Just watched pic related, it was awesome. Are the sequels worth it ?
Just watched pic related, it was awesome. Are the sequels worth it ?
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No and watch the making of on youtube
Robocop 2 is okay, but don't go into it expecting anything close to the first one.
Robocop 2 is an okay sequel, in an over-the top 90's EXTREEEME kind of way. The rest doesn't exist.
well, okay, there is the TV show that might be enjoyable to some level, but it's best to consider it an AU
don't lie to him
It's better than Robocop 3.
Don't spoil him the best part of Robocop 2.
I one saw RoboCop for sale for £9.99 and the trilogy for £10, I think they got the valuation just right
Only watch the original and this
that is it. No other Robocop media was ever made.
Robocop 2 is worth watching too.
This thing is too much like a fan-movie.
no, go watch Toxic Avenger
It's perfect though, I can't believe how much effort they put into a funny about shooting dicks.
Hahaha, 10/10.
The first one is a game changer.
Everything else since has been shite in comparison.
Not really. 2's alright for a crappy popcorn flick. 3 is awful.
You can watch 2 and discover it's better than the first.
Now, now, I like 2, but no need to go full retard.
I like 2 but you should stop there.
I'll be watching 2, thanks guys
Is Robocop 3 the one with the jetpack or was that in 2? I've only ever rewatched the first one a hundred times and don't really remember the sequels all that well. Just some black kids hacking into ED 209 from which ever sequel that was
jet-pack and kid hacking are from 3. It sound cool said like that, but it all resulted in something terrible.
Starship troopers is better
>be 7 years old
>watch nothing but Balto, Lion King, Airforce One, Robocop and Total Recall
what the fuck do kids watch today given the complete lack of 18 rated films?
Youtube faggots.
hahah yeah, even as child I knew Robocop 3 was terrible , but then I feel partly responsible because i made my parents buy me robocop toys after watching the first film
Robocop 2 is better than nu-plebs make it to be, watch it
Growing up with pewdiepie instead of Arnie... This is a world I want no part in, they don't know how bad they've got it.
>tfw in mid 20s feeling like a fucking pensioner
RoboCop 2 is decent. 3 has flying robot ninjas and seems to have been written by a 12 year old. It's fucking awful.
I've seen more and more people making this argument in the last couple of years. I don't know if they're just retarded or they're trying to be contrarian or what. Like a lot of "Robocop 2 was an overlooked gem" kind of thing.
It's entertaining, but it's an insult to how the first movie ended. He's just Robocop now, and the idea of him finding his humanity or whatever is just totally ditched. The Old Man went from evil but sympathetic to psychopath.
But whatever you think of all that, the fucking kid ruins the movie. Take him out of it and the movie is probably like 30% better.
>watch robocop 3 as a child
>years later only remember jetpacks and kids hacking ED 209 but forget about awful ninjas
the mind truly is a beautiful, protective thing
>but it's an insult to how the first movie ended. He's just Robocop now, and the idea of him finding his humanity or whatever is just totally ditched
All of this is wrong, though. The very reason they are trying to make a new Robocop is precisely because he has come back to being himself and thus can't be controlled the way OCP would like to.
His scene with his wiffe is more about him, while having regained his humanity, also don't want to impose a burden to her. he wan her to move on.
he is definitely more human and a free spirit in 2.
>The Old Man went from evil but sympathetic to psychopath.
The Old man went from being Grey bu still with morality to simpy being a corporate asshole being too wallowed up into hisown vision of Delta City to see he was going into a dad end.
>But whatever you think of all that, the fucking kid ruins the movie
That's in Robocop 3 and yes, it's one of the many things bad with That movie, but that wasn't in the 2. And taking the kid out in 3 still make it awful.
>the other one was upstairs
>she was sweeeeeeeeee uhn uhn uuuhn
why were 90s films so quotable whereas now we just have nothing but shitty marlel quips
He's taking about the boy in RoboCop 2.
>but shitty marlel quips
That's precisel -y what being quotable is about.
The complain about "quipping" is inherently stupid, especially when it come to cape-comics movie, where Quipping is basically part of the comic book DNA.
Oh, this boy? I don't mind, he actually manage to make things bad by being an irredeemable ass hole too. i think someodn't get it, but he isn't meant to be relatable, he is there to represent the absolute destruction of innocence in the current times Robocop has to work in.
Complaining about qiuipping in non-comic book films isn't at all inherently stupid
"Insulting my cunt fucking kids? that's going overboard mate"
"If it bleeds we can kill it" "get to the chopper"
the entirety of the Big Lebowski
"Can you fly Bobby?"
"I've got fiiiiive kids to feed"
none of these are exactly """quips""" but they're still fun quotable dialouge, I don't give a shit what you say in capeshit tbqh
I think you should reread what I am saying, because it sound like you are agreeing with me, only just extending it to movies beyond cape-comics.
>All of this is wrong, though.
He has his mask off for the end of the first movie. He ended the movie by saying his friends called him Murphy. In Robocop 2, he's back to just being a shoot em up robot with no personality. Robocop 2 is made because OCP wants to basically eliminate cops, not because Murphy is a "free spirit."
Maybe you don't remember the movie that well, because there is a fucking annoying kid who is one of the main antagonists for the first half of the movie.
Robocop>Robocop 2>WCW Capital Combat>Remake>Prime Directives>Robocop 3>Cartoon>TV Series
I've never been happier to see a kid get shot to death than in that movie.
I'm going ot be honest I've only got Monday off of work so I'm pretty drunk tonight and only had a quick read of the message so it's entirely probably that I'm just chatting shit without understand who im replying to
>he's back to just being a shoot em up robot with no personality.
This is where you are wrong. He has his personality fully back and it's precisely why OCP want to replace him. He keep fighting crime because he is a cop at heart, not because he is programmed to.
>Robocop 2 is made because OCP wants to basically eliminate cops, not because Murphy is a "free spirit."
It's part of the reason, but they clearly want to replace Murphy too.
>Maybe you don't remember the movie that well, because there is a fucking annoying kid who is one of the main antagonists for the first half of the movie.
I had forgotten him, but he is only ever a second-knife to Cain. And as said there He isn't a bad element to the movie.
Not gonna lie, when I was a kid, that second one scared me, until that guy facepalmed. Then suddenly it was one of the funniest things i ever saw
TV series is better than both the remake and Robocop 3.
Prime Direcitves is a boring fest.
There are several cartoon. I think the first one was passable even though it also had a robodog (cartoon adaptation logic, don't questin the 80's). The second one is a fucking joke where they "upgraded" Robocop by replacing his gun by a goo-gun.
the best bit in the film is when robocop says "ill be back"
are there so many bitches still here?
it is so like how the world is. I find it quite touching
you want the Amiga / Atari ST video game for the real experience
That's not saying much.
Yesterday i watched RoboCop 2
Is ____fun___
They need to leave