 4
>back to the future 2 not better than 1
Kino for the Planet of the Apes
>people unironically rating JP 3 lower than JP 2.
WW act 1 2 and 3
Back to the future was complete trash.
The first one should have like 1% at most, then the other two at 0%
In all honesty, if you're looking for a trilogy that's consistently great, it's hard to beat Austin Powers.
Lord of the Rings for sure. As someone pointed out last night, the three Heisei Gamera movies are wonderful too (and Gamera the Brave but that was more of a stand alone).
Mythica was great for 5 movies all around, and consistent
>Jaws is better than LOTR
>Jaws is better than JP
>Jaws is better than Back to the Future
KEK. Whoever made this shit should be fucking lynched.
>Star Wars OT
>Dark Knight
>Man with no Name
Unironically this
Fellowship is the best in the series though
3 is shit
they ignore the blatant plotholes like the eagles
>10/10 acting
Fuck you World's End is great
>Indiana Jones
It has 4 movies, idiot.
Some of those are quadrologies, quintilogies, hexologies, etc.
That Indy scale is wrong
Temple is a piece of shit
sorry m8 it's really not
have you seen star wars without nostalgiafagging
it's shit
>lord of the rings is at 85% for each movie
>any superman film being above 50%
>first jurrasic park at 60%
>jaws and empire at 100%
>temple of doom is above a 60%
trash list.
I hate this meme
Fuck off Roger
The common fan idea is that Gandolf was originally planning to meet up with the Eagles on the other side of the mountains, but he had his encounter with the Balrog and didn't get to see it out. He tells them, "Fly, you fools." but the message is lost on the fellowship.
The eagles could not take part until the flying dragon-like things were eliminated. Too far out-classed in the air to have a chance.
1 and 3 should be almost even
invalidates the whole list desu
Jurassic Park 3 was miles better than 2
Never watched and indiana jones movie before, which one should I watch
>star wars that high
>Indie and LOTR worse than Star Wars
>Thunderdome > The Road Warrior
>No Godfather
>No Toy Story
>all that comic shit
I'm so glad the maker of that graphic died of aids.
Pretty sure this was made so long ago it was before Toy Story 3.
This guy I like
Lord Of The Rings.
Not even a competition.
The Lord of the Rings books.
The movies are, of course, garbage for children that the tolkien estate sued New Line Cinema for and won.
You're fucking stupid and confirmed for never having read the books or know what you're talking about.
"Fly, you fools".
Gandalf was meant to take Frodo to Mount Doom via a giant eagles at some point in the journey (the fellowship was only meant to take Frodo as far as they could possibly go together without the help of the eagles) but he was murked off via the Balrog.
Only wizards can summon creatures like that and make them do their bidding, so by the time Gandalf came back, it was too late and Frodo was out of his wizard sight and he couldn't do fuck all about it.
It was only when they were outside the Black Gates that Gandalf knew where Frodo was for sure and he could tell the eagles to go help once the army of Mordor had fucked off from the planes of Mordor.
So tell me what part of the silmarillion says gandalf can "summon" the Eagles of Manwë?
Because you're completely fucking wrong. The eagles belong to the king of the Valar, Manwë. Thorondor is the greatest of those eagles and he has his own personality and will.
The eagles would have been killed by the nazgul. Note how they show up the moment they're cleared off.
If the first movie is the best it is disqualified from the running of "best trilogy"
That's the point dummy, we all know 3 is the best and should be equal to 1.
No it is. I wonder what the fuck people got out of the first two if they genuinely hated the third. I mean it was my least favorite but it was obviously good
What! I thought it was just one movie.
The Human Condition
Lord of the Rings
Evil Dead
Wong Kar-wai's Informal trilogy
Three colors
Star Wars (Jedi sucks but first two or amazing so idk)
Ingmar Bergman's God's Silence trilogy
Wim Wender's Road trilogy
Both of Lars Von Trier's trilogies
Michelangelo Antonioni's trilogy (Don't know what this one is called)
Vengeance trilogy
Noriko trilogy
Dollars trilogy
Did I forget anything?
Ah fuck I just realized
Carpenter's Apocalypse trilogy
MWNN trilogy
Yeah you forgot that you're completely wrong.
LOTR should be declining. The movies slowly become a mess as they progress. 3 is no way nearly as tight as 1.
Last Crusade should be closer to Ark. You could argue it's on par if not better.
Back to the Future 2 should get a higher score just because how they integrated it into the first movie. It's noticeably better then 3.
LotR is the best. There never has been or will be a trilogy as good as that.
aye fuck you man
Back to the future 2 is not a movie. It's a series of randomly connected time travel scenes that end up with a scenario to set up the third movie's plot
>Rocky III that low
>Nolan Batman's that high
lol wut?
>Godfather 2 above 1
>fellowship only 8/10
>rambo that high
>all three indies that low
>die hard 1 not heads and shoulders above the rest
>all Nolan batmans that high
>alien that low
The ONLY thing you got right that goes against popular consensus is Terminator 1 above Terminator 2. That's IT
>Lord of the Rings not better than spiderman